Sentences with phrase «of apostle»

In his view, when a saying is found in Mark and Q the two versions can be compared and the voice of Jesus recovered; but then he believed that Peter stood directly behind Mark and that Q was the work of the apostle Matthew.
This time, rather than be judgmental, using my judgement, I shared the thoughts of the apostle Paul that clearly and directly related not just to some of the topics you brought up but also the direction of some of the thread.
The work of the Lord finds expression not only in personal devotion but, for Paul himself, above all in the work of an apostle.
verily I am Allahs apostle Unto you, confirming the Taurat which was before me, and giving the glad tidings of an apostle who cometh after me: his name will be Ahmad.
This becomes particularly important to us, in our present immediate context, when we consider the practice of the apostle Paul.
This theme is one of the apostle John's favorites.
Is it possible to distinguish between the office of apostle, and the spiritual gift of apostleship?
Irenaeus: «We are not made gods from the first, but first men, then gods» Polycarp, himself a disciple of the apostle St. John... man is a creature who has received a command to become God.
You might as well admit that you don't support the teachings of Jesus Christ as chronicled by four of his apostle - eye witness biographers.
It is based on an actual teaching of the apostle Paul and is part of the promise of Salvation from the Judgment that is coming to this world and upon all of you foolish unbelievers.
I can not see how the reading of Rom 7 would suggest the normal Christian experience, especially interpretetd as descriptive of the persnal experience of the life of the apostle Paul.
We must now turn to the arguments based on the testimony of the apostle Paul.
As a believer I applaud this man for having the courage to explore his doubt... kinda reminds me of another apostle.
We flatten out the words of God - In - Flesh --(God eating and drinking and walking and teaching and laughing and crying among us)-- and give them equal (or often lesser) value to those of the apostle Paul or Old Testament law.
The parables, sayings, and anecdotes from the life of Jesus were used as «paradigms,» illustrations, exempla in the early Christian preaching and teaching, rather than as quotations from a finished and complete biography, based perhaps upon the memoir of an apostle.
... what kind of an apostle would he have been?
St. Ephrem has several hymns in honour of St. Thomas in which he sings of the apostle's preaching of the Gospel in India, of the bringing of his bones to Edessa, of the honour that the Edessene church got thereby, and of the miracles wrought at the shrine.
Long after the martyrdom and burial of Thomas, when king Mazdai opened the tomb of the apostle with the hope of healing his sick son with the touch of the relics, the bones were not found, «for one of the brethren had taken them away secretly and conveyed to the west».
The final element in becoming an apostle of Jesus is that a person must also have received a direct appointment to the office of apostle by Jesus Christ Himself (Luke 6:13 - 16; 1 Cor.
Jerome once said that when he read the letters of the apostle Paul he could hear thunder.
Grudgingly he set himself to the evangelization of Parthia and undertook difficult missionary journeys that brought him almost to India, «there», he said, «when he smelt the smell of the apostle Thomas», he felt at last he had done his duty and had gone far enough.
There is an indication in the Acts of St. Thomas that the relics of the apostle were already transferred to the west at the time when the book was written.
Catholics teach that since apostles have the ability to speak and write the Word of God, and since the Pope is the successor of the apostle Peter, then anything the Pope says or writes is without error and is equal to the Bible.
For example, one type of apostle is the apostle of Jesus Christ, which is someone who was specifically called by Jesus and sent by Jesus to perform a specific task for Jesus.
And however Western scholars may write their histories of the church, from time immemorial Asia has linked the church's expansion eastward to the missionary travels of the apostle Thomas.
Perhaps if one can see the close analogy between a psychoanalytic interpretation of society and Paul's theology of culture, a new way toward an understanding of the message of the apostle may emerge.
We should learn from the testimony of the apostle who, far from seeing success as accomplishing more than others had accomplished, measured it against the call of all Christians with whom he hoped to share the reward (II Tim.
