Sentences with phrase «of animal history»

Human history grows continuously out of animal history, and goes back possibly even to the tertiary epoch.

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Matt provided us with a brief history of the ASPCA as we stood in the section of the facility that handles spaying and neutering animals.
But this latest scandal is simply business as usual for Woodfibre LNG, which is owned by the notorious Indonesian billionaire, Sukanto Tanoto, whose companies have a history of tax evasion, animal rights violations and human rights offences.
The leaders of Animal Farm maintain thought control by obscuring the facts with smokescreens, rewriting history, creating conspiracy theories about pending attacks, faking victims, slander, scapegoating, murdering opposition, outrageous public works projects to keep the animals busy, and through a large group of useful idiots — sheep — that spread their message unthinkingly and distract dissenters.
He also states, «While history clearly shows that... government meddling in monetary affairs... leads to financial market booms and the inevitable busts that follow, mainstream economists either deny that financial bubbles can occur or claim that the «animal spirits» of market participants are to blame.»
The physical universe is not a mere shadow, it is a drama of billions of actors, some minute, blindly moving atoms, some living plants and moving animals, and some intelligent body - persons enacting an evolutionary history whose scenario still remains open to the future.
The variation that actually occurred in the history of life was exactly the sort needed to bring about the complete set of plants and animals that exist today.
In all about 20 million people, he was one of histories nastiest animals.
As a Christian, I absolutely believe God began the human race in the Garden of Eden... as a discerning intelligent human being, I can not deny the facts found in carbon dating studies of ancient fossil remains... if God can creat man, he can also allow for investigation and confirmation of planet plant and animal life, the upheaval of mountains, and history of the sea.
At the end of history, we can return to nature or eternity as either soulless animals or contemplative thinkers.
The time of natural history — that is, the time between the creation and the consummation — is the time in which peace between God and man, between man and his fellow man, and among animals, has been shattered.
In the history of a living society, its more vivid manifestations wander to whatever quarter is receiving from the animal body an enormous variety of physical experience.
He then went on to tell us about the history of the universe from the huge explosion of matter and energy (the Big Bang) through the formation of stars and then rocky planets on which complex chemicals were produced, leading to the synthesis of the first molecules of life and the emergence of the plant and animal kingdoms.
The greatest minds in the history of Western Civilization, from Plato and Aristotle to Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, Kepler, Galileo, Newton, and Boyle, all believed that the argument from design was the only reasonable explanation for adaptations in animals and plants.
Roquentin's confrontation with the void in Sartre's Nausea («Everything is gratuitous»), the defeatism of Mr. Compson in Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury («All men are just accumulations dolls stuffed with sawdust swept up from the trash heaps where all previous dolls had been thrown away the sawdust flowing from what wound in what side that not for me died not»), and Nietzsche's ironic and mournful declamations (such as his remark that the moment «clever animals invented cognition... was the haughtiest, most mendacious moment in the history of this world, but yet only a moment.
For thousands of years man has been a culture - producing, history - making animal.
The Strategy of the Genes: A Discussion of Some Aspects of Theoretical Biology (London: Allen and Unwin, 1957); Hardy, Sir Alister, The Biology of God: A Scientist's Study of Man the Religious Animal (New York: Taplinger Publishing Company, 1976); by the same author, The Living Stream: A Restatement of Evolution and its Relation to the Spirit of Man (London: Collins, 1965), and The Divine Flame: An Essay Towards a Natural History of Religion (London: Collins, 1966), Vols.
see what you have to understand about living in a real world — a world where god is just a story and not real — its a world based on scientific and physical laws that are proven to exist and their effects are measurable... us as humans, mere animals, hold no real power or control aside thru ingenuity which allows us to change our environment to suit us... stay with me here... at this point in human history we ceased to change to suit our environment and started changing it to suit us — thats destruction of the earth to suit one species — that should go over well...
However, I wonder how far that was inevitable given Edwards» underlying intention to provide a theology in response to the fate of the animals in evolutionary history.
I know the history of philosophy far better than I do current science, except some small parts of the latter having to do with sensation and animal behavior.
madtown, The evolutionary process that effect His will is not interventionary in its process, it follows the law of nature, God is not Human, we are only part of Him, our wisdom is infinitesimaly small, The reason is beyond us, just like History, it is only after thousands or millions of years that we understood why it happened, for example, Why the dynasours got extinct, millions of years ago, to pave the way for smaller animals and ultimately humans, Thats why to apply the present human logic on history is illogically simpHistory, it is only after thousands or millions of years that we understood why it happened, for example, Why the dynasours got extinct, millions of years ago, to pave the way for smaller animals and ultimately humans, Thats why to apply the present human logic on history is illogically simphistory is illogically simplistic.
