Sentences with phrase «of actual human beings»

No big deal» — to which I wanted to plead, «Please remember, if just for a moment, the horror you felt upon learning this for the first time, before all the scholarly articles dulled the blade and blurred the faces of actual human beings into flat, emotionless ideas.
They do not represent separate entities, constituents, or even clearly distinguishable functions of actual human beings.
To recognize the factual nature of values as responses of actual human beings in actual or imagined situations is to remain on the solid ground of experience which all can understand.
But economists rarely comment on the fact that Homo economicus is abstracted from the relational and communal character of actual human beings.
Director Steven Spielberg's latest combines the most commonly shared notions we have of our 16th U.S. president — the folksy deliberation, the spindly gait, the all - seeing eye on the prize of history remade — with the behavior, idiosyncrasies and contradictions of an actual human being.
On a related front, we can not underestimate the power of an actual human being.
Even so, the guard's A.I. isn't on par with that of an actual human being.
But should those bytes and bits succeed in getting through the initial screeners and end up on the monitor of an actual human being, you don't want your plain text resume to be overly hard to read.
Mirroring the employer's requirements creates a recognition of what they're looking for, but long before your resume gets into the hands of an actual human being, it will likely pass through an applicant tracking system (ATS) that's been programmed to look for those same key words.
Today, resumes are typically scanned by a software program before they ever make it onto the desk of an actual human being.

