Sentences with phrase «of actual events»

A term or whole - life insurance policy is one popular financing option that can be purchased years ahead of the actual event.
We write a narrative of actual events which fits our point of view.
It is the direct disclosure of actual events through some of the eternal objects that are actually ingredient in them.
The range of potential configurations apt to be realized grows smaller as we move down the hierarchy toward the level of the actual event.
I wish I took more pictures of the actual event but these few will have to do!
The goal is to improve the production process and reflect on the results of the actual event.
This can become the basis for the focus of the actual event.
Some possibility or probability of occurrence of such an event would then trigger a decision tree based upon modeling and analysis that occurred well in advance of the actual event.
Questions asked during a competency based interview aim to test a variety of skills and you'll need to answer in the context of actual events.
2) The bible is a work of fiction, or at least it's not a fully factual account of actual events in history.
Much of his work delves into the psychology of contemporary trauma, often relying on the blurring of memory and the retelling of actual events through cinematic convention.
Yes, he was very concerned with the religious tendency to place God beyond the world of actual events which persons can study and to which they can adjust.
«By calibrating these modern deposits with instrumental records of actual events using this index we can provide a meaningful measure of activity at an annual resolution over thousands of years.»
None of Jesus» parables were «factually true» or descriptions of actual events — but that doesn't make them any less valuable or make their inclusion in scripture questionable.
While the funny short film has a lot of great moments, I think the best use of actual events from the book to make a cat joke is at the 1:08 mark when the cat playing Peeta Mellark says, «Dogs chasing cats, eh?
Here you will find re-creations of actual events from the halls of law and government.
Often utilising film stills, footage of actual events, or photographs of urban and rural environments, Peter Doig's paintings emanate a quiet sense of nostalgia reminiscent of one's past or conjure up an atavistic feeling of a long forgotten memory.
This process assumes, of course, that the initial conditions are indeterminate as to the final pattern of the actual event.
Plentiful undistinguished extras include a commentary by director Gary Shore and production designer Francois Audouy (the real star of the show), deleted scenes, and a history of the actual events vaguely underpinning the silliness.
In their July report, Petrich et al. show that their forecast was within two days of the actual event two weeks in advance and consistent to the day one week in advance.
The hypothetical elements and contrasts evoked by the flow of narrative are, in process terms, real elements in the constitution of the actual event.
They have already determined that the Hadron Collider does not have enough power yet to simulate enough of the actual events fractions of a second after the Big Bang.
It is probable that originally the story of the tree was a parable in which Jesus compared Israel to a barren fig tree, and in the process of transmission it became transformed from a parable to a narrative of an actual event.
It seems to me that we have enough integrity in our historical scholarship, even if we rely on the secular canons of historicity, to be clear that much of what the Bible records is history or is based on reminiscence of actual events.
All these eventualities are assumed to be definite possibilities capable of nontemporal valuation, simply because the temporal valuation of those actual events that do occur is not deemed to be effective in the world.
Noah's sons just passed the retelling of the actual event down to their children, and as the world became repopulated, the stories of the past were retained in each culture.
In his earlier philosophy of nature, and in the original Lowell Lectures, Whitehead conceived of actual events as being divisible into smaller events ad infinitum.
The general evaluation or ordering of actual events to one another is constantly changing, both quantitatively and qualitatively.
I'm completely obsessed and have already tried to think of how i can ditch my kids the morning of the actual event so I can watch it live but I'm not positive that's happening.
Although it won't win any awards for ground - breaking originality, The Stanford Prison Experiment is a solid visualization of an actual event, a fascinating look at one of history's most telling simulations.
And even if the film relies too much on the real - life horror of the actual event to loan it some gravitas, the performances touch the emotions honestly and deservedly.
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