Sentences with phrase «of an aging baby boom generation»

February 13, 2017 — «Because of an aging baby boomer generation, Indiana is seeing a swift increase in the number of elder abuse and exploitation cases throughout the state.»
A new Re / Max report says the full impact of an aging baby boom generation is fueling «unprecedented demand for recreational properties» in 67 per cent of the 40 markets surveyed during the first quarter of 2006.

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But now, with the aging baby boom generation threatening to strain the country's single - payer system to the breaking point, provinces are exploring new avenues of public - private partnership.
Moreover, the admittedly quite uncertain long - term budget exercises released by the CBO last October maintain an implicit on - budget surplus under baseline assumptions well past 2030 despite the budgetary pressures from the aging of the baby - boom generation, especially on the major health programs.
Generation X (aged 35 to 54) is saving 8 % of their income and working baby boomers (55 and older) are socking away just 5 %.
Not only that, the arrival of the baby - boom generation at retirement age over the next two decades will see the ratio of seniors to working - age people (aged 20 to 64) go from just over 1:5 in 2006 to 1:2 by 2056.
Overall, a majority (51 %) of respondents aged 18 - 34 said they thought that «the policies and actions undertaken by the Baby Boomer generation» had made things worse for America.
In other words, demographics alone have shaved two percentage points off participation, as the large baby boomer generation started to reach retirement age around the start of the recession.»
The generation with the largest chunk of savers holding equity stakes at least 10 percentage points above Fidelity's recommended allocation for their age is baby boomers, coming in at 26 percent.
«As the baby - boom generation approaches retirement age, the number of cases of impotence will [likely] increase,» noted the company's annual report in 1996.
We compared the responses of Millennials with those of consumers of other generations — Gen - Xers (ages 35 to approximately 49), baby boomers (ages approximately 50 to 69), and the so - called silents (ages approximately 70 and older).
Only 13 % said they would shift out of their current positions and into cash, but that was also the highest of the age groups surveyed: only 8 % of Generation X investors plan to cash out over the second half of 2017, while just 7 % of baby boomers expect to.
Even though the current Millennials ages 25 to 32 are better educated than the generations of young adults who preceded them, 14 the survey found only one significant generational difference in the overall perceived value of their education in preparing them for a job and career — some 41 % of Millennials ages 25 to 32, 45 % of Gen Xers and 47 % of Baby Boomers say their schooling was «very useful» in getting them ready to enter the labor force.
The series also explores how the aging of the baby boomer generation will affect politics and well - being.
The GOBankingRates survey was conducted as three Google Consumer Surveys, each targeted at one of three age groups: millennials, Generation Xers, and baby boomers and seniors.
Even the younger set find these benefits appealing, with 82 per cent of those ages 20 to 37 (millennials) and 81 per cent of those ages 38 to 52 (generation X) citing the benefits as a critical factor in accepting a job, compared to 74 per cent of baby boomers (ages 53 to 71), found the survey by management consulting firm Accenture.
The church attendance drop does appear to be genuine, but small, when you compare rates at same age, but the prayer difference seems to be just an age issue: «Although Millennials report praying less often than their elders do today, the GSS shows that Millennials are in sync with Generation X and Baby Boomers when members of those generations were younger.»
A Generation of Seekers: The Spiritual Journeys of the Baby Boom Generation by wade clark roof harpercollins, 311 pages, $ 20 Beyond Establishment: Protestant Identity in a Post-Protestant Age ed.
«The time for the great reversal is at hand,» conclude Hartford Seminary sociologists David Roozen and William McKinney, whose recent study indicates that 42 per cent of the baby - boom generation are returning to church (reported in the January 21, 1987, issue of the Lutheran) Many people between the ages of 18 and 35 who attended church only occasionally before 1970 are now attending regularly, their survey shows.
One study finds that «despite living in an age of iPads and hybrid cars, young Americans are more like the young adults of the early 1900s than the baby - boom generation: They are living at home longer, are financially insecure, and are making lower wages.»
Huge inequalities are prevalent within each generation, with poverty and ill health rife even among the so - called lucky generation of baby - boomers: 1.8 million people over state pension age are currently living below the poverty line and three quarters of NHS clients are aged 65 and over.
The industry is seeing more of a need for qualified nurses as the baby boomer generation ages.
As the baby boomer generation ages, more and more Americans are planning for the end of life.
The risk of developing age - related macular degeneration is much less in the Baby Boom (1946 - 1964) and later generations than in earlier generations, for unclear reasons.
Two papers published online in Annals of Emergency Medicine highlight a problem that promises to grow rapidly with the aging of the Baby Boom generation.
4/15/2008 Hartford Foundation Renews Support for UC San Diego Program to Train Geriatric Mental Health Specialists Grant supports Center of Excellence in Geriatric Psychiatry to train next generation of geriatric psychiatrists, researchers / educators to meet mental health needs of the elderly By 2030, when the last of the baby boomers reach age 65, there will be... More...
The rate has been rising, partly because of the aging of the baby - boom generation.
