Sentences with phrase «of alignment problems»

Your tyres will show the first signs of alignment problems.

Not exact matches

Gates brought up the values alignment problem when it comes to AI: «One thing to make sure the people who create the first strong AI have the right values and ideally that it isn't just one group way out in front of others.
It is time government institutions took the lead in establishing more incubation centres to enable researchers to scale up their innovative ideas, facilitating alignment with start - ups in order to bring in new innovations, which would help in solving a number of problems faced by the society.
Then, one day, I read that when an oven door becomes out of alignment (more of a problem with lightweight oven doors, on lower - end model ovens), the oven door might not close, and seal, properly around the door frame anymore.
Because of the complex anatomy of the knee that allows it to bend while supporting heavy loads, it is very sensitive to small problems in alignment, activity, training and overuse.
When it continues into the school years, it may cause problems with the proper growth of the mouth and alignment of the teeth.
If children are left to develop while out of balance or alignment, this can lead to stress on their nervous system which can lead to future health problems.
The doctor will check the structure and alignment of your child's eyes and her ability to move them correctly and look for signs of congenital eye conditions or other problems.
At all well - baby visits, your child's doctor should examine your baby's eyes, checking their structure and alignment, her ability to move them correctly, and for signs of congenital eye conditions or other problems.
Judith Wallerstein cautions us that a serious problem exists when a child and a parent of either sex joins forces in an alignment against the other parent's lifestyle, values or identity.
The gamers produced roughly 350,000 solutions to various MSA problems, beating the accuracy of alignments from MULTIZ in roughly 70 per cent of the sequences they manipulated.
ADORA3 sequences were aligned from scratch given numerous problems with Perelman et al.'s [12] alignment (Table S2) and the availability of additional ADORA3 sequences for Lemuriformes.
Anyone who's ever driven and maintained an automobile for an extended period of time has likely dealt with an alignment problem.
We may provide suggestions about the use of healthy body alignment and wrist positions, helpful exercises, and tips on how to prevent future problems.
In fact, it's common for one side of the body to be stronger or more flexible than the other, which can lead to problems with proper alignment.
You will learn the best corrective exercises that go way beyond clams, bridges and planks to use for improving alignment, strength and finding the source of the problem.
(3) So alignment of the spine changes in the sitting position, which means that the compressive forces on the lumbar discs change as well, which dehydrates them more rapidly and can create structural problems down the line.
Typically referred to as «adjustments,» these manipulations aim to correct alignment problems and, in turn, promote recovery from a range of health conditions.
Problems with the alignment of the kneecap and overuse from vigorous athletics or training are often significant factors.
The centerpiece of this approach, chiropractic adjustment, can relieve multiple problems simply by correcting spinal alignment problems that cause or contribute to back pain, neck pain joint pain, headaches and muscle spasms.
Common Core advocates hailed the scores as an honest accounting of school and student performance, while others worried that they reflected problems with the tests, inadequate support for educators, or a lack of alignment between what schools are teaching and what's being tested.
The Framework 2021 project is designed to address the pressing problems of student engagement; development of students» thinking, problem - solving, and life skills, and lack of alignment of teaching and learning skills across grade levels.
Doug Levin said, «The problem we set out to solve with granularity was to provide a mechanism to ensure that the breadth and depth of the standards was able to be evaluated in alignment judgements in assessment (formative and summative), instructional materials, and professional development resources.»
Steenhausen did point out that part of the problem still resides in what he called an «imperfect alignment» between what the high schools are teaching and what their expectations are, and what the colleges expect — especially in English language arts.
The only problem with Webb's system — and with most of the assessment - alignment approaches based on it — is that in an accountability context, it is misleading!
If rotating the tires doesn't fix the problem my guess would be that under hard acceleration that tire is getting out of alignment and causing toe out.
A top quality set of tires should last 50000 miles if driven carefully, if rotated systematically and if there's no alignment problem.
Current list of problems - broken transfer case, break system failure, suspensions need replacement, steering wheel alignment, power windows do nt work.
