Sentences with phrase «of alien technology»

Imagine an African nation thousands of years old and in control of alien technology.
Players also get to use cool powers later on in the game thanks to the use of alien technology.
If Prophet ends up living forever in that Nanosuit, or if he and Psycho are never able to take down the militarized forces of CELL (who, I suppose, is trying to harness the power of this alien technology for all the wrong reasons), then I guess that's fine.
With an 85 - foot radio telescope in Green Bank, W.Va., he looks at two sunlike stars for signs of alien technology.
MNU's interests fall elsewhere as they stand to make tremendous advances in weapons and profits if they can crack the activation of the alien technology.
They have been taking advantage of the alien technology that they laid to waste in» 96.
The full Aven Colony campaign features progressively more challenging environments in which your colonists must survive, introducing late - game objectives like planet exploration and the acquisition of alien technology.
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