In another oversight, Pagels argues for the unprecedented character of Augustine's doctrine, cutting Augustine off from the psychological and spiritual agonizing of the apostle Paul.
As often as I recall the help I received in my study of the apostle Paul, from the most able New Testament instructor I ever had, I become somewhat frightened; frightened enough to seek yet another touch, frightened enough to look yet more intently.
(14) There are echoes here of the apostle Paul's recognition, reflected in several of his letters, of the importance of general social trust and respect of church leaders and members as a necessary framework for communication of the gospel.
The simplest suggestion is that Paul shared with the Romans the missionary theology that he had worked out in light of the Galatian and Corinthian controversies — and his efforts for the collection — so that the Roman Christians would gladly support the «good news» of an apostle whom they had not yet met face - to - face.
The way of the apostle is a way open to all as individuals — even to the genius himself if he can forsake the absorbing satisfactions of a brilliant self - sufficiency and be ready to will one thing.
We get so focused on ourselves and our own concerns we forget the admonition of the apostle Paul to «not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others (Phillippians 2:4)»
One of the apostle Paul's determinative moves was to take the diversity of the church and, through hard work and grace, form a spirited community.
Indian Christians number close to 30 million (around 2 percent), and they trace their roots to Roman times and quite possibly to the missionary work of the apostle Thomas.
$ 25 At the end of his new book on St. Paul, N. T. Wright invites a comparison between his treatment of the apostle and....
I have often wondered how to reconcile Jesus» statement about not letting anyone call you «Master» or «Teacher» and the statements about the «positions» of elder and deacon in Paul's letters, and, as you point out, Paul's «title» of apostle.
It is fascinating that the ministry of the apostle Paul...
What will matter is that the thousands of children waiting for adoption be treated, in the words of the apostle Paul, as children of God.
What is less clear to me is why complementarians like Keller insist that that 1 Timothy 2:12 is a part of biblical womanhood, but Acts 2 is not; why the presence of twelve male disciples implies restrictions on female leadership, but the presence of the apostle Junia is inconsequential; why the Greco - Roman household codes represent God's ideal familial structure for husbands and wives, but not for slaves and masters; why the apostle Paul's instructions to Timothy about Ephesian women teaching in the church are universally applicable, but his instructions to Corinthian women regarding head coverings are culturally conditioned (even though Paul uses the same line of argumentation — appealing the creation narrative — to support both); why the poetry of Proverbs 31 is often applied prescriptively and other poetry is not; why Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob represent the supremecy of male leadership while Deborah and Huldah and Miriam are mere exceptions to the rule; why «wives submit to your husbands» carries more weight than «submit one to another»; why the laws of the Old Testament are treated as irrelevant in one moment, but important enough to display in public courthouses and schools the next; why a feminist reading of the text represents a capitulation to culture but a reading that turns an ancient Near Eastern text into an apologetic for the post-Industrial Revolution nuclear family is not; why the curse of Genesis 3 has the final word on gender relationships rather than the new creation that began at the resurrection.
This from a guy who equates his dismissing of scripturual sin to that of an apostle.
... These so - called «christians» are, in reality, followers of the apostle Paul than Christ.
I am a determinist, in the line of Calvin, in the line of Augustine, in the line of the apostle Paul, in the line of Jesus, in the line of God the Father.
In the 1830s, when the second great awakening was well under way, a deranged (today we might say charismatic) fellow named Robert Matthews declared himself to be, among other things, the reincarnation of the apostle Matthias.
«In my faith community, popular women pastors such as Joyce Meyer were considered unbiblical for preaching from the pulpit in violation of the apostle Paul's restriction in 1 Timothy 2:12 («I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent»),
One of the great aims of the apostle Paul was to help us recover and restore our God - given identities.
One of the apostles rose and walked off - screen to answer it.
You know the episode in the Acts of the Apostles.
The first man to attack the doctrine of the divinity of Christ was the heretic Cerinthus, a contemporary of the apostles.
You're putting her in the same category of the apostles who wrote the bible, or the Pope.
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