Sentences with phrase «of allergic symptoms»

It is well known as the cause of allergic symptoms like a runny nose and itchy, watery eyes.
There are people that have reported to develop allergies to Maltese puppies as well, while others have noticed an improvement of their allergic symptoms when exposed to a hypoallergenic Maltese puppy.
Participants in whom peanut allergy was unlikely (no wheal after a skin - prick test at months 30 and 60, no history of allergic symptoms after ingestion of peanut, no diagnosis or suspicion of allergies to sesame or tree nut, and no history of anaphylaxis in response to any food) received 5 g of peanut protein in a single dose.
Of the preparations available for treatment of allergic symptoms, corticosteroid nasal sprays (e.g., Flonase, Nasacort, etc.) and cromolyn sodium nasal spray (a mast cell stabilizer, e.g., Nasalcrom) are considered to be, by far, some of the most effective and safest to use in breastfeeding moms.
Histamine, a major driver of allergic symptoms, is increased when you're dehydrated, so be sure to stay well - hydrated with water or non-caffeinated herbal teas throughout the day.
Multiple routes of exposure include ingestion and inhalation but most recently contact and skin exposure has been considered a major role in intensity of allergic symptoms.
After the 90 days, if resolution of the allergic symptoms occurs, you then must reintroduce Orijen to his diet.
Whatever was the last food added, should be permanently eliminated from the diet, since is was the cause of the allergic symptoms.
No matter what kind of dog you have, taking good care of him can help to alleviate some of your allergic symptoms.
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