Sentences with phrase «of appropriate purposes»

Not exact matches

Use this checklist to ensure that you're saving the right financial records for tax purposes and keeping them for an appropriate amount of time.
For purposes of calculating replacement rates, it seems appropriate to include some portion of housing wealth in retirement income and, if one believes that the earnings in the denominator is earnings just prior to retirement, it is also appropriate to include some reflection of housing wealth in the denominator, as well.28
We request information that is relevant to skills, expertise, interests, and experience appropriate for our Board of Directors and its responsibility for our Purpose, Vision and Mission.
The forward - looking statements in this presentation are, unless otherwise indicated, stated as of the date hereof and are presented for the purpose of assisting investors and others in understanding our financial position and results of operations, our future operations, as well as our objectives and strategic priorities, and may not be appropriate for other purposes.
Our audit included consideration of its internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company's internal controls over financial reporting.
Our audits included consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company's internal control over financial reporting.
Our audit included consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company's internal control over financial reporting.
It shall be unlawful for any broker, dealer, or exchange, directly or indirectly, to make use of the mails or any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce for the purpose of using any facility of an exchange within or subject to the jurisdiction of the United States to effect any transaction in a security, or to report any such transaction, unless such exchange (1) is registered as a national securities exchange under section 6 of this title, or (2) is exempted from such registration upon application by the exchange because, in the opinion of the Commission, by reason of the limited volume of transactions effected on such exchange, it is not practicable and not necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the protection of investors to require such registration
A principal purpose of this paper is to argue that the appropriate regime will differ between countries and perhaps also over time — there are no simple rules and no easy solutions.
Output gap: We have discussed at length the most appropriate measure of the Japanese output gap (for policymaking purposes) and posit that this measure is likely the most appropriate to consider as a monetary policy input.
A new look at the purpose and method of confirmation, along with some appropriate suggestions that Willimon has put into practice in his own ministry.
I will call this the practice of moral discourse, appropriating the term «discourse» from Habermas and designating with it the specific social practice that suspends other purposes in order to assess the validity of contested claims (see Habermas, Theory 17 - 18,25,42; Moral 158 - 60).
Appropriate, realistic, interesting expectations for the clergy are derived from the purpose of the church.
This vocational emphasis affects not only the manifestly practical fields of study, such as the technical and professional disciplines, but even the «pure» liberal arts and sciences, which have commonly been represented as the studies appropriate for the nurture of the free man — studies whose justification and worth lie solely in themselves and not in any extrinsic purposes.
He considers it entirely appropriate for biologists to be concerned not only with how biological traits came about but also with what specific organic features are for, even though most scientists and philosophers of science place questions of purpose outside the realm of research.
Christians certainly include compassion as a form of love, and process theologians especially emphasize compassion in just that way that Yokota has described and appropriated for purposes of expounding and expanding Pure Land thought.
By focusing on individual conversions apart from traditional church authorities that had, even for Protestants, provided the context for the communication of biblical truth, the revivals encouraged individuals to appropriate Scripture for their own purposes.
For present purposes, the idea of perspective carries more appropriate connotations than the notion of hypotheses.
Personages in stories can be identified with, and thus the purposes of the stories may be appropriated.
Christians for whom the divine purpose requires a political community that fashions and draws out our common humanity are summoned to join in the search for appropriate ways to regulate the role of money in political campaigns.
Refused to give dying patients appropriate pain medication, consorted with known felons and dictators to get huge donations, never built a state of the art hospital despite raking in millions in unaccounted for funds, which went into the Vatican's general expense account despite being designated specifically for charitable purposes?
That is, while conservative leaders are only too happy to appropriate Kirk's name for the purpose of gaining intellectual credibility, they just as quickly ignore the specifics of his cultural criticism.
Jews can, of course, appropriate this setting for literary purposes.
Gustafson's Christology may not satisfy many creeds and churches, but one suspects that important things remain to be said about his understanding of the narrative pattern of Jesus Christ and how it discloses God's purposes as well as the contours of human life in appropriate relation to God.
The purpose, of course, is to appropriate to the church those words people intuitively associate with loyalty, love, and obedience, and to disconnect those words from biological relationships.
In the area of Gospel and culture, in contrast to the basic understanding of the Gospel as represented by western missions, which was to all intents and purposes a non - negotiable given, the evangelicals speak of the necessity for churches in the non-western world to find indigenous expression of Christianity in ways appropriate to people's culture and traditions.
