Sentences with phrase «of active labor as»

Thankfully, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists released new guidelines in 2014, redefining the start of active labor as dilation to 6 centimeters (rather than 4) and urging doctors to allow women to labor longer, so long as the baby is not in distress.

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Such Constitutional protections have ensured that federal programs such as Medicare, the Veteran Administration's TRICARE system (which provides benefits for active duty members of the military and their families), and the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) apply the same rules to everyone they active duty members of the military and their families), and the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) apply the same rules to everyone they Active Labor Act (EMTALA) apply the same rules to everyone they cover.
As much as I wish I didn't have to work anymore, there will always be a part of me that wants to stay active and still be able to produce income based on my own efforts and laboAs much as I wish I didn't have to work anymore, there will always be a part of me that wants to stay active and still be able to produce income based on my own efforts and laboas I wish I didn't have to work anymore, there will always be a part of me that wants to stay active and still be able to produce income based on my own efforts and labor.
The religious vocation of priest or monk or nun was viewed as having a higher spiritual sanctity than ordinary labor, the contemplative being ranked above the active life.
And it informs new members of your medical team — such as your labor - and - delivery nurse — about your preferences when you're in active labor.
It's probably not an possibility for most city dwellers, but our second homebirth was just on the other side of the fence from a public school (and recess ended just as active labor came on...)
I have basically stopped ordering IA because nursing staff are determined to interpret it as «20 min of EFM, 40 min off», which is an unacceptably long length of time without checking FHT in active labor.
We were basically there to get her to admit us for inducing as the labor kept fizzling out and we were too exhausted from a long prelabor, a night of more active labor, and then an entire day without sitting or lying down for rest.
In the early stages of labor, try to stay as active as possible.
When there is rupture of the amniotic fluids or her waters break as many of us know it as, then she automatically moves into Stage 2: Active Labor.
The researchers defined active phase labor arrest as 1 cm or less of labor progress over 2 hours in women who entered labor spontaneously and were at least 4 cm dilated at the time arrest was diagnosed.
Active duty military personnel and up to five family members may visit for free this Memorial Day through Labor Day, as part of the Blue Star Museums program.
She went to the birth center and progressed from 3 cm to 10 cm in 3 hours, which was amazing, but she was suffering quite a lot of pain as she entered active labor and nothing we did or tried helped her.
Even though there may be a short period of time to «relax» during active labor, it is important to take that time to catch your breath and rest your body as much as possible.
As with other technological interventions used at the time of birth, those using active management of labor seem bent on playing down or hiding any risks and reassuring everyone that it is «safe».
In reporting their perinatal statistics, the National Maternity Hospital in Dublin, Ireland, where active management originated, defines labor as normal even when it includes one or more of the following invasive interventions: amniotomy, induction, augmentation, epidural block, and / or eplsiotomy.
A number of non-invasive, non-pharmocological solutions have been shown scientifically to be as effective as active management in lowering cesarean section rates: a companion in labor in the hospital (Thornton and Lilford 1994), midwives rather than doctors as the principle birth attendants in hospital births of women without complications (Wagner 1994), out - of - hospital birth centers (Rooks et al. 1990), and planned home birth (Wagner 1994).
Activity of baby - The baby may become slightly less active as labor approaches.
39.22 percent of the 51 bills he had active wen to Labor as their first step in their legislative progress, much higher than his house's average of 2.73 percent.
New York State United Teachers, as usual one of the most politically active labor organizations, had already given the largest legal donations to the Senate Democrats» campaign arm, and to many other Democratic campaigns.
He has done this despite the default of the labor movement of which he is an active part as a Teamster; New York unions by and large have have rejected political independence and have chosen the path of least resistance, endorsing «winners» like Andrew Cuomo for governor, in the hopes of picking up a few fallen crumbs off the bargaining table.
Building Bricks: Exploring the Global Research and Innovation Impact of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Korea, written by Jonathan Adams, David Pendlebury, and Bob Stembridge, highlights these countries» public and private investments in research and development, their scientific and engineering labor forces, their output of research papers and particularly active areas of research, their academic impact as measured by citations, and their economic potential based on innovation and patenting.
I SWEAR by RT as it made literally did the pushing for me as I lay in warm water tub juz deep breathing and less than 2 hours of active labor contractions and 20 mins of my body doing the pushing for me my 2nd baby was here?.
My whole time of labor lasted only.for 12 hours and active labor only 1.5 hours as my uterus did all the work for me!!
Since 1986, everyone in the United States, regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay has access to medical care at any hospital as part of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act.
Some were active members of the armed forces, having volunteered or been conscripted into service; others were interned in labor or refugee camps; more were forced to flee, taking shelter in neutral countries, hiding in mountainous or rural areas, or relocating to New York, as was the case with a number of European artists in exile.
«The continued growth and stability in Columbia's labor, due to the presence of active and retired military personal as well as the civilian staff that supports the bases, combine to provide a solid economic base for SFR investments,» said Don Ganguly, CEO of HomeUnion.
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