Sentences with phrase «of amino acid residues in»

Mutational Insights into the Roles of Amino Acid Residues in Ligand Binding for Two Closely Related Family 16 Carbohydrate Binding Modules, Xiaoyun Su, Vinayak Agarwal, Dylan Dodd, Brian Bae, Roderick Mackie, Satish Nair, Isaac Cann, Journal of Biological Chemistry, DOI: 10.1074 / jbc.M110.168302, August 24, 2010.
The major function of DNA is to encode the sequence of amino acid residues in proteins, using the genetic code.
Then, by establishing a new method for complementation assay using JUNO - deleted eggs, the group examined the role of amino acid residue in fertilization.

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In aqueous fluids, amino acid residues that have polar sidechains — components that can have a charge under certain physiological conditions or that participate in hydrogen bonding — tend to be located on the surface of the protein where they can interact with water, which has negatively and positively side charges to its moleculIn aqueous fluids, amino acid residues that have polar sidechains — components that can have a charge under certain physiological conditions or that participate in hydrogen bonding — tend to be located on the surface of the protein where they can interact with water, which has negatively and positively side charges to its moleculin hydrogen bonding — tend to be located on the surface of the protein where they can interact with water, which has negatively and positively side charges to its molecule.
The SH3 binding sites of two SH3 binding proteins were localized to a nine - or ten - amino acid stretch very rich in proline residues.
Comparison of amino acid residues at these positions among various mammalian melanopsins suggests that melanopsins in apes including humans have acquired and kept two residues destabilizing the bond with retinal in molecular evolution.
It has been observed in this pathway that a single - base missense transversion causes the replacement of valine with glutamic acid at amino acid residue 600 in BRAF that is detected in about 85 % of nevi and melanoma [32, 33].
Discovered that apoE is a major ligand for the low density lipoprotein receptor by mapping the amino acid residues involved in receptor binding and defining the role of apoE in liver clearance of lipoproteins.
So far we have only been able to detect the presence of some of the simpler amino acids in our photolysis residues.
Furthermore, substituting oxygen for sulfur — causing oxidation — in sulfur - containing amino acids (including in the more rare S - adenosylmethionine) can have effects in methionine residues where the surface is exposed, causing an oxidation - reduction cycle, imparing the activity of «methionine sulfoxide reductase and the subsequent accumulation of methionine sulfoxide residues [that] are associated with age - related diseases, neurodegeneration, and shorter lifespan.»
Bivalent - sulfur containing compounds are very prone to oxidation, so of the twenty standard amino acids, C and M are the most prone to oxidation, and M undergoes oxidation more readily than C, so M residues in proteins are the most vulnerable to oxidative damage.
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