Sentences with phrase «of atmospheric warming»

But unlike the lower glaciers, most of the high glaciers are located in very cold environments and require greater amounts of atmospheric warming before local temperatures rise enough to cause significant melting.
Excellent to have this review of the science of atmospheric warming for us who have not been fully blessed with a scientific education.
Not surprisingly, given that the surface ocean is responsible for much of atmospheric warming, ocean warming and global surface air temperatures vary largely in phase with one another.
Both articles are based on peer reviewed published papers that suggest volcanic aerosols have played a part in the recent slow down of atmospheric warming.
The recent uptick at months 58 through 60 is the beginning of the atmospheric warming caused by the current El Nino.
The exceptional strengthening of a high - pressure area in Siberia, which brought freezing temperatures to Finland in late February and early March, may be partly the result of atmospheric warming over the Arctic Ocean.
The plume is far older than the recent period of atmospheric warming; indeed, at 50 million to 110 million years old, it's older than our species and the West Antarctic Ice Sheet itself.
Advocates for tackling the issue under the Montreal treaty expressed disappointment that the Obama administration was taking such a cautious approach to a chemical that could, by some estimates, account for as much as 30 percent of all atmospheric warming by 2040.
There was an eruption of assertions in recent days that the increasing summer retreats and thinning of Arctic Ocean sea ice might be a result not of atmospheric warming but instead all the heat from the recent discovered volcanoes peppering the Gakkel Ridge, one of the seams in the deep seabed at the top of the world.
Direct extinction risk caused by climate change for all of Earth's species, for different scenarios of atmospheric warming.
** In 2000, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences assembled a team of distinguished scientists to discuss the puzzle of surface warming in the absence of an atmospheric warming trend.
This is evidence by the pattern of atmospheric warming over the Arctic.
His reference to the oceans» role as a sink for CO2 and heat is significant in the present debate about the apparent slight slow - down in the pace of atmospheric warming and the likelihood that the heat is going into the oceans instead.
Our findings require a reassessment of the role of the Southern Ocean in determining the impact of atmospheric warming on deep oceanic waters.
The lowering is based on one narrow line of evidence: the slowing of atmospheric warming during the past decade.
For even if the models are proven to be wrong with respect to their predictions of atmospheric warming, extreme weather, glacial melt, sea level rise, or any other attendant catastrophe, those who seek to regulate and reduce CO2 emissions have a fall - back position, claiming that no matter what happens to the climate, the nations of the Earth must reduce their greenhouse gas emissions because of projected direct negative impacts on marine organisms via ocean acidification.
The study argues that ice sheets in contact with the ocean, including the many West Antarctic glaciers that end in floating ice shelves, «are vulnerable to non-linear disintegration» due to a combination of atmospheric warming and major shifts in ocean circulation that would result from a surge in freshwater flowing into the ocean in the North Atlantic (from Greenland), and Southern Ocean (from Antarctica).
These include the fine detail of atmospheric warming and ice dynamics — what rainwater might do to the ice sheet that floats on the Southern Ocean and blocks the glacial flow from the land, for instance, and what makes ice cliffs collapse into the sea — along with a lot of lessons from the past.
Over the past several decades, scientists have observed a significant increase in the melting of glacial land ice on the island of Greenland, spurring concerns about global sea level rise and the long - term effects of atmospheric warming.
Understanding the mechanisms and quantifying the rate and variability of this sequestration has profound implications for predicting the rate of atmospheric warming over the next century.
Making roads more reflective and thereby sending more sunlight back to space helps cool the planet, offsetting some of the atmospheric warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions.
This is the first study that accounts for the drawdown of carbon dioxide, which could offset some of the atmospheric warming potential of the methane.
I have a problem with the notion that increasing CO2 content is a cause of atmospheric warming.
Do you not understand that as a consequence, short - term variability in the rate of atmospheric warming is barely relevant?
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