The hesitation / vibration problem is noticeable (intermittent shuddering as if a wheel is out of alignment, but related to...
It had a lot of rusting in the underbody fairly quickly and problems with alignment despite annual dealer repair trips.
For example, the iRex DR1100 was pretty good, but had problems with precise alignment of pen and ink at the borders.
- Fix 1480735: Add ability to change languages using the options dialog - Fix 1488715: Crash when editing first stock investment using «edit» button - Disable Right click menu for budget years - Add wizard for adding new database - Add wizard for adding new account - Fix problem where stock investments summary only showed balance from first stock investment - Allow fractional number of shares for stocks - Change column alignment for stocks panel - Add total amount for stocks panel - Add ability to launch webpage (hard coded to Google's website for US stocks) for stock symbol
Among the existing sentence alignment approaches, the error propagation problem highly impacts the precision of the alignment result.
In delegating, the end investor does not mandate that the manager must evaluate securities based on the investor's utility maximization problem, and a natural alignment of the investor's and manager's interests is not present: managers are incentivized to outperform relative to a stated benchmark or to peers, rather than to operationalize the consumption model of the end investor.
Through this first edition of the VET Report, our goal is to push the conversation forward, instigating a discussion among companion animal practitioners on how we can achieve better alignment with published guidelines and be part of the solution to this growing problem.
The problem with this treatment in all but the mildest of dental disease is that it does not allow for correction of the alignment of ALL the cheek teeth.
This can cause a problem with proper alignment of permanent.
Weakness, lack of movement, and whimpering are all symptoms of pain and muscle problems, so take them to an animal chiro to straighten out their nerves and muscles into proper alignment.
His professional interests span both soft tissue and orthopedic surgery, including oncologic (cancer) surgery, hepatobiliary and urinary system surgery, fracture repair, cranial cruciate ligament disease, patellar luxation, and the relationship of limb alignment to common orthopedic problems.
* A note about small dogs: certain breeds of small dogs are particularly prone to developing periodontal disease compared to others because their teeth don't have normal alignment and tiny breeds may have a tooth crowding problem.
Some degree of osteoarthritis (that can include our hips) occurs in all of us and our pets as we age - but loose joints, joints in improper alignment and joints carrying too much weight develop the problem earlier.
However, a short fragment (248 bp) of the D - loop was excluded from all subsequent analyses due to problems with assembly and mapping of repetitive regions, leaving an alignment of 16,470 bp for all foxes.
We will cover topics such as: Advantages of mixed reality, origin of the idea, Adapting Colin's streaming tech to work in Post Production, Camera Choice, Frame Rate, Slating & World Rotation, The Green Screen Stage & Shooting on Set, Capturing first person VR footage, Post Production & Compositing mixed reality footage, Footage Calibration & Alignment, Shooting Contraptions in the living room, Editing live action VR reactions, Unresolved Problems & Hope for the Future Attendee Takeaway The audience will understand how to create mixed reality livestreams and trailers for their own VR projects.
Solving the «forward problem» requires the alignment of multiple agency needs and capabilities to coordinate and design the network that is «needed».
While this new division — between major carbon polluters and everyone else — is more the alignment needed to solve the problem it is not yet one that the rest of th e developing world feels comfortable with insofar as they fear that it could lead to increased expectations for emission reduction from developing countries.
The research also identified Revenue Enablement (the degree of alignment between marketing and sales activity) as a problem area.
The only problem I see is the zip ties used to attach the dipole antenna to my mast would not keep the antenna from rotating out of alignment with broadcast towers, if it were installed outside.
Lack of communication within any organization indicates a larger problem: namely, that the team lacks fundamental alignment and transparency around its shared purpose.
Always make sure that your professional resume is free of grammatical, spelling, punctuation or alignment problems.
CONTACT PROFILE PROFILE I am a proven IT leader with experience and a proven track record in strategic planning and execution, growing new lines of business, developing and improving performance capabilities of teams, increasing customer service, IT strategic planning and business alignment, improving business processes, and uncovering technology solutions to business problems.
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