Sentences with phrase «of autogenic»

Rist draws on principles of Autogenic Training to facilitate a process of relaxation, a technique developed in 1932 by the German psychiatrist Johannes Heinrich Schultz.
In a contemporary review article, Gordon Chalmers (2004) argues that the historical explanation of autogenic and reciprocal inhibition is convenient, but research in recent decades denotes that a much more complex neuromuscular response is in play.
You may or may not have ever heard of autogenic inhibition but this is the underlying principle at work here with foam rolling.
SMR is based on the principal of autogenic inhibition.
A practical example of autogenic inhibition is observed during static stretching.
Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching works because it makes use of autogenic and reciprocal inhibition.
Intervention (n = 50): «six basic exercises of autogenic training».
The 6 basic exercises of autogenic training were taught for 12 weeks in small groups to 10 members».

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Evaluates a variety of stress - reduction methods including transcendental meditation, autogenic training, progressive relaxation, Zen, and yoga approaches to meditation.
This exercise is a form of «autogenic training,» a relaxation technique developed by two German psychiatrists, J. H. Schultz and W. Luthe.
Degree of satisfaction with practising autogenic training and its possible role in promoting successful breastfeeding in the examined group
Autogenic inhibition, (aka «reverse myotatic reflex») refers to a reduction (or inhibition) in excitability of a contracting muscle.
The proposed mechanisms of PNF stretching involve two neurophysiological phenomena referred to as autogenic inhibition and reciprocal inhibition (Sharman, Cresswell & Riek 2006).
Thus, in the contract phase of the contract - relax PNF stretch, the target muscle is contracted, which elicits autogenic inhibition.
Here, the ambiguous line of joinery deconstructs architecture as the fixed order that governs space, violently pressing against the chaotic, autogenic nature of marginalized communities, creating a visual representation of regeneration of space, the dialectic of creation and un-creation.
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