Sentences with phrase «of additional issues»

As our strong muscles get stronger and our weak muscles continue to get weaker out of neglect, we are setting ourselves up for a lot of additional issues.
The following sections (sections 13 to 15) provide examples of additional issues you may want to address in your child support agreement.
Your particular situation may require the resolution of additional issues.
Respondents to the Federal Register notice raised a number of additional issues, such as comments on water, recommendations to include physical activity in the food guidance, suggestions for including supplements in the food patterns, and requests to include food patterns for vegetarians.
Faraci has since stepped down, but reports of additional issues have surfaced.
I have had a couple of additional issues with Fedloan and they are very unorganized and inefficient.
It seems likely that this will be put in place and may make a difference although despite the increasing controversy over DRM and Gowers» acknowledgment of additional issues, eg preventing copying of material for legitimate use, the issues were unfortunately not considered fully.
I can not stress how important it is for trial lawyers nationwide to be aware that these changes in Medicare policy are going to generate a lot of additional issues, and potential liability, when injury victims and their lawyers settle claims with a Medicare component.
One of the additional issues raised in the complaints relate to who paid for Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson's trip to Bridgeport where he campaigned with Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch and Superintendent of Schools Paul Vallas on behalf of Finch's anti-democracy referendum.
Drawing from the concerns highlighted in this report, the Institutes formed seven subcommittees — stipends and benefits; adequacy of training; mentoring; duration of training and career path setting; career advice and job placement; satisfaction with choice of Gladstone for postdoctoral studies; and a catch - all of additional issues — to address specific issues.
In addition to the inspiration, I want to thank you for starting the discussion on some of these additional issues.
However, I would like to address some of the additional issues that he presented in his response to my proposed clause.
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