Sentences with phrase «of awkward pauses»

Offering one or two word answers or injecting lots of awkward pauses throughout your exchange can cause things to fall flat.
It's about all of those awkward pauses that you find yourself having in conversations with your family that in any other context with any other person that you don't know so well would truly be awkward, but since it's with your family it's ok.
«Then there's this kind of awkward pause, and he shrieks, and I hear a crash like the phone has been dropped on the floor.»

Not exact matches

But the problem with both of these devices is that no sensible horse could logically explain why people get so goofy over this event, and we would end up with awkward pauses and contemplative whinnies while the animal stared off into the distance.
But soon the stark realities of the third string Match of the Day panel and bizarre, awkward pauses as they wildly try to invent opinions on the joyless debacle they just witnessed.
Our transoceanic conversation is a case in point, he notes: over a metamaterial - augmented all - optical network, the static, the awkward pauses and the cross-talk at the ends of our sentences would be eliminated.
Because of these two, I don't even pause to feel shy and awkward anymore.
Use one of them after shaking hands and sharing your name, and you'll avoid those awkward pauses once and for all.
And yet the guys have to find it more difficult, because they need to take care not only about the place of the meeting, paying bills, appearance, but also dragging the burden of conversation on their shoulders, filling in awkward pauses.
Who wants an evening filled with awkward pauses and moments of nervous silence?
When the characters do talk to each other, the tempo of the dialogue is halting and uneven, an uncomfortable mix of exposition and awkward pauses.
There's a certain class of low - budget indie filmmaking that's become almost its own recognizable style — full of ordinary people just trying to find happiness in unorthodox ways, hand - held close - up shots, montages of locations (easily recognized if you live in the area where they're shot, but not particularly tied to the story, which could take place anywhere) with light music underneath, a tendency to shift focus amateurishly (though I think often on purpose as part of the style), a lot of contemplative pauses and awkward conversations.
In the meantime, we get some nice awkward pauses, a few callbacks to and expansions of the recurring jokes, and some random moments, like the reverend's strange Scripture passage, the deceased dressed as a Roman centurion in a photo, and Howard's horribly inappropriate conversation with the widow.
Instead, the film shifts to a nice but awkward breakfast, filled with sight gags (how the Queen's aids, played by Rebecca Hall and Rafe Spall, set up a place for the giant to eat), uncomfortable pauses, and resolving with an entire room enjoying — and immediately regretting — a drink of BFG's favorite, fizzy beverage (For a hint as to how that decision goes, the carbonated bubbles go downward).
Doug Archibald also directs, and demonstrates an adeptness at utilizing awkward silences and pauses without making them a crutch or a lazy punchline, instead grounding the humor of the twins» pettiness (sometimes childishness) in a serious treatment of their problems.
There are the awkward pauses and long stares between Mikael and Ana, and Chris shows himself to be trouble around alcohol, causing a scene at a party celebrating a gift of battleships from Germany to the Ottoman government.
Every stumble, every awkward pause, every unintentional revelation, and even every exasperated utterance of the word «fuck» is stunningly true to life, capable of inspiring both empathetic cringing and knowing laughter.
Even if you don't like the 40 - year - old's humour, and many don't, you can at least appreciate its gleefully juvenile craft — scenes chockablock with sight gags, rapid - fire cutaways to hilariously absurd punchlines, painfully awkward pauses that last so long you eventually laugh, all of it wrapped in an encyclopedic knowledge of pop culture that has made him a bro deity among the coveted 18 - to 34 - year - old male demographic.
Instead of delivering a proper punchline a great deal of the jokes peter off into awkward silence or pregnant pauses.
It doesn't nearly reach the level of any of those movies, but Across the River is an intimate movie that works on the audience slowly, revealing the emotional life of the two characters in gestures, reactions, and awkward pauses.
As the demon Surtur sits on his enormous throne in the fire - realm Muspelheim, dangling Hemsworth's chained Asgardian prince from the ceiling and laying out his plan for the destruction of Asgard (the «Ragnarok» of the title), Thor keeps interrupting, inspiring gloriously awkward silences and pauses that wouldn't be out of place in Michael Scott's corner office.
This difference in comfort levels, coupled with an apparent lack of confidence in the statistics and probability content being used, seemed to cause awkward pauses in their small group discussions at times.
Writing a short script is a great way to outline the topics you want to discuss ahead of time so you don't stumble over words, have awkward pauses, or forget to mention something important (like your book).
There's not even a ping to say that you've completed a mission (although there is a visual cue) and sometimes there's awkward patches of silence where characters pause and don't react as quickly as they should.
Whether it's a localisation issue or just the game's style, cutscenes also feel overly long and dialogue not natural enough in flow — awkward pauses, silences and irritatingly slow scene transitions (all of which are not skippable) bring down what otherwise are, for the most part, interesting developments in the main storyline of protecting NLA.
Six hours and 650 patrons later, with the occasional awkward pregnant pause of indecision and booed outcry of contempt for error or confusion in calling out a taken piece, Robb all the while kept the crowd rapt and ready for more.
These feature texts written by McCreadie which appear to be transcriptions of live lectures, complete with awkward pauses and false starts, and ranging from philosophical musings to absurdist anecdotes.
It looked as if the dream of being able to hold a conversation between two people speaking totally different languages without awkward silence or pauses was about to come true.
So, ummm, like and similar sentence gap - fillers are often signs of nervousness, used by speakers as a crutch to avoid awkward pauses.
Regardless of whether you use our recommendations (we really think you should) remember that asking questions during the interview process is about more than just stretching out your interview or filling awkward pauses.
Being out of work and starting the job - search process is a lot like being single --- the awkward pauses when people ask what you're up to, the memories of jobs past, and friends who try to make you feel better with «You're lucky.
At the very least, you'll avoid awkward pauses when the «what type of animal would you be» question comes up...
[FN82] Still, others have raised sufficient concern with regard to the impact of shared custody on children of all ages to give courts pause in fashioning arrangements that will require awkward or disruptive schedules.
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