In the history of the Christian churches there has been no unanimous attitude to animals and how we should treat them.
The difference is that in man and the higher animals there is a unique coordination of many such occasions over a particular area called the body, and a unique inheritance of past occasions that is able consciously to identify a self through history.
The age - long persistence of outward forms of animal sacrifice along with profound changes in the interpretation of their meaning presents one of the commonest phenomena of religious history — preservation of custom accompanied by alteration of theory.
Many animals exhibit remarkable behaviors... but only the human race exhibits the creativity, the artistic expression, and the irrepressible belief in the divine demonstrated throughout the entire realm of recorded human history.
Not only that, but the idea that humans and animals developed to some point then were all but eliminated from the earth just does not line up with what we think we know of the history of the earth, at least as far as timing.
In its horror at the evolutionists» claim that humans are animals, AiG forgets that for much of Christian history, theologians heartily agreed that humans are animals — «dependent rational animals» is how Aquinas described us.
But his procedure is different from that of the zoologist; he is preoccupied with the general structures of animal life, and not alone with the «history» of a particular species.
The many different species of plants and animals each have their own particular natures because of a long history of interactions and cause - and - effect sequences which have made each species what it is.
Writers who deal with the work of God in history can not always write with the preciseness of an Aristotle discussing categories or the habits of animals.
In her media release last week she said «South Australians have a long history of standing up against the cruel live animal trade and I'm proud to stand with them again as we continue to fight for an end to this cruel practice».
Mark has a long history of successfully marketing specialty and bran ingredients to the food and animal nutrition industries.
I doubt they even considered it a substitute for cows» milk at the time, since Asians don't have a history of consuming milk from another animal.
America was on the back of that horse, and instinct tells us that our affection for the animal traces deep along the taproots of our history and culture.
After I explained the history of Finch, a look came over his face that I hadn't seen since he learned at a very young age that the animals on the Jungle Cruise at Disney World were not real.
This week you can make a winter craft at Crowder District Park in Apex, learn about historic toys at Historic Yates Mill County Park in Raleigh, explore animal constellations at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, and open the time traveler's trunk for a peek into history at West Point on the Eno in Durham.
Before using produce from the school garden, the USDA recommends visiting the garden and asking the lead gardener about growing practices, including the history of the land use, water sources, soil sampling and results, use of fertilizers and pesticides, and animal control measures.
Over the course of its history, the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum has amassed a collection of about 390,000 animal specimens and artifacts.
Over the course of its history, the museum has amassed a collection of about 390,000 animal specimens and artifacts.
Of course, Elvis could not make an appearance at the Living History Farms, so he has a body double (stuffed animal) that Monte will carry around
Ranging from obscure baby names influenced by TV or geography, or some more unusual baby names inspired by design, ancient history, animals and planets we've got a grand collection of names to spark inspiration.
The event will include family - friendly activities; a live animal demonstration from Drumlin Farm's Audubon Ark; a short natural history talk on what you can see out on the trails; and guided walks of various lengths led by Mass Audubon naturalists on newly upgraded trails.
«Right or wrong, I think they've fallen into the same problem as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals [PETA] and Greenpeace at different parts in their histories as being too extreme to recognize individual needs,» she said.
These other interpretations employ other types of evidence: oral history, the evolution of plants and animals, archaeology, stones, tools and weapons, material artefacts of all kinds, song, poetry, even dance and body movement, Antarctic ice, radio - activity, all these open windows into the past.
This is not to say that force is not required in the policy response to the poaching of critically endangered wild animals, but that the long history of the «War on Drugs» and organised crime teaches us that going after low level operators that can be easily replaced will do little to deter the king - pins at the top of the trade.
Although the first cloned animal - a tadpole - was created in 1952, the most publicly significant event in the history of cloning was the creation of Dolly the Sheep in 1996 at the Roslin Institute, near Edinburgh.
«There was no history of travel or contact with animal by the said patient.
He was cleared to buy the gun — despite a history of violence toward peers and animals and his expulsion from the public high school for «disciplinary reasons.»
A specimen was first unearthed in what is now Tanzania in the 1930s and sat in London's Natural History Museum until 1956, when Ph.D. candidate Alan Charig (later a paleontologist at the museum) dubbed it T. rhadinus (referring to the shape of the animal's hip and its slender body).
«Living herd animals do occasionally turn carnivore to fulfill a particular nutritional need,» says vertebrate paleontologist Paul Barrett of the Natural History Museum in London.
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