Sentences with phrase «of areas of pain»

This is not necessarily an action driven to let you know that he's hurting as much as it's a reaction to experiencing pain as a result of the area of pain being stimulated.

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Analysts point to three main therapeutic areas — cancer, central nervous system disorders (such as Alzheimer's, depression and pain), and cardiovascular disease — as core strengths of Canada's biopharmaceutical research industry.
As a result, the majority of desk - bound workers have lower back pain (80 % of all back injuries affect that area) due to compressed discs in their spine from slouching.
If people repeatedly come to you with requests in areas where you don't feel adequately qualified to help, having a few stock resources, such as books or articles, to point them to can ease the pain of saying no, Grant suggests.
This pain has been acute for Wall Street and it was the direct catalyst for the loss of hundreds of billions of dollars across many other areas of the market.
Widely used by doctors and physical therapists to control pain and stimulate healing by passing electrical current through affected areas, the devices cost thousands of dollars and can be tricky to use, but Rahimi experienced immediate, lasting relief the first time he used it.
The same areas of our brain become activated when we experience rejection as when we experience physical pain,» writes Winch in the post.
The Primary Care business is comprised of human pharmaceutical products prescribed by primary - care physicians and includes products in the areas of Alzheimer's, cardiovascular (excluding pulmonary arterial hypertension), erectile dysfunction, genitourinary, major depressive disorder, pain, respiratory, and smoking cessation.
You can also start to find out what their «pain points» are — the areas of the problem that really bother them.
For example, you could guess that the marketing executive buyer persona has pain in the area of marketing metrics and campaign automation.
iNova markets a portfolio of prescription and over-the-counter products in areas such as weight management, pain management and cardiology and operates in more than 15 countries.
«Until about 1987, the medical com m unity thought newborns do not feel pain,» said an es th esi ologis t San jay Gu pta, director of the Atlantic Pain and Wellness Inst itute at Lankenau Hos pital in the Phi lad elp hia area.
In the Jewish law, three of the main areas of legislation concerned murder, adultery, and perjury, and in the Sermon on the Mount Jesus took pains to trace all three back to intimate, personal dispositions revealed in «the angry word, the lustful look, the evasive formula.»
He had been having some irritating pain in his lower stomach area for a few months, but he was seeing a naturalist and taking care of it.
It would thus be contended that, for example, while the actual occurrence of pain, suffering, disappointment (etc.) may be extra-theoretical, nevertheless a person's awareness of such things is not, but rather lies only in the area of belief — of mere opinion.
The only memories that pain me, are the ones connected to wounds that have not fully healed — wounds that have left scars that throb, wounds that have left me disabled — other memories, even of times that were devastating do not bother me at all because redemption, healing, and reconciliation have occured in those areas.
Picture your body's own army of white blood cells coming into the area of pain or ailment, eliminating the infection or the source of the pain, actively bringing healing.
He said: «As we see you, as we see this area with its constant memories of what has happened, we seek to share with you in a way that reminds you that you are not alone, that the pain you suffer is not considered passing but profound, and that the grief for the lost is something that will forever be inscribed by our memories in these very stones, stones that over so many centuries have seen so much violence, but have also seen the renewal of hope and the overcoming of evil.
He said he was having representative pain in an area of his body, but he couldn't figure out what body part it was that God was showing him would be healed.
The process was going to rob me of the little strength I have as a person living with debilitating pain in 15 areas of my body, since 1985 when my car was hit head on by a truck driven by a drunk driver.
Over the last quarter century, it has been the subject of scientific studies in the areas of pain, digestion, and circulation, and there have been some interesting results.
However, for many of those who can stick it out, there is noticeably less pain in the treated areas within a few days.
I am a lover of Yuban coffee but trying to find it since I moved back to the Ohio area has been a pain..
The most common form of stomach ulcer symptom is a burning pain that can be felt between the breastbone and navel area.
«There are many areas of pain that I believe capsaicin can effectively help treat, from burn victims, to children who have suffered side effects from radiation or chemotherapy.
One theory is that this stimulation depletes the nerves of Substance P, a neuropeptide that transmits pain signals to the brain, which then reduces pain and irritation in a treated area.