Not exact matches

When done well, live chat can provide consumers a quick avenue for everything from resolving service issues to finding the product they're looking for — especially when an actual human being is on the other end of the chat.
Enter the consumerization of IT, and B2B technology marketers are more than ever faced with the fact that, at the end of the day, they're still talking and selling to actual human beings.
Shared spaces like these offer the benefits of an office — phones, wifi, coffee machines, actual human beings to talk to — without the downsides of a home arrangement.
Machine learning refers to a process where computers are given access to mountains of data, along with a set of analysis criteria (created by an actual human being).
When you talk about an actual research project, often it starts as something more technologically oriented, but as you build deeper partnerships, you find that some of the problems they're really struggling with are human problems.
Certainly, though, a superior level of humanity will be required to make wide - ranging decisions and consistently act in the best interest of actual humans involved in work - related encounters in fully automated environments.
What You Can Do: Write job descriptions that sound like an actual human being wrote them and that showcase the values and culture of your company.
Since the early days of the Internet when Bill Gates wrote in his book The Road Ahead that the «information superhighway» would become the «ultimate go - between» and that «only the humans involved in a transaction will be the actual buyer and seller» there's been a constant theme that middlemen are finished.
So as human beings continually act on their misconceptions, Reflexivity says that those actions then begin to distort the financial markets themselves, which actually impact the actual fundamentals of the markets themselves.
Despite the fact that these virtual humans were not representations of actual people, they found that participants» performance of the novel task was impaired when they were led to believe that the virtual audience consisted of avatars, but not when they were framed as agents.
While Guided Investing is a robo - advisor, meaning client portfolios are shaped by market theory computer algorithms instead of actual humans, the knowledge behind the recommendations comes from Merrill Lynch.
In a nod to the highly experimental nature of its Pittsburgh plan, Uber intends to have an actual human being behind the wheel — just in case.
Contact with reality» which is to say, the actual operation of the legal system and its impact on society» is more likely to confront academics with the immutable truths of human nature than endless theorizing restrained only by the politically correct predilections of one's colleagues.
7) This god is the Judeo - Christian god 8) It made the entire Universe less than 10,000 years ago, complete with Adam and Eve and later there was a Worldwide flood and Noah and his ark is actual factual history 9) about 2,000 years ago, it impregnated a Greco - Roman Jewish virgin with itself gave birth to a human being and then had it sacrificed to itself to forgive the original sin of Adam and Eve.
The actual problem that many folks have is being told that a collection of books written by human beings with an agenda is the absolute only possible truth in the universe.
In human history, the actual living out of marriage as a lifelong union has been the exception rather than rule.
That is, while Griffin acknowledges that Plantinga affirms limitations on God's power in relation to possible worlds containing free human beings, he believes Plantinga to hold «that an actual world devoid of beings with some power of self - determination would be possible» and thus that God could have created a world containing no evil simply by creating a world containing no self - determined beings (GPE 271).
The actual end of most human lives is sad, painful, sometimes grueling, profoundly embarrassing, and pathetic, often leaving emptiness, loss, regret, relief, and other contradictory and disturbing emotions in its wake.
To put it another way, it is the person, not the self, whose nature is inextricably bound up in the web of obligations and duties that characterize our actual lives in history, in human society — child, parent, sibling, spouse, associate, friend, and citizen — the positions in which we find ourselves functioning both as agents and acted - upon.
But we maintain, on the contrary, that we know the Jesus of history very well, even if we do not have a precise and photographic account of his day - by - day activities; and the unique claim of Christianity is that in and by those events in the actual realm of historical happenedness, God is revealed — revealed, of course, in and under the conditions of history and human life, but revealed nonetheless.
The question is neither «religious» nor «open»; it is a secular question having to do with the social, complex, ambiguous quality of actual human lives.
I personally don't think Steve was «fair» with all of the biblical accounts of violence, since he often cuts off quotations in mid-sentence, but with all the clear «unfairness» in Scripture where actual human lives are getting «cut off» by God, it's hard to quibble over minor details like that.
Once God is regarded as an actual entity, the use of personalistic language follows naturally, for our basic clue to the nature of an actual entity is given in our own immediate human experience.
An inevitable temptation of Christian theology, and particularly so in our own time, has been to think that the idea or symbol of an actual end of the world was no part of the original proclamation of Jesus, and rather derived either from the apocalyptic religious world that so dominated Jesus» disciples or from the all - too - human or fleshy component of their minds and hearts, which was impervious to the higher call of the Spirit.
It is a painful tale, burdened with an inexorable logic of defeat at the hands of a racist society — we «know» from the beginning that terrible things are in store — but illuminated by another logic, that of grace, by no means so certain, for it operates in secret with persons (Kumalo and the elder Jarvis) whose formation by it is in terms of the gradual and ambiguous growth of actual human development.
The actual evidence that every Christian observes (but ignores) as they attend church — that being: The evidence suggests that the church, every church, is operating just as one would expect, if it were simply the product, the invention, of human beings.
It may be argued that if human occasions of experience prehend God, and they do, they must prehend him as a contemporary, since God as actual entity is contemporary with all other occasions.
Historical «science» (aka the bible) says humans were the product of intelligent design a few thousand years ago and «actual science» can't prove otherwise...»
«Outrage Porn» resembles actual pornography in that it aims for a cheap, temporary thrill at the expense of another human being, but without any personal accountability or commitment to that human being.
(That Whitehead ends up dissolving the human person into a multiplicity of «societies» of «actual entities» is another question.)
If pro-lifers were truly «pro life» then they would put an equal amount of energy into stopping prison executions which are unarguably taking actual human lives....
The argument that life begins at conception is absurd in that what should be said is parasitic life begins at conception, actual human life only becomes a valid argument when the fetus is able to live outside the womb, prior to that the life is basically in the hands of the host — mother.
But here is a field of actual human experience disgracefully neglected and very imperfectly explored, which could make a radical change in our human condition.
In process thought, anything actual at all is an instance of creativity, from the tiniest energy event to the most complex creatures we are aware of, human beings.
Whitehead's thoroughgoing transfer to the whole of natural reality of a polar, spirit - matter conception such as was attempted by Thomas Aquinas for the human [222] is not so astonishing inasmuch as Whitehead takes the human self as the model case of an «actual entity.»
Through his religious education every mature Christian ought to be able to distinguish between the actual dogma of the Church and theological opinions that may be changed and improved, between immutable divine law and changeable human law.
The Church will not, for example, be able to baptize an African chieftain who wants to keep his harem; yet she may, in certain circumstances, judge that he has a subjectively good conscience (though he has heard the message of the gospel and is willing in principle to believe in it), because in his actual social and human circumstances he can not yet realize the moral demand of monogamy, as little as formerly king David and king Solomon.
Upon careful analysis, at least ten such points become apparent: (1) Blake alone among Christian artists has created a whole mythology; (2) he was the first to discover the final loss of paradise, the first to acknowledge that innocence has been wholly swallowed up by experience; (3) no other Christian artist or seer has so fully directed his vision to history and experience; (4) to this day his is the only Christian vision that has openly or consistently accepted a totally fallen time and space as the paradoxical presence of eternity; (5) he stands alone among Christian artists in identifying the actual passion of sex as the most immediate epiphany of either a demonic or a redemptive «Energy,» just as he is the only Christian visionary who has envisioned the universal role of the female as both a redemptive and a destructive power; (6) his is the only Christian vision of the total kenotic movement of God or the Godhead; (7) he was the first Christian «atheist,» the first to unveil God as Satan; (8) he is the most Christocentric of Christian seers and artists; (9) only Blake has created a Christian vision of the full identity of Jesus with the individual human being (the «minute particular»); and (10) as the sole creator of a post-biblical Christian apocalypse, he has given Christendom its only vision of a total cosmic reversal of history.
The word «religion» in actual practice is applied to a great variety of human ideas, acts, and institutions.
The theory generalizes the repetition of the past that is evident in conscious, mnemonic occasions of human experience into a feature of all actual occasions, human or nonhuman.
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