Sentences with phrase «of adrenal function»

Note: Customers with less severe symptoms of adrenal disorders, or customers with limited budgets, are welcome to consider other tests of adrenal function that we offer on this page.
Stress causes eventual depletion of adrenal function, which results in the body's inability to counter inflammation (poor cortisol levels — your body's own powerful steroid).
Endocrinologists who are looking at the extremes of adrenal function, like Cushing's disease or Addison's disease, or enzymatic defects, typically order a combination of blood and twenty - four - hour urine testing.
The four step approach, therefore, requires optimization of the adrenal function to normalize the OAT axis imbalance and neutralize estrogen dominance, making sure that the body is hormonally optimized without stimulants during the first trimester, building the adrenal reserve throughout pregnancy in preparation for a smooth delivery, and making sure, that the postpartum adrenal support is there so that there's no postpartum fatigue and adrenal crashes.
Addressing the overall health of the adrenal function, neurotransmitters, and thyroid function is more effective in the long run than the Band - Aid approach of replacing deficient female hormones alone.
What this means in terms of our hormone balance (men and women) is that we exist in a culture that lives off of its adrenal function.
This profile includes the same tests as the Female / Male Saliva Profile I, plus adds a PM Cortisol test to provide a more comprehensive evaluation of adrenal function.
Alternative treatment focuses on restoration of adrenal function, neurotransmitter balance, gastrointestinal health, sleep and pain management, detoxification, stress reduction, exercise and a healthy lifestyle.
Saliva testing is the gold standard for assessment of adrenal function since standard blood draws using needles can provoke a stress response that falsely skews test results.
Even though this article only scratched the surface of adrenal function and its impact on the body, it is easy to see how important these small glands are to our health.
The most severe derangement of adrenal function short of total failure is called «adrenal burnout».
As president, he was famous for having a bad back, and since his death, biographers have pieced together details of other illnesses, including persistent digestive problems and Addison's disease, a life - threatening lack of adrenal function.
The two extremes of adrenal function are known as Addison's disease, where the adrenals can not produce necessary hormones, and Cushing's disease, understood as excess production of adrenal hormones.
Long - standing stress can result in a «burning out» of adrenal function, with a serious loss of normal hormone production.
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