Sentences with phrase «of ambiguity as»

The discussion indicated that there is a degree of ambiguity as to what people mean by terms such as governance and capacity building.
Others include titles that are niche to their own company and can lead to a lot of ambiguity as to what their role involves.
One effect of these new sculptures is to refer to ambiguous unknown structures, which look like fictional mechanical devices, or improvised tools, but retain an element of ambiguity as to their possible use value.
Vaughn and Wilson make for a good comedy team, Byrne underplays her role nicely, Asasif Mandvi brings a welcome touch of ambiguity as the intern overlord, and Max Minghella is vigorous as the sole antagonist.
The novel occasion may not be characterized as an atom of ambiguity as easily as the past occasion.
I then investigate the notion of ambiguity as it relates to sedimentation and immanence.
People have often fled to these other groups as virtual black sheep because of ambiguity as to what AA.

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No doubt, too, some large contractors take advantage of the pervasive ambiguity and willfully identify themselves as small.
Giving a presentation entitled «Navigating Ambiguity» on Wednesday at the Fortune, Time and Wallpaper * Brainstorm Design conference held in Singapore, the executive director of Stanford University's Hasso Plattner Institute of Design, also known as the, observed that people seem to feel a heightened sense of uncertainty across the board — in politics, retirement, medical, disaster relief, even the weather.
This is because excessive optimism (for example, a «we can do anything» mindset) comes across as blind to the inevitable challenges or ambiguity that a team may face along the course of a project.
Like much of the research on how diet affects health, the research on the link between meat and cancer has enough ambiguity that it's possible to cherry - pick a research list that supports either position, but many reviews of research on the best - established link between meat and cancer — colorectal cancer — find, as this 2014 review published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition does, that there is a convincing association between meat eating and colorectal cancer.
The stock in trade of this award - winning 1960s ad industry TV drama is moral ambiguity, perhaps as much of a hook as the smoking and drinking and skirt - chasing that titillate the show's audience.
Episode VII may have left some questions as to Luke Skywalker's role in the reshaping of the galaxy, but the man behind the robe, Mark Hamill, left no ambiguity about how he feels about gender roles at Comic Con.
A growth agenda may be good for equities, but the untethering of the monetary policy experiment may not be good for equities, and there may be some ambiguity as to what this means for risk assets and portfolios.
The petition explains that the RBI didn't present a transparent definition of what constitutes «virtual currency» and that this ambiguity dilutes any reasonability in what could also be alleged as a classification.
The article quotes David E. Teitelbaum, Partner at Sidley Austin, as saying that the guidance will be «challenging» and Angela Angelovska - Wilson, Counsel at Latham & Watkins in Washington D.C. and a Member of the Finance Department and the Financial Regulatory Group, as explaining as others have how the guidance creates more confusion than it clarifies: the new definitions introduce ambiguities and where it seems to target Bitcoin it isn't clear if it affects programs offering «miles» or «points,» etc..
As the idea of buyer personas grows, I'm seeing with increased frequency a blur between the two, resulting in greater ambiguity and wasted growth resources.
As Pauline Boss and Pema Chodron have both observed in different contexts, the only way to find peace in the face of ambiguity is the willingness to hold two diametrically opposed ideas in your mind at the same time:
It is almost as my miracles are created out of medical ambiguity isn't it?
As Josiah Fisk presents him in the Autumn 1994 Hudson Review, Cage was an influential figure in «the new simplicity» in music, a movement that tends to leave us «blissfully ignorant of the dialogues, the ambiguities, the deeply questioning and even subversive powers that actually govern the operation of music.»
Your comment is unearthly as well, and is full of ambiguity and amusement.
I've always of the opinion that God gave the 10 commandments as part of his salvation plan to reduce fuzziness in man's thinking; no more ambiguity, no more false pretenses, bring the most self - righteous to acknowledge their depravity to prepare them for the coming of the Savior.
Without the latter, ideals do not stand out sufficiently beyond the ambiguities of the present, either to serve as a judgment on historical actuality or as a lure for future realization.
It is at best a prolegomenon which seeks to suggest an element in the ministry of Jesus that gives it a constitutive as distinct from an exemplary character, that makes it the supreme action of all history (action that is fully and entirely human, yet unique), action which crowns a ministry in which the ambiguities of human life are progressively articulated, being action in which their burden is endured à l'outrance.
Against both the foregoing views, the truth is that life in all of its dimensions occurs under the law of ambiguity; we experience it as both blessing and curse, sometimes predominantly one more than the other, but never exclusively one without the other.