But one of the major purposes of these chapters is to urge that when we are seeking to define the meaning of the revelation of God in Christ, event is the more appropriate and adequate category.
This entails the risk that the central mission of the recipients will be compromised, or appropriated for government purposes.
There is in short a way of appropriating oneness that very effectively rules out any kind of diversity, dialectic, or even dialogue, and lends itself, for that purpose, especially to those persons and forces within the community whose power is great enough to sustain their own particular version of Christian unity.
The individual citizen has little or no choice in the matter when the legislature taxes the citizenry and appropriates a portion of the revenues as subsidies to private organizations for purposes it deems appropriate (and of course it could not properly give any such subsidies to churches).
Once we begin to think of our faith in terms of largeness instead of largess; once we begin to think of our faith in terms of measurable success or significant achievements or community stature or statistically significant gains or business models or congregational models or appropriate budget processes or cash flow direction or generally accepted accounting practices or independent audits or administrative requirements or procedural transparency or proper leadership roles or managerial responsibilities and boundaries or membership trends or effective organizational structures or current and accurate and relevant identity / purpose / vision / mission statements or strategic and tactical plans or valid and useful performance metrics — at that point, we have become money changers and temple authorities, we have deformed from a community into an industry that requires exclusionary individualism.
This means that the purpose of interpretation and preaching is to present a life - world that is credible, that can be appropriated, out of which the community is authorized and permitted to live a different kind of life.
Also for this purpose the act of washing or sprinkling is peculiarly appropriate rather than some other use of the water, such as drinking it.
The issue is rather what kind of people should we be — and what we do or do not do with our genitals clearly has a bearing on that — who bring to and can sustain the kind of sexual life appropriate to the purpose of marriage in the Christian community.
It is a most appropriate term, a term of «intensity» and «purpose
If we look at these two examples there is a common thread - the technology appropriated by the culture gives expression of that culture and, in the case of the Coke bottle, the technology may even be used for purposes other than its original intent that give expression to the culture in which it is embedded.
Except for the prudent correction of an imminent danger, I will neither treat any patient nor carry out any research on any human being without the valid informed consent of the subject or the appropriate legal protector thereof, understanding that research must have as its purpose the furtherance of the health of that individual.
The second paragraph of the WSJ story states, «' I don't want to have a national debate about freedom of religion when my whole purpose was to defend a strong and wonderful and appropriate city ordinance,» said Ms. Parker, a Democrat and the city's first openly gay mayor.»
The value of a statement depends on what one wants to do with it; every type of language has its own logic, appropriate to its specific purposes.
You may wish to pursue the relationship between God and the natural world, or the meaning and purpose of distinctions like general and special revelation and whether they are still appropriate, or your understanding of the church.
He knows this because he knows and «sees» the holiness of Yahweh, the quality without which Yahweh would not be Yahweh, that by which Yahweh is Yahweh, the justice and righteousness which are Yahweh, which may be appropriated as light is appropriated from the sun — and must be appropriated if covenant life is to continue at all, if covenant purpose is to be fulfilled.
That meant that often he found things that others missed; he did so at the risk of appropriating other writers for his purpose rather than listening to them on their terms.
Or if they are already in it through present membership, we are preaching with the purpose that they may grow in the knowledge and love of Christ, the Church's Lord, more fully appropriate his grace in the community of his people, and more profoundly realize what it means to be incorporated into his ongoing life in the fellowship of the Church.
Pope Francis poses an appropriate challenge to liturgical traditionalists, to reflect on the purpose of the liturgy and the whole nature of the Church.
For the purposes of featuring a post from Amanda's Cookin», you may use one photo that must be credited and linked back to the appropriate post on this blog.
Specific considerations include portion and calorie control to support energy balance, protein and fibre intake for appetite regulation and satiety purposes and appropriate amounts of healthy fats such as long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids.
In light of that fact, and the significant degree of vertical integration in the supply of groceries, it was open to the primary judge to view the appropriate market, for the purposes of determining the s 50 (1) question before him, as one incorporating the activities of the self - supplying chains.
Members also uphold a commitment to ensure that pack size is representative to serving size, and that serving sizes for all packaging is deemed appropriate to be a single serve for the purpose of public consumption.
Information released to a relevant authority or appropriate person is used only for the purpose of:
I appreciate cooking for a diabetic has it's challenges and that this may not be appropriate, but it was not written for that specific purpose, but rather providing those, where appropriate, the option to have a less refined and what is generally considered a healthier form of sweetener, not to mention much less sweet than most cookies.
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