Sentences with phrase «of audience manipulation»

«Munger Road» does an efficient, skillful job of audience manipulation using the techniques of darkness and vulnerability, and the truth that a horror not seen is almost always scarier than one you can see.
Transsiberian is a model of audience manipulation, a slow - fuse thriller that builds its suspense gradually, in increments, until it has becomes close to unbearable.

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Like stage magicians, such economists distract their audience's attention from the topic at hand in this case, the tendency for privatizations to turn control over to financial managers and foreign owners to somewhere that they can distract the audience's attention from the «invisible hand» of corruption and political manipulation.
It's not a form of manipulation or deceit because the primary goal is writing good content for the publisher's audience.
Fearing a drift into oppressive «technocracy,» Houston pleaded with his audience to «far more seriously turn our minds, our scholarship, our practical concerns, to know how future man can be defended against the impersonal forces, the manipulations and other pressures of the complexities of life in these closing decades of the twentieth century.»
As C. W. Anderson observes, content farms are engaged in the attraction and manipulation of a «quantified audience,» a strategy that marks a nebulous border space between more reputable and legitimate media production and spam as such.
There is no mystery here - the audience is cleanly and surgically manipulated (completely in the opposite way as in Life of Pi - where the emotional manipulation was in fact necessary to achieve the point of the film), and the purpose was merely to show the viewer how easy this is.
Alfred Hitchcock's 1960 masterpiece blends a brutal manipulation of audience identification and an incredibly dense, allusive visual style to create the most morally unsettling film ever made.
(Hitchcock also liked to say he played the audience like an organ; «Man Push Cart» is no less masterful, but its method and effects are not the bravura manipulations of Hitchcock but the subtle, underplayed shadings of Bresson or Yasujiro Ozu.)
This commercial strategy, geared toward adolescents of all ages, resembles the Democratic party's political manipulation of black Americans, targeting that audience through its insecurities about heritage, social prestige, and empowerment.
Though rarely, Fletcher at times can reveal a softer side, but through these inviting glimpses, our eyes can only make out the tactics and tricks that add to a greater vocabulary of manipulation, leaving audiences as tormented as his students.
So is that then also being emotionally manipulative, isn't any film trying to elicit any strong reaction out of an audience — whether it be scares, laughs, or tears — technically guilty of manipulation?
As one of the most influential, popular, successful and important filmmakers of the past 40 years, Steven Spielberg has specialised in having audiences willingly submit to his masterful emotional manipulation.
Yet Jury does offer older teens and mature audiences opportunities to address many questions about our legal system and the possibility of one person being able to sway the entire judgment system purely by their talent of manipulation.
But, more than either of those things, it ends up being a stupid exercise in illogical audience manipulation.
Dolarhyde's «art» (the manipulation of mute audiences and the ritualistic murder of women), then, is Harris's extended literary trope shifted to image; look to further references of the infernal method in Lecktor's messages to the madman and in Graham's evolving grasp of Dolarhyde's «dream» of transformation.
The Dark Knight takes the audience into a dark and malevolent underworld of corruption and manipulation that will stain the soul of even Gotham City's purest, leaving Batman unrecognisable from his foes.
Against the emotional manipulations of a wounded Union soldier on the right side of history, Coppola subtly plants land mines for our allegiances are makes the audience reconcile their unspoken past.
The ostensible plot has Shanté suspecting her boyfriend Keith Fenton (Morris Chestnut) of cheating, and the remainder of the film has her outlining to the audience her allegedly foolproof ten - day plan, which entails lying and all sorts of psychological manipulation, to get any man in gear.
You could win with brute force, or you could combine special Star Moves, secret Badge Powers, clever swapping of support characters and manipulation of the combat «audience» to swing the battles over to your side.
Kojima adores playing with audience expectations, doesn't mind upsetting his fanbase to do so, and has a history of examining behavioural control and media manipulation in the internet age (just play MGS 2 again).
By means of conceptualization, appropriation, image and sound manipulation, visceral / violent performance and audience control, he exposes visible and invisible power dynamics embedded in our society.
His work attempts to manipulate an audience with a simultaneous recognition of the machinations of the manipulation.
Quite ostensibly, the audience did not have an adequate perception of the experience, due to the manipulation of prison circumstances and practices.
The manipulation of the idea of archetype and nature in the objects he cre - ates, poses for the audience something that surpasses normalcy, and therefore alters the expected attitude of indiffer - ence.
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