Sentences with phrase «of alignment between»

At HubSpot, Dan has pioneered the concept of alignment between sales and marketing known as «Smarketing,» a core tenet of inbound marketing now followed by thousands of companies around the world.
Johnston and Campbell's research on divorce families in high conflict for three years or more found a measurable degree of alignment between children and one parent in 35 percent to 40 percent of children from - 7 to 14 years of age (6).
The research also identified Revenue Enablement (the degree of alignment between marketing and sales activity) as a problem area.
That distribution of political affiliation has actually obtained for over a century and is a reflection of the alignment between interest in a particular field and the potential political leanings of the person in question.
Fake Traffic and Programmatic Advertising — One thing I noted last week in Popping the Publishing Bubble is that the lack of alignment between advertisers and publishers doesn't only hurt the latter; the former often pay for impressions that never, well, impress.
One of the major fears of any phase - in / phase - out is the lack of alignment between schools.
This lack of alignment between the responsibilities and powers of councils has also been blamed for a dearth of information on how the condition of schools are changing over time.
Other possible explanations include the lack of alignment between private schools» curricula and state exams and a lack of emphasis on state assessments in private schools.
Many states struggle with lack of alignment between how principals are trained, how their jobs are defined, what the job actually entails and how principals are assessed on the job.
In my 2001 AERA presidential address, I described a methodology for defining and measuring content and for measuring the degree of alignment between the content message of content standards and the content actually taught in the classroom.
While current testing debates rightfully note the importance of alignment between standards and assessments, we argue that just as important may be the alignment of professional development and other supports to help all teachers and students meet the ideals set out by instructional reforms.
Misalignment or lack of alignment between a strategic plan and additional initiatives (such as the three levers) not in the plan can lead to confusion among staff, extra burdens on teachers as priorities may conflict, questions from school boards about approving funding for initiatives that are not clearly aligned to strategic goals and initiatives, and ultimately lack of progress towards student achievement.
Only three states (6 %) acknowledged a lack of alignment and foresaw a continuing lack of alignment between their standards and their assessment system.
The researchers identified several barriers to implementation even in the schools that were identified as successful implementors: lack of alignment between classroom instruction and assessment and the MSPAP assessment; insufficient resources such as time and money for professional development; testing logistics; and communication between the state and schools about the rationale and nature of the assessment program.
If we focus only on the true school choice programs — private school choice, open enrollment, charter schools, STEM schools, and small schools of choice — and we look at the direction of the impacts (positive or negative) regardless of their statistical significance, we find a high degree of alignment between achievement and attainment outcomes.
Common Core advocates hailed the scores as an honest accounting of school and student performance, while others worried that they reflected problems with the tests, inadequate support for educators, or a lack of alignment between what schools are teaching and what's being tested.
The point is, if we are living in light of a coming Kingdom, we should be working to bring some type of alignment between the world as it is and the world as it will be.
From Scheer's perspective, that makes the optics of an alignment between his federal party and Harper on the NAFTA issue potentially poor ones.
No amount of copywriting cleverness, marketing mastery, or sales savvy will make up for the lack of alignment between your offer and what your market is looking for.

