Sentences with phrase «of ambiguity with»

I'm starting to understand that you'll grasp the least bit of ambiguity with the tenacity of a pit bull in order to misconstrue what someone says, if that suits you.
Running with the issues I have with the game play are more quality - of - life annoyances, most of these in the form of ambiguity with mechanics.
The new decision must make sense of the old ones the best it can as it moves along through novel conditions of ambiguity with new data and new possibilities.

Not exact matches

Plenty of thinkers have argued that time abroad increases important skills for business success like comfort with ambiguity, confidence when confronted with the unfamiliar, and accelerated learning, but the team of social scientists out of Rice University, Columbia, and the University of North Carolina behind this study wanted to test the effects of extended travel abroad on self knowledge specifically.
Additional, the rich information needs to be coupled with an abundant stream of ongoing information to fend off uncertainty and ambiguity.
You have to change, often on the fly, and needing to deal with a great amount of ambiguity in order to succeed.»
On the public front, I think it's important to call out that kind of discrimination forcefully and with no ambiguity.
Switchrus: With a headline of «Free Ad Space for Startups,» there's no ambiguity with this With a headline of «Free Ad Space for Startups,» there's no ambiguity with this with this one.
Tom Wynn, director of affluent research at Spectrem, provided several factors for the increased confidence: the steady improvement in job growth, the steady increase in the major stock market indices since the spring, and a decrease in political ambiguity with the election season over, which has an effect on at least some people's outlook.
Efti goes on to offer founders a list of suggestions to ensure that the people they hire can deal with the ambiguity and messiness of start - up life, including stressing this fact in interviews, encouraging employees to take ownership of their ideas, breaking down barriers between teams, and giving new hires some skin in the game in the form of equity.
When you're on the ground working with people, dealing with ambiguities in a new environment, you're gaining a real depth of understanding.
a) I know the color of all my friends» eyes b) I am comfortable with ambiguity c) I know what all the controls on my stereo system are for d) I often adjust the controls on my stereo system and can tell the difference when I do
«It's bleeding edge, A.I. and machine learning and analytics and data scientists, and all of it wraps into this one space with lots of buzzwords, which leads to lots of ambiguity
Dealing with ambiguity at a startup is par for the course, but the benefits of solving the problems that matter most eventually become very clear — though it's often years down the road before they do.
When a solid playbook isn't being used, the process gets overwhelmed with ambiguity, and that leads to one of two (or both) things, neither of which are good:
Usually, these companies hold and regulate the payment between the buyer and seller, but with the ambiguity and rapid fluctuation of bitcoin, some refuse to get involved.
We have folks (the CD Howe Business Cycle Council) who have set the definitions and draw conclusions based on the data, and even still, there's what appears to be a fair amount of subjectivity and ambiguity involved with classifying recessions.
The total amount of the notes was relatively small so it didn't have a huge impact on the economics of the investment but we could have avoided the ambiguity by dealing it with more clearly up front.
As the idea of buyer personas grows, I'm seeing with increased frequency a blur between the two, resulting in greater ambiguity and wasted growth resources.
John McAteer's study of ambiguity in narrative along with Phil Tallon's witty dialogue between three fictional characters on a Tarantino set illustrate this ambivalence quite well.
The ambiguity regarding the nature of the gospel in the WCC — in contrast to its elaborate world order visions — could not be in starker relief to the clarity and assurance (without smugness and with much charity and mercy) of those missionaries and national Christians I visited in Singapore.
But these statements coexist with the ones I quote at the start of this letter, and that creates an ambiguity that has bedeviled the marriage movement.
No ambiguities, no ounce of doubt In this Now at least, this moment pinned, Gold and silver bubbles, thin bands of steel With candles in the wind.
Outside the Noah - Ham episode (which likely has to do with Ham emasculating his drunken father), the contexts for these other occurrences suggest no ambiguity of gender (e.g., of Abraham pitching his tent in Gen 12:8 and 13:3; and Jacob doing the same in Gen 35:21).
There is a very delicate question which places us face to face with the ambiguity of the situation..
