Sentences with phrase «of arguments were presented»

Lots of arguments were presented, but the ones that attracted the most attention online were these:
Both sides of the arguments were presented by a supporter of «In» side following apologies for not having had time to prepare a case.
More likely than not, it would result in a complete rejection of the argument being presented, and lead the debaters down a path of merely exchanging ad homs.

Not exact matches

The most compelling argument presented against cash is on the grounds of efficiency.
«Any argument they make for keeping that in would result in the same kinds of legal challenges presented by Section 3 (c), which poses the question of, «Why have people from these countries been deemed more dangerous than others?»»
Now, the firms are hoping that the completion of the study will show cardiovascular improvement in these patients, giving them a strong argument to present to reticent physicians.
They then conducted a series of experiments that measured how open to being wrong the volunteers were and how it affected their estimation of people with opposing views, as well as how accurately they'd understood the arguments they'd been presented with.
Heather Dietrick, Gawker's president and general counsel, presented a more hopeful view of the case to Capital, and suggested that the Florida jury would be moved by their argument that Hogan had turned his own sex life into a public spectacle long before Gawker published this tape.
Bill Gurley: That's presenting the argument a very specific way where you're forcing them to opt into something else instead of just opting out.
Unless the argument is that interest rates and inflation are likely to remain low for the indefinite future, it's absurd to argue that present levels of inflation and interest rates are relevant to setting the valuations of stocks.
I think mutual funds with load are in its way to extinction, but there are many of them still out there and there are many astute commission - based advisors who will present persuasive arguments for you to buy them.
Taken together, we believe these factors present a compelling argument why investors should exit all of the electronic gold products specified at the beginning of this article, and convert the proceeds into physical gold and / or non-Deep State - controlled equities of companies in which they have full confidence that managements are working for them, not the bullion banks.
Instead of continuing to discuss the problem, we ought to present solutions: roadmaps to businesses that are better balanced, arguments that help companies and managers understand and benefit from shifting global gender balances.
It would probably help to make you look more like a person who is literate in the English language and thus is capable of presenting a coherent argument.
Such, says MacIntyre, is the present state of moral argument.
Although they were firmly on opposite sides of the fence, Ham and Nye presented their arguments calmly and respectfully.
I'm not sure what her present attitude is, but my main critique of her argument is that it is presumptuous, judgmental, condescending and patronizing.
On the reading I propose, the Reformation schism was brought about instead by contingent human choices in a confused historical context defined less by clear and principled theological argument (though that of course was present) than by a peculiar and distinctively sixteenth - century combination of overheated and ever - escalating polemics, cold - blooded Realpolitik, and fervid apocalyptic dreaming.
The analysis of these texts will be much shorter than the analysis of the flood in Genesis 6 — 8 because explaining all the texts in detail would simply mean that many of the same arguments and ideas presented as an explanation for one text would simply be repeated in an explanation for a different text.
To be temporal in Heidegger's sense is to have a complex unity disclosed against the background and in the pattern of unity of the three temporal horizons, past, present, and future.1 It is essential to his whole argument to realize that temporal unities are not time - like nor defined in relation to time, or to put it another way, that past, present, and future are neither «times» nor «parts of time.»
In presenting an argument, I just wish that those who try to tear down the integrity of the Old Testament prophets would at least be honest, transparent, with the other point of view.
We have not mounted philosophical arguments that prove Christ is really present in the Eucharist despite appearances, or that He is wholly present in each part of each consecrated host; nor have we proved, from reason alone, that He is really present in a consecrated host in the Cathedral of Tokyo and Paris at the same time.
When this is done, no argument is needed against the real presence of a past figure, for a past figure by definition is not the present subjectivity, is not contemporary, and is precisely one no longer subject to being presented through the senses.7 The presence of a past figure can be made intelligible and justified only by a quite different notion of presence specifically appropriate to the relation of the past to the present.
This forms the basis for the argument for the soul, which was well presented by Kevin Douglas in the January issue of this magazine.
You presented your argument yesterday, and it was full of holes.
I read two articles last year (which I didn't document, like you, thinking it was out of the question) about pedophiles making the exact same argument as the present day argument that homosexuals have taken from the cause of the Black people; «they were born that way.»
And finally... you've addressed 1 % of the argument I've presented... and 0.001 % of the overall argument that there is to present.
