Sentences with phrase «of airtime during»

Not exact matches

Fewer issues get as much airtime during playdates, mommy groups, or any other gathering of moms and babies — it's simply at the heart of every discussion.
There were the pressures of available airtime, a source who doesn't want to be named, and an old - boy network in Texas that brags, but doesn't want to go on the record to contend with, but when the story aired on 60 MINUTES II, reported by veteran newsman Dan Rather, during the 2004 presidential election, the reaction wasn't to the substance of the story, but instead on the minutiae of ancillary issues, and the credibility of Mapes and Rather themselves, which led to personal attacks that had nothing to do with their professional competence.
Sony argued that during the adverts airtime, three quarters of PS4's sold had connected to the internet at some point during the ads screening.
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