The concept of ambiguity is useful to express the idea that the orders of creation are good as created by God, and yet permeated by the law of sin and death.
New definitions, such as those attempted here, serve to distinguish certain meanings of a term in preference to others in the hope that these will be more consistent and more serviceable in creating a community of understanding than the term in its full ambiguity and vagueness was able to do.
An additional ambiguity exists in the Category of the Ultimate in the second meaning of «become» in what Whitehead defines as «concrescence.»
Bonhoeffer believed the «historicity» of the Resurrection was in «the realm of ambiguity,» and that it was one of the «mythological» elements of Christianity that «must be interpreted in such a way as not to make religion a pre-condition of faith.»
Since «the one» must be a whole, the ambiguity in the meaning of «become» raises the following question: Is the creating process itself one whole with «the many» as its parts, or is the completed satisfaction of a process the whole?
Gregory makes a stunning point on the ambiguities of giving to those derelicts among the poor who are by consensus generally regarded as less worthy: One should give not just to the unworthy poor, but also to the worthy poor, regardless of their moral condition, and for a profound reason: because one «gives of his bread to an indigent sinner, not because he is a sinner, but because he is a man.
Such chronicles have always been fraught with ambiguity and the possibility of misinterpretation, however, and such reckonings have generally been disapproved by the church; Origen and Augustine, among many others, both argued that many of the ages chronicled in the OT are simply of unknowable length, and went on to note that the «days» of the creation story simply can not be «days» in the ordinary sense of the term as the sun isn't created until the fourth «day».
For myself, as I have suggested, I do not think the ambiguity of the historical evidence prevents us from having an outline picture ofJesus.
Eventually (there is disagreement over when), Whitehead developed the idea of God as an actual entity who, though probably not free of tragedy and ambiguity, actively promotes goodness.
In our reaction against the decadent pietism of the recent past, we falsely prided ourselves on our willingness to accept life as it is, realistically, in all its ambiguity, not painting it in more glowing colors.
Colleges and universities live in the same world of grays and ambiguities as do all other institutions.
Noting the contemporary ambiguity even among dedicated Christians as to the deeper meaning of belief in God, Moltmann asks himself what the cross of Jesus means for our modern understanding of God.
All three modes of theological discernment are necessary as a corrective to theological vision's tendency to distort ideologically, to ascribe universal validity to the limited and particular, and to gloss over ambiguity and tragedy in experience.
And even if we do consider individuals as isalated entities, Augustine's exposure of the moral ambiguity of every human initiative and intention — indeed, the impossibility of even knowing for certain our real motives — renders pure Pelagianism incomprehensible.
Both of these tendencies, the inertial as well as the appetitive, account for the presence of ambiguity and disorder within the process of concrescence itself.
There are both great clarity and great ambiguity in the records as to the message of Jesus in regard to the Kingdom.
As I shall make clear later, there still remains some ambiguity as to the strict consistency of their process approach, but their efforts thus far nevertheless establish that a process interpretation of the doctrine of the Trinity is quite feasiblAs I shall make clear later, there still remains some ambiguity as to the strict consistency of their process approach, but their efforts thus far nevertheless establish that a process interpretation of the doctrine of the Trinity is quite feasiblas to the strict consistency of their process approach, but their efforts thus far nevertheless establish that a process interpretation of the doctrine of the Trinity is quite feasible.
But to use this fact as if it implied no analysis of encounters with those who are, in various degrees, not Christian is a shirking both of time intellectual task and of the personal ambiguity of realizing that the evangelizer too must change in his attitudes.
The ambiguity of the, key symbols allowed them endlessly to stretch as events unfolded.
My point is that here is a kind of transcendental mysticism which, as it were, «outgrows» the world, having first faced its ambiguities and seemingly irradicable evils.
It is an integral aspect of our creatureliness, and its problematic, as with every other dimension of our «finite freedom in anxious self - awareness» (Tillich), should elicit foremost in the disciples of Christ compassion: com - passion, Mitleid — that is, the with - suffering of those who share, and recognize that they share, the same possibilities and ambiguities as they find in others, albeit perhaps in different configurations.
When they experience limits and ambiguities — and which of us as human persons does not, from time to time?
As in Twilight, Wiesel refuses to tidy up all the ambiguities in the lives of his characters, for the good reason that life is never tidy.
In its enormous vital complexity, sexuality may draw us as close as we will ever get to the heart of ambiguity.
On this issue it is possible to experience such contradictory jolts of conscience that one finally doesn't know whether to list oneself as a member of a society of the courageously righteous who are mature enough to face up to life's ambiguity and do the difficult things that freedom requires — or simply a society of moral failures.
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