Sentences with phrase «of ancient man»

This means that He was to be sharply distinguished from the gods of ancient man.
The process of myth - making has been called «the intellectual adventure of ancient man».
It is important to realize that, unlike our situation today, the mind of ancient man enjoyed almost unlimited freedom in developing the story.
The myths of ancient man were predominantly concerned with descriptive narratives of what went on in that divine world hidden from human sight.
Despite their relatively modern dating, they have certain archaic features, leading some scientists to believe that they represent a different species of ancient man.
The mythological world of ancient man led of necessity to religion.
In the new world the mythological world view of ancient man is obsolete, but poetry is not obsolete.
It's nothing but the supersti.tious scribblings of ancient men who used it to control others through the fear of punishment.
In the man Jesus the religion of ancient man came to an end.
Israel had abandoned the gods of ancient man in favor of the YHWH who addressed them in history, and now in the Israelite human scene there appeared a man who not only spoke the Word of God but who embodied it in flesh and blood.
«supersti.tious scribblings of ancient men who used it to control others through the fear of punishment.»
sayin — sin and salvation are from imaginations of ancient men unable to comprehend the natural world.
Fourthly, the unseen spiritual world around him so dominated the life of ancient man that the cultic practices of sacrifice and ritual, by which he sought to win the favor of the gods, were of paramount importance.
Dan: You seem to be confusing «god» with the writings of ancient man.
The sun drenched valley of the Nile and the flooded plains of ancient Sumer both exerted profound influence in the molding of the outlook of ancient men for whom Egypt and Babylonia were the world and their forces the realities by which man must direct his life.
Now that the Bible must be regarded as the witness of ancient men to what they believed God was saying and doing in their own day, and not the verbatim revelation spoken by God Himself, then even the biblical language is relative to its age and can not be appealed to as if it were God's very own words about Himself.
But whereas the myth - making of ancient man had no boundaries set for it, the Christian believer is being continually recalled to the biblical witness to the Jesus of History and the apostolic testimony to the Christ of faith.
The mythological world of ancient man forms the real background for the appreciation of the Old Testament, and the first thing which strikes one is that the Old Testament contains so much writing of history.
DNA of ancient man who lived in what is now Russia carried key elements of the current European genome
The discovery of an ancient man with a recent Neanderthal ancestor illustrates how quickly the science of Stone Age humans has changed.
This was among the first to suggest that our genome evolved according to the nutrition requirements of ancient man, and modern - day dietary changes have occurred much too rapidly for adequate genetic adaptation.
It's an exhilarating, lavishly romantic and almost flawlessly cast epic of ancient men in war.
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They are related in that the mythological world view of ancient man was expressed in the form of stories or myths, but it shall be argued later that there is something more permanently valid in «myth» than in what has been here called the «mythological».
Whereas they pointed to the pantheon of gods in their unseen heavenly world, the Bible pointed to one who was in no way to be identified with the gods of ancient man, but who was known to them in the sphere of human history as the deepest reality confronting them there.
Within this cosmopolitan Israel the sense of freedom, sparked off by the deliverance from Egypt and consummated in the kingdom of David, gave rise to a new kind of faith, which as we have seen, was destined to diverge more and more from the mythological religion of ancient man.
al., The Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man, An Essay on Speculative Thought in the Ancient Near East [Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1946], p. 4 ff.)
In the succeeding chapters we shall examine the distinctive marks of the Judeo - Christian heritage, as they come to light when the Bible is studied against the background of the mythological world of ancient man.
When the Old Testament speaks about God, it is not referring to one of the many gods which derived from the imagination of ancient man, but to the one and only YHWH, who not only brought them into being, but also continued to be the Lord of history.
Perhaps in this process we have some hint as to the way in which the mind of ancient man, less adept in handling abstract concepts, was led to express the conflicts he felt among the unseen forces about him in the form of stories of the gods and spirits.
Thus, in the very things most characteristic of the religion of ancient man, namely altars, sacrifices and temples, the prophets of Israel took the first steps in the direction of their abolition, for YHWH, being wholly different from the ancient gods, neither required the old cultic offerings, nor did He dwell in a house made by hands.
The clear implication is that YHWH was not concerned with holy buildings in the same way as were the gods of ancient man.
Even though the Bible was pointing away from the gods of ancient man, it was still forced to use the God - language of ancient man.
But the important emphasis of the tradition is that YHWH was associated for Israel, not with mythology, as were the gods of ancient man, but with the events of her own history.
This spelled the end to the gods of ancient man.
The path pioneered by Israel, leading to the abolition of mythology, the gods, heaven and religion came to a consummation in the man Jesus of Nazareth, so that his coming spelled the end to the world of ancient man, and the new age in human history began, as is demonstrated by our division of time into BC.
Now that we have briefly sketched the role of myth and ritual in the ancient world we can see why it is convenient to use the label «mythological» to describe the world of ancient man.
We shall now summarize the chief characteristics of the mythological world of ancient man.
We are used to the cyclic rhythm in the daily, monthly and annual routine, but we have become so conditioned to the sense of history in terms of a continuous line in which the past recedes ever further away, that we find it difficult to appreciate the time - world of ancient man.
We may freely admit that there is a danger that, if we continue to use the word «myth», it may be mistakenly assumed that we are attempting to restore the mythological view of ancient man.
The three - decker world view of ancient man, and the contemporary space universe which stems from Copernicus and Galileo are so different from each other, that every aspect of the Christian faith on which cosmology impinges must be radically reinterpreted.
The three - decker world view of ancient man, (sky, flat earth, underworld) and the contemporary space universe stemming from Copernicus and Galileo are so different from each other that every aspect of the Christian faith must be radically reinterpreted.
But it serves to accentuate the great gap that exists between our world view and that of ancient man.
When we turn from the mythological world of ancient man to the Old Testament we find ourselves in a different world.
He is the author of The Problem of Ezekiel, and The Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man, and many other books.
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