Too much trauma to these critical areas of the shoulder joint can result in shoulder pain, and in the worst case, structural damage.
In many cases, this low back pain is a symptom of spondylolysis, a stress fracture of an area of the lower spine called the pars interarticularis.
These include not remembering a discrete traumatic injury, generally having dull discomfort as opposed to sharp / stabbing feelings, having pain that lessens as they progress through their sporting activity (i.e. as one warms up) rather than pain which persists in the heat of the game, and having a diffuse area of pain rather than a specific location.
This surface area is softer than the rest of the tooth and is constructed of small tubes that allow food and drinks to travel directly to the nerve — causing pain.
And as for to go to straight to formula because your nipples are going to hurt well yes your nipples are going to be tender for the first week or two or most likely that's pretty common and that's a lot of stimulation for one area of the body but nipple pain really uncomfortable nipple pain is actually not the norm.
You Don't Have to Learn Everything the Hard Way covers a lot of topics that teens need and want to read about: from sensitive areas like sexual abuse, pain, and hard times, to issues like understanding how to deal with peer pressure and making the right choice about drugs.
Not only does it bring swelling down, but it also kind of numbs the area and helps any throbbing pain go away.
May not even look like a blister, could just look like little bumps around your penis or around the vaginal area and it's usually associated with some degree of pain.
To cut a very long story short... during the next 8 months I had 9 bouts of severe Group B Strep mastitis (high temperature, vomiting, toxic, extreme breast pain, swelling, hardness, purple areas, thick green pus instead of milk, very emotional, came on very suddenly) requiring me to be hospitalised on several occasions.
However, the AAP notes, an exception to this rule is when a parent is trying to find the source of pain or discomfort in the genital area, or when a doctor or nurse is performing a physical exam.
However, if after 48 hours of conscientious attention to this area, your nipples are no better or worse, or if you are past the newborn period and you suddenly develop sore nipples after a period of pain - free nursing, you should contact a lactation consultant or La Leche League leader for one - on - one support in determining the cause of your soreness.
As someone else mentioned, accessing the diaper area is a pain, you have to lift your baby out of the whole shebang and then if you wan na put your baby back in, you have to drop her in.
Some moms are in pain after a caesarean delivery while others feel sore because of a tear in the perineum (the area between the back passage and vagina).
When yeast is ductal, causing shooting or stabbing pains within the breast, often topical treatments (those applied to the nipple area) do not penetrate well enough to affect the overgrowth of yeast in the ducts.
You may have a plugged duct if you're experiencing sharp pain while nursing or pumping, soreness of the breast in just one area, or if your breast is tender to touch in just one area.
Week twenty - two is a time when many pregnant mothers experience intense pains in their lower back area in addition to suddenly discovering a litany of invading stretch marks making their way across burgeoning baby bumps, the thighs, and elsewhere on the body.
If your child develops a heat rash, pay close attention to possible signs of an infection which can include a fever higher than 100 Fahrenheit (37.8 Celsius), chills without a known cause, swollen lymph nodes (in the groin, armpit, or neck), pus draining from the area, red streaks from the area, or an increase in warmth, swelling, redness, or pain in the affected area.
The additional weight during a pregnancy can cause stress to areas of your body which result in pains and aches during the night and day, which is why you need a good body pillow that will take care of you when you need it most.
You'll also need to call your caregiver without delay if you have any signs of a blood clot, such as severe or persistent pain or tenderness and warmth in one area of your leg, or one leg that is more swollen than the other.
If you're experiencing pain in more than one of the mentioned areas, it's a good idea to examine what might be causing the pain - it could be poor posture, dietary imbalance, poor sleeping positions, etc..
You may be feeling ovulatory twinges, or pain in the area of your ovaries.
This means that it numbs an area of the body, unlike general anesthesia which totally removes pain and consciousness from the whole body.
Many areas of medicine - including dentistry and personal therapy, are using therapeutic hypnosis as a means of attaining freedom from pain and to reprogram thought processes.
Getting a tattoo in this area is not recommended while nursing just because of the pain level involved.
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