Sentences with phrase «of an apologist for»

«Everyone was being a bit of an apologist for him in the room and I just blew up,» Shalala said in an oral history on Clinton's presidency for The Miller Center at the University of Virginia.
I've seen a lot of silliness on the belief blog, but on the Joel Osteen topic, I was gobsmacked by the number of apologists for Biblical slavery coming out of the woodwork.
In the English - speaking world, however, the Cold War having been won, Aron's refusal to join the ranks of the apologists for Stalinism is not as exciting as it once was: thus do scholarly fates wax and wane.
Are you insane or another one of these apologists for the Catholic church, who for DECADES did nothing to address the many issues reported to them by members of their congregations.
All I ask of apologists for the system is that they recognize the latter truth as also a consequence of globalism, and that they then ask the larger question of the compatibility of a capitalist culture with Christian values.
Am I being too much of an apologist for school districts?
I usually have so much for Gay City News, so it was disappointing to hear about your endorsement of this apologist for plutocrats, police violence, and the bigoted status quo.
Clement Greenberg, the most influential of apologists for modern painting of the period, placed particular stress on the formal elements of abstraction, while artists» more otherworldly ideals tended to be played down.
Mr. Revkin, you are in danger of going down a dangerous road, that of the worst kind of apologists for fossil fuels — masquerading as environmentalists while throwing the public health concerns of the New Yorkers who are least politically and economically positioned to defend themselves to the wayside.

