Sentences with phrase «of argument against»

Because of this, the first hint of the argument against WCAT's reconsideration power came in the form of questions from certain of the judges at the hearing.
The thrust of the argument against is that it could threaten US sovereignty.
The form of argument against the radiosonde data was also interesting.
He mentions, as an instance, the possibility of making this kind of argument against gay marriage.
Well, this is one side of the argument against your feedback loop theory, but it misses the other side.
If the public ever saw scientists who push the idea of man - caused global warming as fringe elements unable to support the merits of their argument against withering criticism, the issue would implode.
I'm not in this because of an argument against [or for — as they need it too, occasionally] AGW.
Assuming a need for nuclear is also something of an argument against civilization, as is assuming a need for any limited resource.
As I have mentioned several times here, there are aspects of the argument against credit cards that I just can't relate to.
The motion to dismiss the case, filed in a New York court, gave a particularly scathing view of the argument against Apple peppered with such memorable phrases as the following:
Finally, consider the statement, «The trouble with being too open - minded is that your brains may fall out:» Such a proposition, startling and incongruous as it may seem, fits this assignment; it implies a causal relationship as part of an argument against the generally accepted positive standard of open - mindedness and tolerance.
I believe poor spelling and grammar comprised 75 % of your argument against self - publishing.
«So long as an opinion is strongly rooted in the feelings, it gains rather than loses in stability by having a preponderating weight of argument against it.»
The crux of my argument against Won't Back Down specifically is this: we should recognize that this movie will have a similar effect to what Waiting for Superman had on the general zeitgeist.
(The film has a 78 % on Rotten Tomatoes and 65 out of 100 on Metacritic; neither are bad numbers, of course, and this column has recently pointed out the shakiness of using these critic - aggregation websites as the foundation of an argument against Pixar's perceived decline.
While shark - like lawyers and a befuddled mad - scientist play fast and loose with the finer points of facts, Nick is tasked with not so much refining tobacco's image, as changing the premise of the argument against smoking.
Cassy Torri hardcore Pictures And Movies at Freeones courtesy of Cassy Torri her official site The so - called backwards retina is an example of an argument against creationism long ago disproved.
Considering that it was the natural human diet for around 2.5 millions years of evolution, there's not much of an argument against the Paleo diet being correct and healthy for everyone on the planet.
One of the sturdiest pillars of the argument against global warming has crumbled under the weight of some 10 million newly compiled measurements of ocean temperature.
«It is the same old excuse of an argument against giving people a say and it's completely at odds with the other rights we already give to 16 and 17 - year - olds, which include the right to work, pay tax, join the armed forces,» Mr Benn said.
One class of argument against this claim is that the law would introduce inefficiencies into the healthcare market.
I can guarentte you used us losing to united last year as part of your argument against the top 6 teams when they finished 2nd cause that's how you are.
In turn, there isn't much of an argument against Crooks» selections so far.
To «The Bobinator»: in your attempts to provide any type of argument against Trudy, you simply come across as mean and sarcastic.
Hamburger has provided the most eloquent and richly documented account of the argument against separationism in its contemporary guise.
The idea about having to have human like beingS, visable or invisible, manipulate things to prove intelligence, is the underlying fallacy of any argument against an intelligent universe.
Instead of detailing his many and manifold sins, he launched into a reprise of his argument against birth control coverage in U.S. health plans, and criticized President Obama along the way for coming to Fluke's defense.
Many philosophers have accepted the assumption on which this objection rests — that there might have been nothing or that the existence of a world is cause for amazement — but it is Houston Craighead who has, in effect, aimed this line of argument against Hartshorne in a critique of the ontological argument (PS 1:9 - 24; RTE 33 - 37).
In The Logic of Perfection, as part of his argument against determinism, Hartshorne writes that «plural freedom can not be ordered (no matter by whom) save approximately and statistically» (LP 189).
Reno develops several lines of argument against the view that respect for human dignity is consistent with, let alone requires, that liberty be understood as the individual's projection of the self onto the universe.
When our identity is tied up in a certain politician, we find it hard to hear any kind of argument against that politician's words.
«So long as an opinion is strongly rooted in the feelings,» John Stuart Mill observed, «it gains rather than loses in stability by having a preponderating weight of argument against it.
A second line of argument against the presence of any contingent element in God stems from the doctrine that God is Being.
No hard feelings, I would write the same thing if you would have said the same type of argument against a Muslim, Jew, Atheist, etc..
Many of the arguments against zero - rating are based in hypotheticals, but these intentions are not.
If you're like most people, you're probably thinking of a lot of arguments against this right now:
To add insult to injury, the vast majority of the arguments against crypto lack any hard, verifiable facts.
Carl Cohen argues that the argument that civil disobedience implies contempt for the law is «among the weakest» of the arguments against civil disobedience:
One of the arguments against integration was that whites shouldn't have to worry about black soldiers (who, it went without saying were unable to control their lust) attacking their wives in quarters.
This so reminded me of the arguments against running years ago.
One of their arguments against Jesus is the very verse above (Mat 12:40).
P.S. Like most, you picked one of my arguments against free will.
Furthermore, as I became more involved in the feminist conversation (some feminists are pro-life, of course, but many are pro-choice), I began to understand some of the arguments against the criminalization of abortion, like that banning abortion does not necessarily reduce the abortion rate, that enforcing a ban on all abortions would be impossible, and that women would likely seek out abortions through unsafe, illegal procedures anyway.
Most of the creationist / ID web sites have quietly begun to ask their followers to stop using a whole set of arguments against evolution, including the «just a theory» argument, because they reveal the person's woeful ignorance of real science.
In this article Johnson provides what he calls a «rough description» of modern evolutionary biology, raises a series of arguments against evolution, and finally proposes a creationist view of the origin of species.
I studied history and I think you should research the Catholic rebuttals to some of these arguments against the Church first.
All of your arguments against science are AT LEAST as much arguments against imaginary fairies.
Neil Addison also presented a set of arguments against the introduction of same - sex «marriages».
Some of the arguments against the bill says it faces an unfair burden of regulation on small - scale website operators.
His book, Breaking the Spell, is one of my favorites — he made a lot of arguments against religion I hadn't considered before.
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