Sentences with phrase «of achieving justice»

We have here the classic problem of achieving justice within the constraints of the law and our previous interpretations of it.
The principal reason for this crushing failure is the fundamentally different world views of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people with respect to such elemental issues as the substantive content of justice and the process of achieving justice.
Patrick Roche, of Garden Court Chambers, says: «It was a unique privilege and a pleasure to work collaboratively with all of the family teams to achieve our common goal of achieving justice for the 96.
by Elise Jefferson, MA A2L Consulting An intriguing and complex aspect of civil litigation is the use of damage awards as a means of achieving justice.
The law is an instrument of achieving justice akin to a social regulator.
His aim is so to bring the Christian perspective into the concrete political and social experience of modern life that the possibility of achieving justice and brotherhood in human affairs will be increased because men are in some measure freed from the sentimental and romantic notions which can only lead to bitter disillusionment.

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Social justice can only be achieved by the preservation of our freedoms and denial to monies we pay is contrary to the principle.
Supreme Court justices disagree on the virtues of diversity and the means for achieving it.
He rightly highlights, however, that Tarantino's typical impatient and insufficient form of justice is not «true justice, restorative justice,» which «can not be achieved by taking aim with our guns.»
«As Hispanic Catholics in the U.S achieve upward mobility, they may become a little more conservative on social justice and concern for the poor,» Dillon says, «but currently many of the issues that are especially important to Catholics in Latin America are also very important to Hispanic Catholics in the U.S.»
The Pope is confident that, once this is achieved, it will be possible to cooperate in a productive way in the areas of culture and society, and for the promotion of justice and peace in society and throughout the world.»
I believe in justice and fair play (though I don't know exactly how we achieve them, other than by continually trying against all possible odds of success).
We send criminals to jail instead to achieve social justice, and their sentences are deliberately measured in time behind bars: Offenders must be withdrawn from society for a period sufficient to allow them to realize the wrongness of their actions» and sufficient to protect society from them until they learn that lesson.
The United Church of Christ's study paper, Christian Faith and Economic Life (1987), for example, declares that the purpose of the church's political advocacy must be «to achieve the biblical concept of economic justice
That most theologians, even those whose social location in the white North American middle class, verbally support efforts to achieve the changes needed in our society to make some minimum of justice possible elsewhere, such as in Latin America, is already a testimony to the power of the gospel.
True justice can not be imposed from above; it is achieved only when the fairness of the judgment finally becomes apparent to all.
It would be nice to have a list of 10 Things to Do to Achieve Racial Justice This Month, but no such list exists.
Is it not an element in Christian belief that in the Passion of Christ precisely that marriage of truth and justice with mercy which Professor Wisdom seems to desiderate was achieved?
Interests in God as useful to achieving personal wholeness, even of the most «spiritual» sort, and interests in God as necessary for social justice and emancipation, even the most urgent cases, will be under pressure to surrender pride of place to apparently irrelevant» interests in God that take the form of joy in and celebration of the odd ways God is present, for their own sake.
The state must inevitably face the question of how justice can be achieved here and now.
Because the birth control cases all focus on a 1993 federal law, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, not the Constitution, the Justices will face questions about whether the mandate to provide free access to 20 forms of birth control drugs or devices, sterilization, screenings, and counseling imposes a «substantial burden» on religious freedom of nonprofit employers with religious objections to some or all contraceptives, whether the mandate in fact serves a «compelling interest» of the government, and whether an attempt to provide an exemption from the mandate satisfies the requirement that such an accommodation is «the least restrictive means» of achieving the government's policy interest.
(2) People who advocate the use of nonviolence as a force in society to achieve social justice, represented by Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., «scandalously» (I Cor.
Much of the motivation for this form of action for justice depends on hope for success in achieving the declared goals within a foreseeable time span.
A non-Marxian and more insidious justification for reliance on minimum wage legislation to achieve distribution equity is founded on a twisted interpretation of traditional scholastic teaching on economic justice.
We think of heaven as a place where perfect love will render justice unnecessary by showing how impossible it is to achieve in human terms, rather than as the place where the power of love will make justice finally possible.