Not exact matches

Some of the people you'll hear spreading anti-Semitic views are blatant apologists for extremism, justifying a car barreling into an Israeli bus stop or a random knife attack on the street as a legitimate expression of frustration at the lack of a Palestinian state, Jewish victims be damned.
I'm not in, or an apologist for, the industry; I'm just interested in a reasonable scientific debate on an activity that seems to have the potential to add a great deal of value (including in disadvantaged indigenous communities if the resources are on Native Title lands) and enhance Australian energy security.
With the help of Mr. Levant, he nastily branded Ms. Kennedy - Glans as a «Liberal saboteur» and a «bizarre cross between a radical feminist and an apologist for a women - hating Arab dictatorship.»
As for letters from Rand's apologists, they are of a piece and can be dealt with in general terms.
For Benedict has not only been doctrinally consistent and intellectually sharp, as his apologists often note, but he has, indeed, been a leader, and this may be the most under - appreciated aspect of his reign.
In sum, although a few apologists such as Stephanie Coontz still insist otherwise, just about everyone else in possession of the evidence acknowledges that the sexual revolution has weakened family ties, and that family ties (the presence of a biologically related mother and father in the home) have turned out to be important indicators of child well - being — and more, that the broken home is not just a problem for individuals but also for society.
Apologists for science have become alarmed at the fact that science is questioned within the academy itself, by historians of science and feminists.
Now the Working Committee of CPC has met and ousted some of the leaders who have fallen into disgrace as apologists for the oppression of the hated regimes of the past.
Indeed, the «battle» that resulted in the killing of hundreds of thousands of priests and nuns was not forgotten, except by Western apologists for Soviet tyranny.
Modern day apologists for the Christian Holocaust would like to forget the facts, but these nasty little buggers have a way of coming to the surface.
* Yawn * another apologist for radical Islam (uh oh — will the FBI be knocking at my door for uttering that term, the use of which has been prohibited within the Obama White House?).
Worse than failing to cry out, the NCC continues in its historic role as de facto apologist for the persecution of Christians and other believers.
Wolfe was criticized before for falling under the spell of his subject in the Muggeridge biography, overinflating Muggeridge's stature as a Christian apologist.
Apologists have been changing the supposedly inerrant word of God for centuries to suit their purpose and that includes your twisted interpretations Theo.
Steven Carr Apologists have been changing the supposedly inerrant word of God for centuries to suit their purpose and that includes your twisted interpretations Theo.
But Ally is, in fact, one of the world's foremost apologists for Islam.
As a journalist and apologist I have long been interested in pursuing evidence for the truth of Christianity.
This line of apologist argument is at best a draw, but perhaps doesn't even rise to that level because at least we have physical evidence for the singularity.
Once the young apologist, I suddenly found myself wrestling with the notion that most of my fellow human beings would suffer eternal damnation in hell for being born at the wrong place and the wrong time.
Mr. C. S. Lewis may be cited, for one of the apologists; and the theologians are legion.
While monasticism in modern times has been deeply influenced by Dom Paul Delatte's rather rigorous interpretation of the Holy Rule (he was Abbot of Solesmes from 1890 to 1921) we find in Hugh Gilbert's firm but gentle hands a rather more humane understanding of the contemporary mind, particularly in his substantial treatment of the concept of obedience (a minefield for any Christian apologist) which stands at the centre of this present work.
Atheists are open to evidence (that's the reason why most likely we are atheists)... If there was sound logical evidence for a god and not just bad fallacies thrown around by apologists we of course would be on board with that.
There was a long, long list of Christian apologists who were leaders of their congregations for the bombings and murders by Eric Robert Rudolph.
Apologists attempt to declare a superior «objective» basis for their faith, but the Smith comparison undermines this claim of «objectivity.»
In the light of the fact that Jesus (or the apologist Justin, for that matter) was killed by Rome, we must ask, Who made the greatest compromise, the church or its new Roman patron?
In fact, the radical consequences for domestic issues of this growing black international consciousness — usually dubbed anti-Americanism by the vulgar right — frightens the new black conservatives, who find themselves viewed in many black communities as mere apologists for pernicious U.S. foreign policies.
For crying our loud, the Greeks and Romans had perfectly serviceable religious schemes and dozens of gods to keep them morally straight, but I don't see any apologists here advocating for return to their methodologiFor crying our loud, the Greeks and Romans had perfectly serviceable religious schemes and dozens of gods to keep them morally straight, but I don't see any apologists here advocating for return to their methodologifor return to their methodologies.
At Washington Bible College and Capital Bible Seminary they taught you how to think thru heretical arguments in light of scripture and come to reason it out for yourself AND how can any CHristian Apologist be worth anything if they don't know and understand the heretical views that oppose Orthodox Christianity!?
There are a lot of apologists out there that can argue all day for inerrancy.
How is it possible for atheists to be responsible for the mass slaughter of people while being, by many religious apologists estimations, an extremely small percentage of the population?
The wife of late Muslim - turned Christian apologist Nabeel Qureshi has revealed she prayed for her husband's resurrection until he was buried seven days after his death.
Much of the value of this dialogue for process philosophers lies in following along precisely the sorts of things that Hausman and I said, for these are the sorts of things nearly all process philosophers say about Bergson, even those such as Hausman and I, who are very sympathetic to Bergson and try to study him closely (although admittedly, Hausman is really more a Peircean and I am more a Whiteheadian, and Gunter is really Bergson's true apologist).
So why do we need faith to believe in the Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth if the evidence for this event is as strong as Christian apologists claim?
Polergiest and Voice of Reason... While NOTHING can be proven DEFINITIVELY with JUST logic or reason... UNLIKE many Christians who are apologists for illogical faith, I emphasize that there is a component of logic within faith.
Since this problem of authority among men is always ultimately theological the crisis in pastoral authority is symptomatic of the crisis in civilization, though it is not as some apologists for the Church seem to believe the cause of the latter crisis.
I like to think that those apologists who endorse the view of god as an indiscriminate killer of children and infants will be judged for their lack of compassion and their embrace of such defamatory stories.
The ensuing debate too often takes the form of a contest between defenders of traditional morality on the one hand and apologists for homosexual life style on the other.
At a time when secularists are doing all they can to drain the last drop of Christianity out of this country, I find it insulting that these same anti-religious zealots are becoming muslim apologists and arguing for the inclusion of muslim holidays in the NYC public school calendar.
If we can really assure ourselves by natural reason that God exists then that is not an article of faith, and the same goes for Christ's divinity, if, as apologists claim, we have good rational grounds for thinking that he claimed to be divine, that he was neither mad nor a fraud, and that he rose from the dead.
This is the mandate of the apologists on this blog and the best you can hope for is a circuar arguement that always ends up with it is «Gods truth».
Soviet spies were of the left generally, they supported liberal causes, they defended the Soviet Union in all circumstances, they were often secret members of the Communist Party, they were uniformly suspicious of American initiatives throughout the world, they could be contemptuous of American democracy, society, and culture, and, above all, their offenses were often minimized or explained away by apologists who felt that no man should be called traitor who did what he did for the cause of humanity.
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