Sentences with phrase «of alignment even»

Your wheels also might be out of alignment even after a relatively minor impact.
If they are out of alignment even a little bit, you'll get a wobble which will run a vibration through the vehicle when you get it up to speed.

Not exact matches

And if we try looking at individual companies, at a particular moment in time, the question of alignment becomes even more difficult.
They may do a great job, but if their efforts are not in alignment with the overall goals of the company, even the most perfect effort is in vain.
When there is no disciplined methodology there can be no alignment; and that means that the more success you have in your lead generation and sales efforts, the more complexity that is thrust upon everyone, making the job of growing even more difficult.
While there are different levels of alignment and even different definitions of alignment, it is something demand generation teams are striving to achieve.
By some unfortunate alignment of the stars even though he hated me I was invited to be part of a weekly small instruction groups too, but I only went a couple times, because all it ended up being was him berating everyone present for not conforming perfectly to him and his false teaching.
First, the conventional wisdom on the role of economic factors in elections is overstated; even in a year when such short - term factors were particularly strong, they operated within the context of long - term cultural alignments.
The political alignments of Hungary from the mid «nineteenth century to the present are more familiar to the West than the period when Hungary was struggling with Turks or even Austrians.
Last week, it was fun making the Mediterranean Beef Pita recipe on FOX Good Day Austin on behalf of the Texas Beef Council and — all the stars must have been in alignment that rainy day, because I didn't even have one single (and usually inevitable) live television SNAFU.
NASA, that notorious spoiler of doomsday prophecies, had this to say about the imminent non-apocalypse: «There are no planetary alignments in the next few decades, Earth will not cross the galactic plane in 2012, and even if these alignments were to occur, their effects on the Earth would be negligible.
Proper alignment of your spine is crucial even while sleeping.
This affects all movement, as well as sitting and sleeping, and can even pull the pelvis out of alignment.
For the Republic of Ireland, adopting a «soft border strategy» means holding fast to its insistence on regulatory alignment even at the cost of a long - term trade deal between the Republic (and the rest of the EU) and the UK.
I think people tend to associate it with extremist movements on the far - right or far - left, even though the definition of the term does not imply any kind of ideological alignment.
Moreover, Corbyn asked May a series of incisive questions about regulatory alignment after the phase - one agreement, and even suggested that we should extend Article 50, which Remainers like me have been advocating for months but which May is (for the moment) implacably against.
On Tuesday evening, a day after the state Democratic party issued a set of ultimatums designed to bring the two conferences back into alignment, IDC leader Jeff Klein appeared to agree to the reunification terms.
Transportation costs can soar into the hundreds of millions of dollars, even when blasting off during «launch windows» — the optimal orbital alignments of Earth and Mars that roll around only every 26 months.
A rare alignment of calendars brought an even rarer convergence of events at many Thanksgiving tables this week: Channukah gifts before Thanksgiving pie.
By contrast, at high field frequencies, the active group fails to develop the alignment and tends to behave like a set of independent individuals even in the presence of interactions.
«The alignments in the new data, on scales even bigger than current predictions from simulations, may be a hint that there is a missing ingredient in our current models of the cosmos,» concludes Dominique Sluse.
«In fact, we were unable to even find recent national data on who teaches STEM courses (full - time tenured faculty, adjunct, or other), the level of instructional training that instructors had received, or alignment of instructor practices with evidence - based practices.»
There are times when the alignment is right but the moon doesn't fully cover the Sun even at mid-eclipse, creating what looks like a ring of fire around the darkened solar disc.
«While a 2020 launch would be favorable due to the alignment of Earth and Mars, a launch in 2018 would be even more advantageous as it would allow for an even greater payload to be launched to Mars,» he said.
Do we have any data on the spin axis alignment of either Alpha Cent A or B so we can get a feel for whether to even expect transits?
Although her teaching style focuses heavily on alignment and even - breathing, she never loses the elements of fun and humor...
Blocks in energy due to insults, occasional sadness, or even fear will pass because the natural alignment of the body will eventually reassert itself.
And actually, even if you are able to do the full pose, doing this variation helps you learn proper alignment because you're still working all the same muscles above the waist, without having to concentrate on carrying all the extra weight of your lower body.
Although her teaching style focuses heavily on alignment and even - breathing, she never loses the elements of fun and humor during classes.
Believe it or not, even a slight bend at the wrists can mess up your alignment and reduce the amount of generated force, making the lift ineffective and painful.
