Sentences with phrase «of alcoholic»

Of these, 40.5 percent had been related as close friends or relatives of the alcoholic they had known.
Most important of all, from the standpoint of the alcoholic and his family, is the hope engendered by the wonderful success of AA.
(2) A major obstacle to early treatment is removed from the mind of the alcoholic himself.
Mack's abusive, alcoholic father was himself the son of an alcoholic, abusive father.
A comprehensive program of prevention can and should operate on each of these three levels of the alcoholic sickness.
As a team, these two members of the helping professions can find endless opportunities to transmit the message of the alcoholic's need — and his hope.
As an important postscript to the pastor's healing orientation — his acceptance of the alcoholic's inalienable right to procrastinate or even to fail totally — needs to be mentioned.
Sermons, church - school groups, and youth groups offer regular opportunities for the pastor to state his interest in and support of the alcoholic and his family in their struggle for sobriety and meaningful living.
This perspective takes seriously that fundamental sense of lostness which echoes through so much of the alcoholic's conversation, and it accepts as fundamental reality the alcoholic's struggle between life and death.
Carl Jung in Zurich warned one of his alcoholic patients that his «only hope of salvation was a spiritual experience.»
23 years ago I started attending 12 step meetings as an Adult Child of an Alcoholic - I was a believer back then as well.
Deterioration often hits the home before other areas of the alcoholic's life.
(There is a remarkable parallelism between this kind of experience and the surrender experience of the alcoholic.)
It is possible for the minister unwittingly to block rather than facilitate the wife's release of the alcoholic.
If all the troubles in the family of an alcoholic were the direct effects of alcoholism, it would be reasonable to assume that, given a certain period of time after sobriety, most of these troubles would disappear.
Rather than thinking of the problems of an alcoholic family as entirely the effects of alcoholism, it is well to remember that an inadequate marital adjustment can be as much a cause as an effect of inebriety.
13 (April, 1962), No. 123, special issue on «Counseling with the Family of the Alcoholic»; John E. Keller, Ministering to Alcoholics, Chapter VI, «Counseling the Spouse,» pp. 124 - 37; Thomas J. Shipp, Helping the Alcoholic and His Family (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice - Hall, 1963), Chapter 12, «Helping the Alcoholic's Family,» pp. 120 - 32.
Much of the material in this and subsequent sections of this chapter is adapted from the author's article, «Pastoral Care of the Alcoholic's Family Before Sobriety,» Pastoral Psychology, XIII (April, 1962), 19 - 29.
Another side of the pastor's opportunity lies in the fact that members of an alcoholic's family often need understanding counsel as much as the alcoholic.
The minister can encourage the adolescent sons and daughters of alcoholic parents to participate in an Alateen group.
Various psychological studies have shown that the presence of a mothering figure in his immediate interpersonal world is one of the most characteristic aspects of the alcoholic's picture.
Counseling with the spouse or other relatives of an alcoholic who is not yet open to help, is essentially crisis counseling.
The groups follow the principle of allowing no criticism of an alcoholic partner in the meetings.
V / hen the spouse of an alcoholic ventures out of hiding, it is important that she 9.
Much to the anger of many Church people, the Eighteenth Amendment, prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages, was repealed.
Facilitating this kind of surrender is a major goal of pastoral care of the alcoholic's spouse.
When the mother is the alcoholic, the identity problems are reversed, and they are compounded by the limitations of the alcoholic mother's ability to give to her children.
^ New Primer on Alcoholism by Marty Mann, in a chapter on «What to Do About an Alcoholic,» has sections entitled «If You Are the Wife of an Alcoholic» (206 - 13), «If You Are the Husband of an Alcoholic» (213 - 17), «If You Are the Son or Daughter» (217 - 19), «If You Are a Friend» (219 - 21), and «If You Are the Employer» (221 - 24).
The counselor needs to know the mental hospital commitment procedures in his state to help the family of an alcoholic with severe mental disturbance.
Marriage counseling for the parents, conjoint family therapy for all the members of the family, or psychotherapy for the disturbed child and the parents at a child guidance clinic — all these can be effective ways of healing the emotional wounds suffered by children in the chaos of the alcoholic home.
Yet probably the most damaging is the learned behavior of covering up and enabling the addictive behavior, as evident in the above - mentioned case of the alcoholic layperson.
When I read the descriptions of the rages and mood swings of the alcoholic father, I realized that we had the same thing in our family.
UNTIL you feel you can enter the abusive cycle with detachment, it's often better to stay away unless absolutely necessary — I find the analogy of an alcoholic going to a bar to be helpful for me.
There was pathos in the experience of the alcoholic interviewee who recalled: «When I reached a certain point in a drunk, I felt as though I were on the edge of a beautiful land.
It is not easy for a nonalcoholic to understand the inner world of an alcoholic, but it is also not impossible.
Acceptance of the alcoholic is dependent, as has been suggested, on the helping person's acceptance of the reality of the illness from which he suffers.
He brings this orientation to the crisis demand of the immediate situation and to the slow process of growth which is the lifelong business of the alcoholic and his family.
Take the problem of alcoholic depression.
Helping the counselee understand the basic facts about alcohol addiction is an essential part of all alcoholic counseling.
As Tiebout pointed out, the direct treatment of the alcoholic's «runaway symptom» is essential, and it consists of methods by which the cycle of drinking to overcome the effects of previous drinking is blocked.
The case of alcoholic Frederick N., age fifty - four, illustrates the effects of a combination of authoritarian overprotection and success - worship:
Alcohol «solves» the problem of the alcoholic's emotional immaturity by allowing him to regress psychologically to a level at which he can feel comfortable.
Because of the alcoholic's grandiosity and his ambivalence toward authority, the opportunity provided by a religious approach for him to come to terms with a «Power greater than himself» can be a real growth experience.
«If he is not sure of the alcoholic's attitude, he would be wise to understate the spiritual aspects, not only of AA but of his own interest in the case?»
It is pertinent to note that anthropologist Donald Horton says, after a study of many cultures, «The primary function of alcoholic beverages in all societies is the reduction of anxiety.»
The therapeutic attitude begins to dawn as the helping person senses, in the presence of the alcoholic or of his spouse, that «there but for the grace of God go I!»
The problems of the alcoholic are the problems which all of us share in differing degrees and with varying symptoms.
For this type of alcoholic, homelessness often is a way of life that fits his psychological eccentricities with the least pain.
In contrast, most researchers emphasize the heterogeneity of alcoholic personalities.
The four operational goals of alcoholic counseling were outlined in Chapter 8.
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