If sociologists have tended to center on the foregoing argument and to single out work as the basis of their assessment of our present inability to play authentically, theologians and philosophers have tended to: focus upon a second area: America's distorted value structure that has accepted as true the «mindscape» of technology 48 This is Theodore Roszak's phrase, and his discussion can perhaps serve as a helpful starting point.
The evidence for it is less clearly found in Process and Reality than in Religion in the Making, yet it seems to be present in the philosophy of Whitehead in such a way that this third argument is really more fundamental than the two just summarized.
The question is presented as part of a larger discussion on the nature of philosophical and imperial authority, yet it is clear that the imperial part of the argument is not necessary to its main thrust, as a result standing out all the more.
However, the Roman Catholic module exam questions almost invariably allow the Catholic view to be stated; therefore it is important to teach a robust apologetic for the Catholic world view, while also critically presenting the opposing arguments of contemporary society and liberal Christianity.
Without the deepest truth of Christianity — the truth which Stratford Caldecott explored so deeply and presented so well — the «mysticism, spirituality, whatever you want to call — even gnosis perhaps (not in the heretical but in the Christian sense)» — without that, all the «serious business of intellectual argument and social action» is «doomed to fail».
You have yet to directly respond to the specific points I've made at least three times now, i.e.: 1) the immutable good nature argument is simply unsupported definitional fiat (god can be equally described as malevolent or apathetic with equal support); 2) the immutable good nature argument presents a source of morality beyond god's direct control placing the argument in the god says so because it is good prong of the dilemma; and 3) the argument suggests god is not omnipotent because god is constrained to only a limited set of potential behaviors.
Surely the students must be presented with both sides of the argument?
The singular and plural openings to the creed have both been used throughout the history of Christian worship, and arguments can be presented for both.
Having once been an agnostic, I know most of the arguments unbelievers use, I use most of them myself... I also know for a fact that you can not argue someone into a belief in God, they have to get their on their own, with the evidence presented for Him...
Space doesn't allow for the multiplicity of arguments that could be presented for belief in God, but if a sceptic were to ask me to sum up a few, I would offer the following three reasons.
your role now as atheist, is to be the opposing argumenter for the modern day change process or evolution of the present religion from monotheism which you have shown in your arguments to be flawed so that the future faithfuls will shift to the ultra modern faith called PANTHROTHEISM - the synthesis of theistic monotheism vs.humanistic atheism.I suggest to you to be more aggressive and conscise in your arguments, God needs you
These are sayings for the authenticity of which it is possible to offer strong arguments, and they present the fundamental emphases of the teaching of Jesus concerning the Kingdom.
In making this argument, he presents (not surprisingly) a picture that is almost an exact photographic negative of Screwtape's argument:
No argument could possibly prove that this gap exists because all such demonstrations are only helps for man to come to reflective consciousness of what is intuitively present within man's consciousness.
These arguments present a special challenge to neoclassical metaphysics because they are advanced by those who, in a time when relativism in some form or other seems to be ascendant, share the affirmation of a universal moral principle or principles.
He begins by presenting a novel, brief history of arguments in analytic philosophy between moral realism (the view that moral properties are objectively real) and moral expressivism (the view that moral judgments are subjective expressions).
Her argument against this position, as best I can discern and summarize it, is that each new divine occasion would in turn be irresistibly objectified or «superjected» (she uses this as a verb) back into the world, which would «bind the present irrevocably to the past, to sacrifice spontaneity and autonomy at the altar of necessity» (p. 164).
Leaving God unnamed does not make their argument any less theological, especially when they claim that the elements of complex design they have observed in nature are present because of the activity of their unnamed intelligent designer.
Shalom's argument against the former relies on Grice's notion of «present total temporary states,» Shalom totally includes memory as an element in a «present total temporary state» and within this context charges that «what is called «memory» necessarily ceases to possess the property of «pastness» which is associated with memory» and required by Hartshorne's theory.
And a convincing argument can be made that, for serious Christians and Jews, a truly adequate education is education in the fullness of truth presented as the truth.
The strength and importance of The Black Book is that the compendium of horrors it presents is itself an answer to all the spurious arguments of Communist apologists.
Instead they (atheists) simply don't believe any of the god claims that have been put forth (this requires no proof on their part), and * may * claim that they are convinced some god concepts that have been presented to them do not exist (this requires supporting argument).»
My argument has presented an analysis of the extensive continuum which clearly makes it true to say that the extensive continuum, as just that set of actual relations among actual occasions which makes the very conception of the continuum as real potentiality intelligible, is indeed actually increased in extent by the concrescence of new occasions.
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