Third, the context has shifted: in contrast to the traditional Catholic conception of the political community, and politics within such communities, as the means of achieving real if limited justice for human life in the world, and a corresponding theory of international relations, recent Catholic thought on war often treats the state as a locus of injustice and the goals of particular states as inherently at odds with the achievement of common human goals, while an internationalism defined in terms of the United Nations system is proposed as the best means to those common goals.
The formulation «The messiah reveals the participation of all things in the eschatological fulfillment that he accomplishes by his death and resurrection» does not do justice to the biblical witness that the eschatological fulfillment is achieved through two comings of the messiah, not one.
This law is complex, but overall it is designed to achieve shalom, a combination of peaceful order, responsible community, and justice.
Achieved reciprocity implies a new equilibrium, a state of justice achieved or restored, but the taking of an innocent life can not be compensated, any more than a jealous lover's act of murder is morally neutralized by a self - punishing Achieved reciprocity implies a new equilibrium, a state of justice achieved or restored, but the taking of an innocent life can not be compensated, any more than a jealous lover's act of murder is morally neutralized by a self - punishing achieved or restored, but the taking of an innocent life can not be compensated, any more than a jealous lover's act of murder is morally neutralized by a self - punishing suicide.
«The Church also ought to ask why are they poor, why are they oppressed and how do we change our social and political structures to achieve justice as an outworking of the kingdom of God.»
Her political theology is a matter of loyalty to Jesus and strenuous exertion to achieve justice and righteousness in human society.
Can there be a single coherent set of policy instruments to achieve the goal of justice and sustainability?
The Aristotelian categories had simultaneously achieved three things: they had done justice to nature, they had done justice to human nature, and most importantly they had done justice to human being as a part of nature.
There are elements of justice, of freedom, even of brotherhood to be achieved through human effort in society.
To show how tyrannical any country that aimed at achieving perfect justice — even at the expense of family, friendship, and the self - consciousness of persons born to love other persons and die as particular persons — would be, Socrates turned the rulers into gods and most people into animals to be controlled.
Justification by faith in the realm of justice means that we will not regard the pressures and counterpressures, the tensions, the overt and covert conflicts by which justice is achieved and maintained as normative in the absolute sense; but neither will we ease our conscience by seeking to escape from involvement in them.
Achieving Our Country is a poignant cry for the left to return to what Rorty thinks is the real business of politics, which he frankly describes as «social justice» understood in terms of redistributing wealth.
Hence they hesitate to limit the power of the rulers themselves, and settle for less justice than might otherwise be achieved.
Young members of the underground groups began to ask, «What good is the church if we are liberated and have achieved more justice, and the cold war is over?»
Love seems at best a whisper of the spirit in the clamour of history; yet our age of power is headed for catastrophe unless a new justice can be achieved.
God's righteousness is his justice, and his justice is manifest in his working to put down the unrighteous, expose idols, show mercy, and achieve reconciliation in a new order which expresses man s dignity as bearer of the divine image.
The Christian sees that the striving of law is for justice, but knows that the justice men achieve has no saving power; it does not justify them, for justification of man is alone in Jesus Christ.
White Northern liberals represented themselves as the friends of the Negro and deceived King and many other blacks into believing that they really wanted to achieve racial justice in America.
however, that his concern for the coherence of means and ends is necessary for achieving justice and breaking the cycle of violence.
Freedom is not and can not be achieved unless the society is based on justice, radical justice, in which the worth of every life is equally affirmed.
Every group has its interest, and must either conquer other groups or achieve some balance of rough justice with them.
Indeed, Ryan's radical budget and ideologically driven plan to end Medicare as a guaranteed benefit program did what decades of work by Catholic social justice advocates had never been able to achieve: It activated a gut level Catholic concern for solidarity and the common good.
And I am concerned that the Church is indeed conforming to the world — every time it preaches violence as a way to achieve justice, every time it glorifies celebrity and success, every time it reduces womanhood to subordination and manhood to power, every time it justifies cruelty or unkindness in the name of proving a point.
But the age in which justice is to be achieved, and yet freedom maintained, by wise regulation of the complex economic interdependence of modern man, is powerless to be born.
The inquisition was a rational and controlled response aimed at achieving justice on the basis of evidence rather than hearsay.
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