Sentences with phrase «of academic skills»

The development of social competence is as much an educational responsibility as is the development of academic skill.
This growing importance of academic skills learned in schools holds not only for graduates who went to college, but also for those who did not.
These two groups of students are nearly identical in terms of academic skills and other characteristics, but differ in the extent to which they were exposed to this new approach to algebra.
Because language acquisition is combined with everything the students do, they actually spend their school day learning the full range of academic skills that one would expect at their given grade level.
What makes a theological school theological is neither the cultivation of academic skills nor the cultivation of practical capacities.
Finally, on top of academic skills, working in industry requires the right kind of attitude towards work, she suggests, namely to be open and willing to learn on the job.
By the time Risk was published in 1983, cognitive psychology had achieved a degree of consensus about the fundamental nature of academic skills.
Tests are designed to align with state proficiency standards, [10] which in many states require a fairly low level of academic skill.
Schools were rated based on the overall share of students who passed the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills tests in reading, writing, and mathematics; attendance and high - school dropout rates were also considered.
BART prepares all students for success in college by promoting the mastery of academic skills through a rigorous, individualized program.
The Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCAs and MTAS) Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCAs) and alternate assessment, Minnesota Test of Academic Skills (MTAS), are the statewide tests that help districts measure student progress toward Minnesota's academic standards and meet the requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).
Bottom Line: CryptoKids is a rare Internet jewel, a site that lets students work on a variety of academic skills while giving teachers a way to offer a reward.
Worksheets are generally used to teach a single or limited set of academic skills through rote practice.
The Academic Assessment — Over the course of this standardized academic achievement test, it becomes clear which types of academic skills are strong and which are weak and, further highlights the corresponding areas of the brain that are affected.
Most surprising for Greaves has been the depth and richness of the conversation among peers and the students» use of academic skills.
This is also a time of structured reflection, analysis, and synthesis of academic skills with TCEC's survival skills.
The acquiring of academic skills, including, notably, a big vocabulary, consists of building efficient mental systems that enable us, despite this very constrained bottleneck, to perform huge feats of analysis and synthesis.
Retail Marketing Resume Objective 2: To be a customer - oriented retail marketing professional with valuable blend of academic skills and management experience combined with noticeable talent.
Most importantly, they noted that the loss of academic skills during the summer slide was cumulative:
Building community, practical application of academic skills, employability skills, and post-high school transitions
The statewide analysis reviewed special education exemptions from the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills in 1999, the first year in which special education students» scores were counted toward schools» ratings.
For example, self - regulatory behaviour has been shown to be a significant predictor of the acquisition of academic skills, including early numeracy.
Global Village was a reform strategy based upon an expanded conception of education that addresses the importance of academic skills and knowledge, as well as the development of the whole child.
Seeking to overcome «senioritis,» the board that oversees the nation's benchmark of academic skills is studying ways to encourage 12th graders to take the tests more seriously, from forming partnerships with corporations to using celebrities in promotional pitches.
Stipek found that children in didactic, content - centered programs generally do better on measures of academic skill than do children in child - centered classrooms, while children in child - centered classrooms worry less about school and have higher expectations for success than children in content - centered classrooms.
President Bush proposes to refocus Head Start on the teaching of academic skills.
While we want students to develop greater self - control and the ability to delay gratification, assisting them in the mastery of academic skills requires that we chop some tasks into smaller chunks and help students overcome procrastination by offering shorter - term rewards.
Although the students are putting in a lot of time on the project, Dzicek said, they are also utilizing a lot of academic skills, such as researching, writing, and using technology — not to mention the social skills they are building.
Foreign Language — Spanish Task Force Myriam Met (chair) Coordinator, foreign languages Division of Academic Skills Montgomery County (Md.) Public Schools
Its method of instructions awakens a natural desire of learning in each of the students and simultaneously equipping them with a sound foundation of academic skills and knowledge.
By seeking to improve both the quality and quantity of family engagement and by providing 21st century tools for students to extend practice of academic skills, the Connected Learning project seeks to address the achievement gap in an innovative, thoughtful and comprehensive way.
As Texas Assessment of Academic Skills scores rose dramatically, the state's NAEP reading results did not change significantly.
These include complex attention, processing speed, certain aspects of academic skills, verbal intellectual ability, verbal problem solving and reasoning, and learning / memory...
Middle school counselors assist their students in their character development, establishing their identity, providing education in understanding one self and others, by teaching coping skills, developing career awareness, and providing support in the form of academic skills learning.
Path analyses demonstrated that maternal expectations were associated with students» perceptions of their academic skills and ability to learn new concepts in math and reading.
However, differential susceptibility effects emerged primarily for teacher reports of academic skills, social competence, and symptomatology.
This information includes the race, ethnicity, and gender of both students and teachers; students» eligibility for a subsidized lunch; and students» performance on the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills (TAAS), a criterion - reference test administered each spring to students in grades 3 through 8.
The development of academic skills in young people starts from an early age, but when is applicable, work - related skillsreally introduced?
BART Charter Public School (BART) prepares students for college by promoting mastery of academic skills and content with a strong foundation in arts and technology.
In other words, children who were given the opportunity to attend TVPK were, on average, harmed by the experience in terms of their academic skills in elementary school.
Since the goal of LSW isn't creating grammatically correct content, the strategy can be used to improve a variety of academic skills.
Co-principal Pat Finley says schools have become much too focused on teaching a narrow set of academic skills, the kinds of skills that can help kids do better on standardized tests.
«Students with a wide range of academic skills use the Fast ForWord program.
U.S. students have never ranked at the top of any international test of academic skills and knowledge since the inception of international testing in 1964.
Over the course of this standardized academic achievement test, it becomes clear which types of academic skills are strong and which are weak and, further highlights the corresponding areas of the brain that are affected.
The acquiring of academic skills, including a big vocabulary, consists of building efficient mental systems that enable us to perform huge feats of analysis and synthesis.
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