Sentences with phrase «of autolyse»

The French technique of autolyse calls for mixing water and flour only briefly and then letting the dough rest for 20 minutes to an hour.
So, in the beginning of autolyse, your dough will be rough and sticky.

Not exact matches

Ohly offers a wide range of products such as yeast extracts, inactive dry yeast, special vitamin yeast, yeast cell wall derivatives, medical yeast and autolysed yeast, based on bakers and / or Torula yeast, as well as wine yeast, specialty powders and starter cultures.
For timing, autolyse can range anywhere from 15 minutes to 1 hour or more, depending on the type of bread you are making and your own personal baking schedule.
Pre-ferments work like the autolyse method and the also add lots of flavour to the bread.
Is it possible to use the autolyse method of kneading, that is, knead for a few seconds, rest for 10 mins, repeat twice, rest for 30 mins.
This process is called autolyse (from Greek word meaning self - digestion) and it's a process of the protein protease starting to break down the proteins in the flour when it's mixed with water.
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