Not exact matches

Vanni oversees the direction of the agency and spearheads business development while working directly and intimately with agency clients to ensure alignment between brand and digital strategy.
Nothing makes your business strategy seem out of alignment quite like a disconnect between your B2B marketing and sales.
In a text currently being worked on by negotiators, the UK is prepared to agree that there'll be «regulatory alignment» on market and customs rules between both sides of the Irish border, according to reports on Monday.
For example, GPShopper recently closed a round of funding from Synchrony Financial, a consumer financial services company (formerly a division of GE Capital) with the idea that an alignment between the two companies provides a more robust offering for retail customers, which both entities serve.
This provides a direct and continuing alignment of financial interests between executives and stockholders.
By fostering a sense of community and offering employees a way to speak out easily within their own networks, you can build an alignment between your employees and your organization.
Just as freedom from accountability has a tendency to make shareholders indifferent to broader and longer - term considerations, so agency theory's recommended alignment between managers» interests and those of shareholders can skew the perspective of the entire organization.
Alignment between the sales and marketing efforts of an organization are crucial, and a sales manager plays a pivotal role in driving and maintaining such aAlignment between the sales and marketing efforts of an organization are crucial, and a sales manager plays a pivotal role in driving and maintaining such alignmentalignment.
This policy creates alignment between the stated belief that downtime is important, and the behaviors of the staff that contribute to the culture.
One of the issues at the heart of trust in investment (and anything else) is the alignment of incentives between agent and principal i.e. you and your money manager.
Saxo believes that openness and transparency, coupled with a full alignment of interest between providers and clients, offer a genuine opportunity for differentiation between participants that facilitate market access.
The Enhanced Disclosure provides insight to Broker Incentive, Broker stability, Client Leverage and Performance as a proof of the full alignment of interest between Saxo Bank and our clients.
A holistic approach to childcare should include removing barriers to and incentivizing private sector participation and an exploration of better alignment between school and work hours, including afterschool programs.
The charts and graphs displayed will provide concise and valuable insights to clients as they examine a company's relative alignment between CEO pay and a variety of key performance metrics relating to earnings and returns.
Alignment of government policy is particularly crucial, as inconsistency between government policies inhibits investment and raises the cost of capital.235 Once the overall strategic direction is set, a range of methods and instruments are available to mainstream climate at the project level.236 This needs to happen at the technical assessment stage, where technological and process options and alternatives are considered that will achieve the project aim; at the economic assessment stage, which involves measuring net impacts of the project on welfare; and at the financial assessment stage, where costs and revenues of the project are assessed.237
Television, in particular, was found to have presented violence in simplistic terms — depicting «a visual three - way alignment of Negroes, white bystanders, and public officials or enforcement agents,» which tended to create the impression that the riots were predominantly racial confrontations between blacks and whites, while factors such as economic and political frustration were pushed into the background.
The alignment between the vast body of science and regulatory parameters varies greatly with regions and countries so what marketing tools...
He said: «We are now seeing the benefits of our focus on managing volatility in the business, with more favourable contract agreements, a closer pricing alignment between our sales book and the spot market, and targeting sales of products that deliver greater value.»
In this way, the scorecards theoretically 1) minimize Root Capital's risk as a lender; 2) ensure the alignment of missions between borrower and lender; and 3) provide opportunity to measure how specific social and environmental investments and programs can create financially beneficial relationships throughout the supply chain.
«When [customers] see the Non-GMO Project verification mark on a product they feel an alignment between their personal non-GMO commitment and the commitment of the company to provide shoppers an informed choice,» said Pineau.
The alignment between the vast body of...
For the time being, Brown has chimed in on the skewed distribution of prize money for Ferrari and believes that some balance clearly needs to be restored with a more accurate alignment between payout and performance needed.
This approach allows for a joint exploration of important and influential beliefs and attitudes as well as helps to strengthen the alignment between API and the applicant.
The design allows for two inches of movement between the breasts, resulting in ideal alignment of the bottles for each body shape.
Made in the U.S.A., the pillows can be stacked as needed for added height, and any of the parts can be used separately for isolated support between the knees, under the belly or head, or behind the back, allowing for ideal alignment.
For the Republic of Ireland, adopting a «soft border strategy» means holding fast to its insistence on regulatory alignment even at the cost of a long - term trade deal between the Republic (and the rest of the EU) and the UK.
Also, South Korea also became American ally, so by your logic there should be no difference between Japanese treatment of Koreans and German treatment of the Jews as far as recognition is concerned visavi cold war alignments.
No, the deal also rules out a border between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK, so any regulatory alignment here counts for all of us.
Reports suggest the UK government is prepared to accept «regulatory alignment» between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland «in the absence of agreed solutions».
Tuesday's agreement between California and China's Ministry of Science and Technology effectively sidestepped Trump's move, bringing about alignment on an issue of rising global importance between the world's second - largest economy — China — and California, whose economy is the largest of any U.S. state and the sixth largest in the world.
Among the authors» stated goals is «to gradually reduce the number of entrants into PhD training in biomedical science — producing a better alignment between the number of entrants and their future opportunities.»
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