Sentences with phrase «of ad populum»

«Suddenly I don't think that I have all the facts, that the sober analysis of competing hypotheses has not taken place, that the global consensus often bandied about is a fallacy — a variation of ad populum argument — and that our nation can not commit itself to irrevocable courses of actions based on compromised science.»
You really don't seem to have a good grasp on logic, and you seem to often fall back on IMPLICATIONS of the ad populum fallacy or others and use very poor argumentation that has been refuted by sound logic many, many times..
If you want to dismiss what each individual senses it would not be on the basis of ad populum

Not exact matches

«You saying that your god is real and that your beliefs are right doesn't make it so» = > I know I know and 6 - 8 billion believers over the span of humanity does not make it so because you pull out your ad populum trump card.
He pleaded with priests worldwide to return to offering the appropriate parts of the Mass ad orientem beginning in Advent, as in current practice the vast majority of Masses have the priest facing the people (versus populum).
Will, the ad populum fallacy is one of your latest screwups.
An example of an argumentum ad populum:» again, absolutely NO ONE believes in a past eternal universe».
Maybe you've noticed much argumentum ad populum about the shortcomings of the 2014 Infiniti Q50's steering action.
> The argumentum ad populum can be a valid argument in inductive logic; for example, a poll of a sizeable population may find that 90 % prefer a certain brand of product over another.
A perfect example of argumentum ad populum.
Had she not heard of Aristotle's codification of the commonest logical fallacies in human discourse, including that which the medieval schoolmen would later describe as the argumentum ad populum, the headcount fallacy?
And just for kicks, even if everyone agrees with me or you, we shall not become victum of Logical fallacy # 3: Argumentum ad populum / aka «Democratic Fallacy» = > Given that a majority of people (e.g. editors and / or commenters and / or legislators) believe something to be true, it has no bearing on the actual truth of the matter.
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