All of these combined lead to injury, even when the visual of «correct» alignment is maintained — because in all of these causes, our body is out of harmony with itself, and we've blocked our ability to move safely and naturally.
I know we do a lot of high intensity workouts together, so today I wanted to slow things down and show you another style I use to train that really fires up the intrinsic stabilizing muscles of the hips, butt and core - those muscles that support our posture, alignment AND sculpt those dangerous curves:) You can do this at home with a couple jars of peanut butter (or coconut oil, or light dumbbells) for props like I am - I had to eat some to even out the jar weight LOL.
To make matters even more mixed up, there are people with orthorexia who purge via vomiting and use of laxatives for the conscious purpose of removing toxins rather than losing weight, thus bringing bulimia and orthorexia in alignment.
When the body is out of alignment, even if only slightly, all of its joints are misaligned in a compensatory pattern.
In this course you receive teachings in many areas of Yoga - Asanas, Pranayama, Philosophy, Meditation, adjustment and alignment of postures, teacher methodology, Mudras, a little Mantra and even chair Yoga!
While managing plantar fasciitis may at times feel arduous, careful attention to maintaining the alignment of your feet — throughout the day, at night, and as you stretch — may leave you feeling more grounded, and even send the stabilizing benefits of neutral feet rippling upward.
Over the past several months, one thing which has become clear is the need to appear strong and look good even if everything is out of alignment and breaking down.
If you are unsure of what type of posture you have or what is causing your poor posture visit a professional for an assessment, this could be a physical therapist or even a fitness professional who has studied postural alignment and corrective techniques.
If you don't normally practice in front of a mirror, it can also be useful to use a mirror (or even photos of yourself) every now and then to see what your alignment looks like in different poses.
This training for yoga teachers, yoga therapists and serious yoga students is designed to refine your ability to observe subtleties of anatomical alignment, «tensegrity» (don't worry if this term is new to you — all will be explained), the movement of breath and even the elusive «flow of prana» in a wide variety of asana.
For those of you who wanted suggestions of essential oils, my main oils were lavender - emotional and physical support, compresses, and healing afterwards, a clove, rosemary and lemon blend for disinfecting items (put this in a spray bottle), and put on my feet and baby's feet for protection (hospital birth), helichrysm for healing and to keep on hand in case of excessive bleeding, frankinsense for anointing baby and healing, clary sage to help labor contractions along when you are in active labor, Valor (a Young Living blend) for courage and spinal alignment before, during and after birth, peppermint to help ease nausea, lemon to flavor water, to help hydrate and quench thirst in the even you are not allowed to drink large amounts of water, any other favorite smelling oils safe for baby for anointing and encouraging bonding, especially if used during pregnancy
You know a fire type, let's just go with that one for a second, you know the brilliance of the fire type is the entrepreneur, the one who just... it's almost like the Midas touch where, and this is the color yellow anyway, this is about they have an idea, they carry it through, they make it successful, it helps people, they feel good, there's abundance and you know maybe it's just abundance of just even ideas so that person is really in alignment with their fire.
Julie Gudmestad is a physical therapist, founder of Gudmestad Yoga in Portland, Oregon, and frequent contributor to Yoga Journal and Yoga International, She is well known for her unique anatomy - based teaching style which applies the principles from anatomy to facilitate our understanding of the factors that impact or even hinder alignment in yoga poses.
Even if you have done these in the past, or are in fact a regular goer, it is good to remind yourself of the basics and get the alignment bang on as you can create more damage than good if it's not.
It's the alignment of the pelvis and sacrum that gets out of whack, so knowing where your pelvis should be as you move throughout the day (sitting, standing and walking), done in conjunction with a few daily squats (get a squatty potty and this doesn't even require extra time!)
Pay attention to the relationship of alignment from your toes, to your knees and upper thighs.When your feet are set right, your ankle joints should feel centered, or even hollow.
The result is a film whose heart is in the right place, even when every other piece feels basically out of alignment.
The researchers identified several barriers to implementation even in the schools that were identified as successful implementors: lack of alignment between classroom instruction and assessment and the MSPAP assessment; insufficient resources such as time and money for professional development; testing logistics; and communication between the state and schools about the rationale and nature of the assessment program.
District leaders, knowing that effective teaching and administration is key to student achievement, invest year - round in the alignment of human, programmatic and fiscal resources to support improved classroom experiences and student outcomes... even while school is out.
Even saddled with poor wheel alignment, ten degrees» worth of play in the steering, and a permanently disengaged reverse lockout (you can grab reverse easily when going for a second - gear downshift), the Demon is hefty, chunky fun.
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