Sentences with phrase «of asteroid impacts»

I think with the exception of asteroid impacts and super volcanic events this is not true.
UPDATE: Today, scientists published their first results from a drilling expedition into Chicxulub crater, the buried remnants of an asteroid impact off the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico that killed off the dinosaurs 66 million years ago.
Organisms might hop from world to world through an evolving planetary system, either moving deliberately or spreading accidentally as a result of asteroid impacts.
The Chicxulub crater on the Yucatan peninsula is believed to be the most likely site of the asteroid impact responsible for the demise of the dinosaurs.
Next is the tedious work of identifying the companion chemical signatures of an asteroid impact, such as the element iridium, alongside the spherules.
The result could cast further doubt on claims of asteroid impacts in Argentina and Australia that relied on observations of shocked quartz.
«Site of asteroid impact changed the history of life.»
The B612 Foundation, a nonprofit Lu created to tackle the problem of asteroid impacts, is developing a privately funded space telescope called Sentinel.
New Survey Softens Fears of Asteroid Impacts: Reports of our impending collective death have been somewhat exaggerated.
«The likelihood of an asteroid impact is really low,» said Rumpf.
This all happened 3.4 billion years ago, before life on our planet existed and around the same time Earth was besieged during a period of asteroid impact known as the Late Heavy Bombardment.
Simulations of an asteroid impact suggest this body of liquid water is at least 60 miles deep.
We have all these movies where you have dramatic scenes of asteroids impacting Earth, but there are far more small ones than large ones, so it's much more likely we would have a small one coming our way.
In the case of both asteroid impact prevention and reduction of CO2 emissions, there are vast positive ancillary effects: leaps in scientific knowledge in the first, cleaning up the ecosphere in the second.
If you're certifiably insane, you can also buy the full version of Black Ops for # 47.99, which I can only assume is some sort of intelligence test that will mark you out as unsuitable for being cryogenically frozen underground to propagate the species in the event of asteroid impact.
Scientists will try to sink a diamond - tipped bit into the heart of Chicxulub crater — the buried remnant of the asteroid impact 66 million years ago that killed off the dinosaurs, along with most other life on the planet.
These craters should be subtly asymmetrical, and that makes the crater near Chicxulub in Mexico — thought to be the result of an asteroid impact 65.5 million years ago that wiped out the dinosaurs — a strong candidate.
Lightning can pound rocks with pressures on par with those of an asteroid impact, providing an alternate way to explain shocked quartz crystals.
This month, from a drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico, scientists will try to sink a diamond - tipped bit into the heart of Chicxulub crater — the buried remnant of the asteroid impact 66 million years ago that killed off the dinosaurs and most other life on Earth.
The beautiful Vredefort Dome, the world's largest and oldest (2.02 billion years ago) visible blast crater (even if there is still controversy over whether this giant hole is the result of an asteroid impact or a blast from within the Earth's crust) and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
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