Osteoarthritis disability is rapidly becoming a significant public health issue with experts indicating that by 2020 the amount of people having osteoarthritis would have doubled as a result of increasing prevalence of obesity as well as the aging of the generation of «baby boomers».
As the Baby Boomer generation is now turning 65 and incidences of diabetes are significantly on the rise in every age group across America, we're facing an epidemic, with nearly one third of the population diabetic or prediabetic.
The next generation of retirees, though, is expected to be more computer and internet friendly, since Baby Boomers between the ages of 45 and 64 spend a considerably higher amount of time online - 123 minutes per day.
If you are new to baby boomer dating then you may want to start with Over 40 Dating For Beginners while those readers at the top end of the age range of the baby boomer generation will find much of use at Senior Pen Pals For Free (these days pen pals are for dating too).
his clearest take on the mid-life crisis age of Generation X. Much of the conflict of the film comes from the sense that they are somewhat of a lost generation, sandwiched between the can - do hard working Baby Boomer attitude of those who came before (Grodin's character) and the less traditionalist, blunter millennial hipster culture (Driver's cGeneration X. Much of the conflict of the film comes from the sense that they are somewhat of a lost generation, sandwiched between the can - do hard working Baby Boomer attitude of those who came before (Grodin's character) and the less traditionalist, blunter millennial hipster culture (Driver's cgeneration, sandwiched between the can - do hard working Baby Boomer attitude of those who came before (Grodin's character) and the less traditionalist, blunter millennial hipster culture (Driver's character).
For the most part, Baubach has aged alongside his protagonists, making While We're Young his clearest take on the mid-life crisis age of Generation X. Much of the conflict of the film comes from the sense that they are somewhat of a lost generation, sandwiched between the can - do hard working Baby Boomer attitude of those who came before (Grodin's character) and the less traditionalist, blunter millennial hipster culture (Driver's cGeneration X. Much of the conflict of the film comes from the sense that they are somewhat of a lost generation, sandwiched between the can - do hard working Baby Boomer attitude of those who came before (Grodin's character) and the less traditionalist, blunter millennial hipster culture (Driver's cgeneration, sandwiched between the can - do hard working Baby Boomer attitude of those who came before (Grodin's character) and the less traditionalist, blunter millennial hipster culture (Driver's character).
Classrooms are facing a mass exodus of senior teaching staff as the baby boomer generation nears retirement, coupled with societal pressure to leave the workforce at state pension age, according to new research from specialist recruiter Randstad Education.
The school buildings constructed beginning in the 1950s to cope with the population explosion of the baby - boom generation were beginning to reach a critical age.
Millennials (customers under age 34) now buy more new vehicles than any generation besides Baby Boomers, and they account for 20 percent of GM sales, up from 5 percent in 2010.
The Age of Entitlement: The Tragedy of the Baby Boom Generation by Christopher Caldwell (Simon & Schuster)
I'm not talking about just my aging process, but that of the whole massive Baby Boom Generation - the millions and millions of us who were born in the postwar era and went on to set a standard for whiny self - absorption that probably will never be equaled.
This theme is expanded on in Too Much of a Good Thing: Raising Children of Character in an Indulgent Age by Dan Kindlon, Ph. D. Kindlon praises baby boomers for being emotionally close to their children and for raising kids who confide in their parents more than earlier generations, but he also finds them too indulgent.
The first wave of the baby boom generation is hitting retirement age.
Various budget realities, including huge costs associated with the aging and retirement of the baby boom generation, will make it difficult for the federal government to sustain low tax rates.
These kinds of problems often hit home for Baby Boomers who are part of the Sandwich generation, as they find themselves trying to deal simultaneously with child raising and caring for their aging parents.
We discuss several «secular» factors in this article, such as the aging of the baby boomer generation, or the swift evolution of technology.
Increasing costs for senior citizens on a fixed income are giving an entire generation of aging baby boomers cause for concern.
The aging of the baby boomer generation, increased life expectancy, and deteriorating dependency ratios are putting upward pressure on the government's implicit liabilities and debt.
The Baby Boomer generation is increasingly turning to pets as they age and their children move out of the house.
«Historically, when a person hits their early - to mid-seventies, their propensity to have a pet declines sharply, so as we look at the huge generation of aging baby boomers, there has to be some concern,» says Michael Johnson, vice president of marketing and information for Chuck Latham Associates, a sales and marketing company.
Many industry insiders are also concerned that subsequent generations — namely Generations X and Y — are not likely to fill the revenue gap that baby boomers leave as they age out of their pet - owgenerations — namely Generations X and Y — are not likely to fill the revenue gap that baby boomers leave as they age out of their pet - owGenerations X and Y — are not likely to fill the revenue gap that baby boomers leave as they age out of their pet - owning years.
«And putting it in the context of Gen Y - ers vs. baby boomers, this generation has a much higher level of knowledge about managing their financial lives at that age compared with previous generations
The new element in the late sixties was the coming of age of the diverse first wave of the baby boom generation of artists born between 1937 and 1950.
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