Sentences with phrase «of analysis of»

He has read the Lippman Report, which concludes that the City jails on Rikers Island should be closed and replaced with jails throughout the five boroughs, and disagrees with its conclusions although he shares much of its analysis of Rikers» problems.
Lewis Baston's report on AV for the Electoral Reform Society is the best piece of analysis of AV from a pro-PR perspective.
Much of the analysis of last week's general election has focused on whether Labour were seen as either too left or right wing.
The Gamble is the second part of his analysis of the US led Coalition campaign in Iraq.
The objective of the study was to examine the association between placental abruption, maternal characteristics, and routine first - and second - trimester aneuploidy screening analytes.The study consisted of an analysis of 1017 women with and 136,898 women without placental abruption who had first - and second - trimester prenatal screening results, linked birth certificate, and hospital discharge records for a live - born singleton.
After all of these analysis of the features and usefulness of the product, we can conclude the BabyBjorn Cradle reviews with the following pros & cons table.
The FIA has simulated Fernando Alonso's dramatic 2016 Australian Grand Prix crash with the halo fitted, as part of its analysis of the Formula 1 cockpit protection device.
Cricket is not a sport that we've done a great deal of analysis of here on The Science of Sport.
Are you aware of analysis of this percentage?
His two goals in pre-season were clear manifestation of analysis of the situation and seizing the best possible tools within him to execute just the exact move necessary to get the goal scored.
I didn't want to go into as much of analysis of the chocolate chip cookie as this writer did and pulled a typical Kaitlin — throw all the ingredients together and hope it works out.
Chemical analysis must be made in accordance with the methods described in the most current edition of the Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC International or other current applicable validated methodology determining the presence of contaminants in agricultural products.
As we have seen, it is contrary to the conclusion of the analysis of Zeno's paradox: «the act [of becoming] is not extensive, in the sense that it is divisible into earlier and later acts of becoming» (PR 69/107).
Nor will I demonstrate here the ease with which one can map the details of his analysis of rites of passage onto the stories about the founders of the major religious traditions, finding in the myths and legends of Krishna, Buddha, Moses, Mohammed, and Jesus a common abstract structure, following a familiar tripartite pattern.
The authors felt themselves to be greatly daring in setting at the head of their analysis of the troubles a «false theory», that the Pope owns every benefice in the Church and may sell them without doing wrong.
From the vantage point of an analysis of lower levels the higher can not be comprehended.
As part of his analysis of the contemporary situation Brueggemann considers three theological options that he judges to be inadequate.
The problem of the analysis of the inner vocabulary of the premises remains an insistent one, however.
King has been quick to add this discovered text «does not, however, provide evidence that the historical Jesus was married,» she wrote in a draft of her analysis of the fragment set to appear in the January edition of Harvard Theological Review.
What I shall do here is to consider the consequences of applying to the doctrine of God the results of the analysis of the categorical conditions of human love.
Creativity emerges into a process metaphysics precisely out of an analysis of what it means to be an «active» entity.
We come to the question of what use we can make of this analysis of human love when we speak of the love of God.
«Some particular how is necessary»: this is what can be said on the basis of an analysis of the philosophical situation itself.
Conceptual functioning is a mode of analysis of the physical occasion.
Much of his analysis of the dynamic structure of every unitary entity is based on phenomenological analysis of his own experience.
But I am indebted to him for daring to articulate the notion as part of his analysis of the Old Testament witness.
It may be that this question brings us to the limit of analysis of self denial.
This expectation grows not only out of an analysis of those forces working among us for revolutionary change, but is an implication also of Christian insights.
Consequently everything else, lacking this structure of an occasion, must be regarded as abstract, and must be explained as such, or as the result of the analysis of an occasion.
Thus far our discussion of some of the traditional religious ideas in the light of an analysis of religion in terms of actual human experience has not been concerned exclusively with any one religious or sectarian movement.
It is now defended on the basis of personal religious experience and on the ground of an analysis of its essence in which the supremacy of its moral character is disclosed.
With Irenaeus we come to the end of our analysis of second - century Christology, [66] an analysis which has showed us how varied life - situations result in kaleidoscopic responses.
It is easy to interpret the doctrine of the divinity of Christ in terms of our analysis of religious experience.
What is true of our analysis of the macrocosmic process is also true at the microcosmic or individual level.
Still, Manent admits that, following the example and much of the analysis of Tocqueville, we are, comparatively speaking, better off because the family, the nation, and religious belief remain stronger here.
Though my personal quest may be satisfied partly by my participating in the other five of our six contexts, there is still a residue of individuality that can not be grasped in terms of an analysis of any of them.
The essence of their analysis of religion has been set forth many times.
The «battle lines» between «religion» and «the world» presuppose a certain, constricted understanding of reason that ought to be questioned from both directions — that's really the sum and substance of my analysis of and my hope for BYU.
Let us also be clear that we must not make a realitry of this analysis of the myth.
Trained in logic, mathematics and positive sciences, his main intention was to bring philosophy once again in touch with the sciences of his era (quantum mechanics, relativity theory, non-mechanical biology) and to elaborate a cosmological - metaphysical theory on the basis of the analysis of their presuppositions.
How shall we interpret miracles in the light of our analysis of religious experience?
I more fully elucidated these points towards the end of my analysis of the song.
The close affinity of the Fourth Gospel with the apostolic Preaching will become plainer if we attempt an analysis of it somewhat on the lines of our analysis of Mark.
When the plane lands on the field of the analysis of the social system, we may find that both the Marxist analysis of history and Whitehead's metaphysics require modification in light of each other.
Laszlo seems to forget that the doctrine of prehension emerges out of an analysis of the theory of perception of a great idealist philosopher, George Berkeley.
The implication of our analysis of verifiability for God - talk is that since the present is the region of half - presence, half - absence, of light and darkness, day and night, then God who is Presence and Light can not be found in the present.
Let me proceed to argue the point, first by a theoretical analysis of the nature of evolutionary time, contrasting it with the hellenic view of time, and second by a confirmation and verification of this analysis of evolutionary time as non-contingent and immanent by observing the actual process of evolution itself.
It is important to indicate an approach to the interpretation of these ideas in the light of an analysis of religious experience.
In his early work, he had gone out of analysis of «events» as unique and of «objects» as that which, can ingrediate as the repeatable within several events (CN 169).
It is his opinion that we can best state the evangelical message and the evangelical demand in the idiom of contemporary existentialism, more particularly by use of the analysis of the human situation made in the writings of the German existentialist philosopher Martin Heidegger.
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