Sentences with phrase «of antiretroviral therapy»

Over time, the likelihood of HIV - indicated cesarean delivery being associated with an HIV diagnosis during pregnancy, initiation of antiretroviral therapy in the third trimester, and a plasma load of ≥ 500 copies / mL increased progressively.
An HIV diagnosis during pregnancy, initiation of antiretroviral therapy in the third trimester, plasma viral load of ≥ 500 copies / mL, and delivery between 37 and 40 weeks were correlated with increased likelihood of HIV - indicated cesarean delivery in multivariable analysis.
The ability of these children to maintain an intact immune system in the face of ongoing viral replication and in the absence of antiretroviral therapy can provide us with new insights into hitherto unknown defense mechanisms, which could eventually benefit other HIV patients,» says Professor Oliver T. Keppler, Chair of Virology at the Pettenkofer Institute, and former head of the German Reference Center for Retroviruses in Frankfurt am Main.
Early use of antiretroviral therapy for HIV, Cohen found, slashed the risk of transmitting the virus by 96 percent.
The use of antiretroviral therapies for prevention as well as treatment for HIV and AIDS should not be seen as a «silver bullet» and could actually widen the gap in health outcomes for Indigenous peoples, an international Indigenous conference has been told.
Although the overall mortality rate of HIV has dropped significantly since the introduction of antiretroviral therapies in the 1990s, there were 2.1 million new HIV infections and 1.2 million HIV - related deaths in 2015.
In the 1990s, HIV treatment turned a monumental corner with the advent of antiretroviral therapy.
AFASS Acceptable, feasible, affordable, sustainable and safe — the conditions required for safe replacement feeding in previous policy, now updated ART, an abbreviation of antiretroviral therapy and usually meaning one or two antiretroviral drugs used to treat people infected with HIV to reduce their viral load.
A two - year trial has found that long - acting injections of antiretroviral therapy work just as well or better at controlling HIV than daily pills
When combined with antiretroviral therapy, the treatment accelerated the effect of antiretroviral therapy in suppressing HIV.
Study volunteers were identified before the provision of antiretroviral therapy, an average of 46 days after the estimated date of infection.
The magic of antiretroviral therapy, the name for drugs to treat HIV, lies in its ability to restore immune function,» said study co-author Amara Ezeamama, an assistant professor of epidemiology and biostatistics in the College of Public Health.
Using data specific for South Africa, the authors estimated the health benefits and cost - effectiveness of a «combination approach» using all three of the above methods in tandem with current levels of antiretroviral therapy, screening and counseling.
The development of antiretroviral therapy, a combination of drugs that slows the replication of HIV in the body, has transformed the treatment of this infection.
Canadian First Nations health leader Dr Alexandra King said the benefits of antiretroviral therapies (ART) were many and convincing, but they would not address many of the cause issues for Indigenous people with HIV and were also raising a number of ethical issues.
Strategies for the scale - up of antiretroviral therapy in South Africa through health system optimization
In the absence of antiretroviral therapy, over 99 % of individuals infected with HIV go on to develop full - blown AIDS, and the condition evolves more rapidly in children than in adults.
A decline in overall and HIV / AIDS mortality in 1995 was associated with the introduction of antiretroviral therapy.
Included were older ones who had survived the AIDS era and younger ones who came up after the advent of antiretroviral therapy.
Marie McInerney reports: The use of antiretroviral therapies for prevention as well as treatment for HIV and AIDS should not be seen as a «silver bullet» and could actually widen the gap in... Read more
By 2010, the International HIV Controllers Study had identified and enrolled in various studies 1,400 participants who consistently maintained viral loads below 2,000 copies / ml in the absence of antiretroviral therapy.
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