Sentences with phrase «of alternate residence»

At that point, the parent of alternate residence can file a motion seeking the children's return as well as ask for other pertinent relief.
In situations where parents share joint physical custody, there is often a designation of parent of primary residence and parent of alternate residence.
It is an alternative to the much more expensive, protracted and intense full custody evaluation and may be applicable to those parents who can't afford a full custody evaluation or where the dispute is minimal (such as the parties fighting over two versus three overnights per week with the parent of alternate residence of the children).
New Jersey law no longer uses the term «visitation,» but if a child spends more than about 72 % of time with one parent, the court will designate that parent as the «primary parent of residence» (PPR) and the other parent as the «parent of alternate residence» (PAR).
In most New Jersey child custody cases, the custody will be shared between both parents, with one parent being deemed the parent of primary residence (PPR) and the other parent being deemed the parent of alternate residence (PAR).
The Court held that there was a strong presumption in favor of the surname chosen by the primary caretaker of the child (i.e. the mother) and clarified that it was the father (i.e. the parent of alternate residence) who, as a result, bore the burden of rebutting the presumption in favor of the mother's desire to change the child's name.
The PPR has an obligation to provide notice of any proposed change in provider within a reasonable time to the parent of alternate residence (PAR).
In New Jersey, one spouse is the parent of primary residence and the other is the parent of alternate residence.
In a shared custody arrangement, the child spends more than half of their time with one parent, is also referred to as the «parent of primary residence» and more than two nights per week with the other, or «parent of alternate residence
The Shared Parenting Worksheet is used to calculate child support when the non-custodial parent has two or more overnights per week, and the parent of alternate residence can demonstrate that the child has separate living accommodations maintained specifically for the child.
The other parent is the «parent of alternate residence,» or PAR.
The parent who has the child less than the majority of overnights is deemed the parent of alternate residence (PAR).
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