Sentences with phrase «of adherents»

(2) For the purposes of this section, a person publishes or utters blasphemous matter if --(a) he or she publishes or utters matter that is grossly abusive or insulting in relation to matters held sacred by any religion, thereby causing outrage among a substantial number of the adherents of that religion, and (b) he or she intends, by the publication or utterance of the matter concerned, to cause such outrage.
«Blasphemous matter» is defined as matter «that is grossly abusive or insulting in relation to matters held sacred by any religion, thereby causing outrage among a substantial number of the adherents of that religion; and he or she intends, by the publication of the matter concerned, to cause such outrage.»
Each of these ideas has its own body of adherents — management thinkers pushing a particular point of view, and practising executives experimenting with a different way of working.
Many of the adherents of Christian fundamentalism are themselves older people, but they and their leaders remain silent in the face of the chipping away at the Social Security system.
«They have millions of adherents who believe in a literal six day creation and a literal Adam and Eve — so it's not a stretch to believe that President Obama is a Kenyan - born secret Muslim bent on destroying the country,» Felten says.
And fundamentalist ideology in any religion generates hatred, suspicion and fears in the minds of its adherents towards other religions.
Islam will kill, or advocates it at least, any one of its adherents who wants to switch to say Christianity or to be come atheist say Your church will allow abuse with in its ranks and hides the evidence, it would never allow a gay or a woman to aspire to its top positions.
The scientists then tried the proline / polyproline combination in a test system of adherent cell cultures that were subjected to freeze - thaw conditions.
The amount of control thatnthe church has over the daily lives of adherents is disturbing.
But, this debate was not about contraception, it was about the right of government to impose restrictions on any religion that violates its tenets and the conscience of many of its adherents as it goes about its ministry, outside of the pure conduct of worship services.
Therefore, not making studies about this essentially leads to great controversy, and who started this controversy gets famous and rich because his books are sold to thousands of adherents for whom he sounds revealing, and even by non-adherents who need to read him before they can critically think about him.
Now, I know the vast majority of adherents to religion are good decent, rational people.
@SevenPup: «The number of adherents mean nothing.
By 1911 Cubism attracted a long list of adherents and became the important international measuring stick against which all the modern art movements and important avant garde ideas were weighed.
But climate denialism makes fools out of its adherents, who have to believe a nonsense conspiracy theory to make any kind of sense of their position.
All of the case series studies showed improvements in clinical measures, which indicates that these outcomes can be obtained in the outpatient practice setting in at least a subset of adherent patients.
Here again, evangelical media could have a crucial role in focusing the thinking and concern of their adherents on issues like world hunger and the plight of our urban minorities — issues that correspond to the problems of slavery and child labor which 19th century evangelicals successfully attacked.
The fact is that the support workers» employment and the tasks they perform are not intended to infuse the residents of the homes that Christian Horizons serves with the lifestyle morals that Christian Horizons demands of its adherents.
Both of these books focus attention on the imperative that we develop inclusive communities - communities that value particular traditions even as they embrace the participation of adherents from multiple traditions.
Atheism has a long history of its adherents changing living people into dead ones by the millions.
Precise statistics on the number of adherents within each church are difficult to come by.
Nero, for example, destroyed the oracle of Apollo by blocking up the sacred fissure with corpses of its adherents whilst Caligula, rather famously, attempted (albeit unsuccessfully) to usurp the place of the Jewish god by having an effigy of himself erected in the temple (and his enthusiastic supporters successfully put statues of him in the prayer houses of the Jews in Alexandria which were too robust to be destroyed).
They seek to maintain the integrity and vitality of their faith while acknowledging the inherent worth of the adherents of other religions.
Many other religions are replete with miracle stories and require of their adherents the suspension of ordinary historical reasoning.
«The assailants of dogmatic truth have got the start of its adherents of whatever Creed; philosophy is completing what criticism has begun; and apprehensions are not unreasonably excited lest we should have a new world to conquer before we have weapons for the warfare.»
For a religion to succeed, it must in some way claim the working hours of its adherents.
Although Buddism is not the true faith it is much preferred to a self deluded atheism that is founded and advanced on the lies of its adherents.
Many of its adherents refuse to acknowledge the sanctity and equality of human life, instead taking the so - called «quality of life» approach, which determines the moral value of each organism — whether human, animal, or plant — by measuring its individual cognitive capacities.
Hinduism in India — over 7,000 years and counting - billions of adherents over the centuries - must make those gods real, huh?
Dislike it as we may, they have weathered the storms without splintering, but at the expense of loss of adherents and at great cost to people's well - being.
By theology of religions, I mean critical theological reflections on the interaction and intercourse between different religions through such means as proclamation and sharing of their different creeds and teachings, through dialogue of their adherents, and mutual challenges and partnership for common cause.
These new devotees of evangelism are imperialistic, attacking those who deviate as secular humanists (read pagans) and demanding conformity of its adherents under pain of excommunication (read being targeted for defeat in the next election).
• Consequent to the notion of disaster, and fueled by MacIntyre's polemicism, there is a streak of victimhood running through MacIntyre's work, and especially through the attitudes of his adherents — «we poor moderns» and such.
The phenomenological approach took seriously the faith of the believer and tried to appreciate a religion from the standpoint of its adherents.
Rather, each is a kind of pseudopod into which the Jewish energies of their adherents have flowed.
In 2005, Gao criticized China's torture of adherents of Falun Gong, a traditional Chinese religion, and his comments triggered a brutal response.
But in the places that he touches he leaves behind a larger circle of adherents — people who remain in their families and at their work, but are nevertheless ready to testify to Jesus» cause, to lodge the Master and his followers, to follow his instructions and warnings.
Generally speaking, the law doesn't typically reach the belief itself, but rather targets the legality of an adherent's particular behaviors.
It is well known that the serious decline in membership of the «mainline,» or liberal, branches of American Protestantism is largely due to the loss of a substantial portion of their adherents who were born after World War II.
What was formerly taken to be a peculiarity of «holiness» sects has become a reality in the mainline churches; indeed, it has been said that the fastest growing group in these churches is composed of adherents of just this charismatic position.
Since mainstream religions don't control language, their religious authorities simply can't exercise the degree of power over membership that cult leaders can when they make an active effort to reduce the critical capacities of their adherents.
The rejection of the corruption, the cruelty and all around sociopathy of its adherents has been a cornerstone of my life.
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