He says it was easier, though more dangerous, to discern the truth when confronting the crimes of Fascist groups, than to cope with the ambiguity of the Communists in East Germany during the first years after the war.
Keen believes that Homo Tempestivus - the fully mature individual - «like an athlete or a dancer... moves among the ambiguities and limitations of existence with a gracefulness that appears to the spectator effortless and spontaneous.
In contrast, «the history of modern evangelical interpretation exhibits a strong degree of discomfort with the tensions and ambiguities of Scripture,» says Enns.
Once I was able to live with ambiguity and some measure of humility I was on my way.
The loves which are linked with sexuality seem to be the extreme case of the ambiguity in human loves when they are judged in the light of agape.
Because men have difficulty in dealing with paradox and ambiguity, they can not accept the evil in themselves, and so they project it onto others: human enemies (which explains the prevalence of war) or an omnipotent God (which allows them to avoid their own responsibility).
The parable of the two brothers is full of the ambiguity of human life; its ending is not the happy ending which closes for ever the issues with which it deals.
While the Knight's Tale tells of the demise of Creon the tyrant, it ends with ambiguity concerning whether or not Theseus will himself become just another tyrant.
However vigorously the Catholic Church defends human reason, a necessary presupposition of freedom for love, even defining that reason can know with certitude God's existence, the reason envisaged can not be a deterministic reason that would banish all ambiguity and freedom.
The history of theology is replete with denials of this hard truth of divine - demonic ambiguity.
Scholars experience the phenomenon time after time: you approach a new subject with a few large general impressions and inevitably discover, upon investiga tion, that the impressions don't do justice to the complexity of the data, or, at the very least, that they take on shades of ambiguity you had not previously imagined.
This countermovement brings with it a perception of the ambiguity of the sacred.
It was, therefore, an occasion tinged with the ambiguities and quirks of history when Patriarchs Demetrios and Diodoros — the former in search of ecumenical unity, the latter preoccupied with preserving Greek tribal hegemony in a scandal - ridden church — embraced in Jerusalem.
With their gross generalizations about nuclear weaponry, the churches seem to have contracted a severe case of nuclear «theology» which conveniently shields them from the ambiguities and complexities of the nuclear weapons debate.
The rarity with which Paul discusses any form of same - sex behavior and the ambiguity in references attributed to him make it extremely unsound to conclude any sure position in the New Testament on homosexuality, especially in the context of loving, responsible relationships.
Since «the one» must be a whole, the ambiguity in the meaning of «become» raises the following question: Is the creating process itself one whole with «the many» as its parts, or is the completed satisfaction of a process the whole?
Such cautions in fact come naturally to those of us who came of intellectual age in the middle - to - late 1950s — that brief, golden era of consensus, with its prevailing moods of irony, ambiguity, and paradox.
Such chronicles have always been fraught with ambiguity and the possibility of misinterpretation, however, and such reckonings have generally been disapproved by the church; Origen and Augustine, among many others, both argued that many of the ages chronicled in the OT are simply of unknowable length, and went on to note that the «days» of the creation story simply can not be «days» in the ordinary sense of the term as the sun isn't created until the fourth «day».
The ambiguity of Bingham's project is most evident when it moves into regions traditionally associated with philosophy and theology.
Moreover I, for one, have no wish to circumvent this issue by transposing it into a different key and speaking with calculated ambiguity of the poetically true or the true - for - me.
Indeed, the acceptance of the systematic ambiguity attaching to the notion of an entity merely replaces one paradox with another, but, for our present purposes, we may assume the eventual resolution of this second paradox and proceed to examine how the first paradox is eliminated.9
To decide to live by these ideals is surely also to decide to live with ambiguity, with possible career interruption and with no little degree of anxiety.
But to use this fact as if it implied no analysis of encounters with those who are, in various degrees, not Christian is a shirking both of time intellectual task and of the personal ambiguity of realizing that the evangelizer too must change in his attitudes.
The burden of living with ambiguity and of being «old - hat» may have something to do with Christian faithfulness in the long run.
This step affirms life in its fullness, with all of its ambiguities.
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