Sentences with phrase «of age of»

The traditional calculation of the age of the universe in terms of thousands, not billions, of years — popularized by Bishop James Ussher — had hitherto obscured the sheer immensity of sensate anguish that had been a part of the world — and on which evolution depended.
This is being coupled with the lowering of the age of consent to 12 so you will in essence be able to marry and have intercourse with children.
In the pages of the Washington Post, E.J. Dionne wrote just before Election Day that the triumph of the Democrats would mean the end of the age of deregulation, laissez - faire, and tax cuts.
In the last few centuries of the Age of Faith, armies inspired by biblical injunctions to kill the heretic, (see Deut.
So, you are saying that YOU know the truth of the age of the earth?
While you and I may disagree in some important areas, you are perfectly willing to apply critical thought to the question of the age of the earth and the formation of life.
What makes our country great are the philosophies of the age of enlightenment and reason that are founding fathers utilized....
His birth marks the end of the age of exile.
The church was first of all, and before everything else, a God - created and God - given reality, the Presence of Christ's life, the manifestation of the age of the Holy Spirit.
Oscar Hussel, director of educational systems development for Joint Educational Development, emphasizes the urgency of the church's present situation: «As Americans move out of their age of innocence and the culture is increasingly secularized, it becomes doubly crucial for the church to be able to tell its members what it is, where it came from, where it is meant to go, and what it should be about.
The influence of these assumptions was far - reaching; they were developed into the complete dualism of Descartes, the materialism of Hobbes, and the naturalism of the Age of Reason.
If the members of the Southern Baptist Convention truly believe that only those who place personal faith in Jesus Christ will be saved and that no concessions to this belief should be made on the basis of its troubling moral implications, then for consistency's sake, they must also vote to condemn the teaching of the age of accountability.
But by his reckoning, «the available signs all suggest we are not at the end of the age of diffusion.»
We are just now coming out of an age of doctrinization that has had the deleterious effect of obscuring the truth inherent in experiential reality and a secular age that has sought to destroy the transcendent pole of a reality defined as nonexistent.
Today, we have to bring the same process to its ful lment as both the new truths and the speci c errors sown in the beginnings of the age of science ripen to harvest.
We are always hearing of the age of «Fortress Vatican».
In his book The New Essence of Christianity, Hamilton says that «My essay as a whole is deeply indebted to Bonhoeffer, and may be taken as a theological response to the coming of age of the world as he has analyzed it.
We Christians of the Third Millennium, guided by the Second Vatican Council and its great champions John Paul and Benedict, are graced to be witnessing a return of the papacy and episcopacy to the model of the age of the Fathers: boldly evangelical, passionately committed to mission, and with true humility inviting the men and women of our time to consider the proposal that truth is to be found in the person of Jesus Christ.
Jeffrey Sachs isn't Ray Kurzweil (author of The Age of Spiritual Machines and prophet of a technological immortality).
We are, in Comes's view, «victims of an age of prose,» but the real reason we can not sing the Lord's song is because «we have lost the instrument on which to play it — the imagination.»
This is the negative end of the age of modern technology / Internet — the airing of people's hateful, meanspirited, closeted thoughts against others who don't think / believe / live like they do.
The Decree on the Missions sets all European Churches the task of conquering a missionary defeatism due to the idea that the end of the age of colonialism and imperialism also spells the end of the missionary age.
Science has given us a very good approximation of the age of the earth — and that age is in the billions of years.
What made St. Francis so influential was his extraordinary originality: the son of a rich businessman who renounced his wealth and slept in pigstys while retaining the courtliness and gentility that were noble attributes of his era; the anti-establishment figure who founded a great religious institution; the man of radical poverty whose followers were not permitted (even if they had wanted) to imitate his utter rejection of worldly goods; the man of the Bible who never owned a complete one; the author of the first great literary work in Italian dialect, the «Canticle of the Sun,» who was steeped in the jongleur tradition of French poetry and song; the naïf who moved the heart and enriched the religious imagination of that great realist and exponent of papal power, Innocent III; the child of the age of Crusades who sought not the conquest of the Muslims but their conversion.
• One of the manifestations of the age of concentration will be the final rejection of any attempts to realize utopias such as communism in Russia and globalism in the West.
The dawning of the Age of Aquarius is now in its sunset repose and the bright young things who seem to be cropping up now all over the place with new information from Fortescue and Ratzinger, may either be the professional mourners for a lost civilization, or the sparks of a looming golden age.
Keynes called him: «not the first of the age of reason, he was the last of the magicians.»»
Science writers Carl Sagan and Fritjof Capra have pointed out similarities between the latest scientific understanding of the age of the universe, and the Hindu concept of a «day and night of Brahma», which is much closer to the current known age of the universe than other creation myths.
In the context of the age of nationalism that morphed in some places into Fascism, it seems that women were being told to produce cannon fodder for imperialist America.
John I think that you are actually projecting the creationist underestimation of the age of the universe, which is woefully ignorant (intentionally) of the reality of the actual age, as best as we can determine.
These included the introduction of the Canada Child Benefit and the restoration of the age of eligibility for federal pensions to 65 from 67, coupled with increased infrastructure spending in the March 2016 Budget.
So far this week we've covered two of the three main trends that will drive China's consumer economy through 2020: the ongoing expansion of China's affluent class and the coming of age of a generation of free - spending youth.
You must be of the age of majority for the province or territory where you reside.

We are poised on the edge of the age of...

A trick of YouTube's algorithms has led to the blossoming of hundreds of unlicensed, independent radio stations on the site, reminiscent of an age of underground broadcasts in the previous century.
His conclusion from all of this is that we're at the start of an age of dangerous instability.
His apartment is outfitted with five computers for group play of Age of Empires and Command & Conquer — and he has a substantial collection of board games.
Singapore was founded on the ideals of the Age of Enlightenment — the age of reason and rationality — and its founder built those lofty ideals into its blueprint.
You might recall that I just predicted that we are on the cusp of an age of Uberization, where underutilized assets of all kinds will become revenue - generating machines in 2016.
Since the beginning of the age of mass media, advertisements and commercials have been commonplace in the entertainment environment.
If this is to be the dawning of the age of accountability, we must hold all those who cast judgment accountable for doing so equitably.
In so doing, the privately funded SpaceShipOne had carried humans to space and back again twice within a week, earning its owners the Ansari X-Prize, meant to spur the opening of the age of commercial space travel.
The CDS computers keep track of the aging of invoices from every client, plus information from other sources, and produce an internal report Leff calls the «Daily Flash.»
It would have been extremely useful if the government released a fiscal sustainability report showing the long - term impact of the aging of the population, not only on federal expenses, but also on long - term economic prospects.
(Genesis 22:1 - 18) «Take now thy son, thine only son, whom thou lovest, even Isaac, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt - offering» — such is the command, representative of ages of primitive custom, which Yahweh lays on Abraham.

Not exact matches

While the term has become popular in recent years, it's built around the idea of subscription - models, which has been around since long before the digital age.
And you will likely have additional health - care expenses as you age: the cost of home care, physiotherapy, elective medical procedures and some prescription drugs may have to come out of your own pocket.
On top of that, as with other online ads, they are ephemeral, disappearing when you refresh the window, unlike a billboard that sits in the same spot by the highway for ages.
The 2005 Australian Longitudinal Study of Aging found that close relationships with children and other relatives had very little impact on how long you live, but people with the most friends tended to outlive those with the fewest by 22 percent.
«For people of a certain age, Victor Kiam was a bit of a celebrity thanks to him fronting his company's TV ads.
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