Sentences with phrase «of baby facts»

There is nothing wrong in knowing about some of the baby facts because it only makes you an aware person and enhances your experiences.
Baby Trivia: Test your guests» knowledge about the gamut of baby facts!

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And, not exactly able to announce that fact or ask his sick wife to sign off, the wealthy Edwards turned to some wealthy backers to take care of the woman and the baby and hide the whole thing from Elizabeth Edwards and presumably everyone else.
Certainly, some of it had to do with the fact that I was a more confident second - time mom, but, mostly, I think it was the luxury of time — to heal completely, to get my postpartum sh*t together, to get to know my son, and to revel in the experience of caring for what I knew was my last baby.
In fact, baby boomers are the fastest growing segment of entrepreneurs.
As a matter of fact, in a study by the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, it was discovered that Millennials constitute 40 percent of the unemployed, as opposed to 37 percent from Generation X and 23 percent from the Baby Boomers.
In fact, Cornerstone's Career Trends Report found that 81 percent of Baby Boomers, 91 percent of Gen Xers and 94 percent of Millennials would consider a lateral career move with no financial incentive.
As a matter of fact, you may also want to wait until after the baby is born to choose because you will be able to factor in their preferences, as well.
the abundance of purely uneducated Muslim believers, their oppressive existence in their self created repressive regimes, lifestyles, and governments, their radical inturpitations of their fairy tale book, the fact that their culture and people have contributed less to man kind than any other culture and people of all the earth, their self ritious belief system that empowers them to commit atrocious crimes against humanity, the muslim men prance around in flip flops and linen moo moo's while they lock their woman in their household prisons to be abused slave - wife's, are entirely too ignorant to even build sewer systems and even after thousands of years that other cultures have developed running water toilets, toilet paper, and effective sewerage systems, they still whipe their pood - cracks with one hand (no paper) and eat with the other, and yiddle to the sky just before detonation of their suicide bombs that murder innocent men, woman, children, and babies.
In fact, abortion turns out to be pretty much what we should have expected in 1972: a nasty but legal business in which a handful of failed doctors offer the clinical murder of babies as an expensive form of contraception.
The pro-life people participating in Common Ground are not and never were terrorists, while, as a matter of simple fact, the pro-choice people do kill or support the killing of babies.
Here are the facts on the number of women who die while having an abortion vs. the number of babies that die while being aborted
In fact, they would even straighten out the babies legs, and wrap the strips of cloth very tightly around the legs so that they couldn't bend back into the fetal position.
It would have been inconceivable to our founders, and in fact to every generation until the Baby Boom of the 1950s.
Love - making and baby - making can, in fact, be separated, and that means inevitably that the whole superstructure set up in order to keep babies from being born out of marriage no longer possesses the same urgency, and consequently, no longer can undergird sexual practices with the same power.
I confess that I have judged Christian women in my community for their lack of theological depth, despite the fact that when somebody gets sick or has a baby, they are the first to show up with casseroles, tissues, offers to help, and shoulders to cry on.
Do you actually believe that baby wasn't innocent, by virtue of the fact that it's dead?
The fact that you have so very little regard for the life of a helpless baby.
The virgin birth story is mythology... That is the truth and a fact... or do some of us still not fully understand how babies are made yet?
Which kinda clashes with the absolute fact that most babies get initially given the faith of their parents and the area of the world they grow up in.
There again Michael you are confusing Roman culture and Greek culture... there is not fact and verifiable to your claim only random hypothosis motivated by an emotional sinful culture to change Jesus» words... instead of proof texting take all the text together they all condition that marraige is between man and woman... and unless you can have babies your arguement is futile.
In fact when one only has this life a babies smile, the beauty of a flower, or that thoughtful gift have more meaning when you are not to receive an infinity of them.
The experience of babies is another indication of the fact and importance of awareness that is not significantly organized and of its separability from the question of attention.
Apart from the fact of disability these scholars question whether or not a newborn baby is a person.
So, while the issue of the «personhood» of the embryo / foetus is clearly a central question rightly addressed in the programme, the fact is that women choose abortion even when they are convinced that their baby is a person.
The strangely otherworldly or supernatural quality of these images arises of course at least in part from the simple fact that babies and toddlers do not usually sit poised and upright and do not often bear such a knowing wisdom in their eyes.
That comparison proved prophetic, as Hendershott exposes the racial politics of abortion and the influence eugenics plays in abortion ideology» reinforced by the startling facts that black babies are aborted three times as often as white babies, and 78 percent of Planned Parenthood abortion clinics are in minority neighborhoods.
It would have been suppressed to hide the fact that he had children, which would severely diminish his status as god's only son if there were millions of baby Yahwehs.
Breast feeding in most parts of the world is not a choice, they must feed their babies anytime, anywhere, to know now that the church is understanding that fact of life FINALLY, is awsome.
Those who do not believe in God or Christ must have never thought about the universe, its order and continued existance, or thought about the human body and all it's functions and enjoyed a new born baby, or thought about the earth and how it continues to show proof that God did in fact create it like described in Genisis, or thought about hundreds of other examples that prove beyond a doubt that God made all this happen and keeps it operating daily!!!! The only being that messed some of it up is people and that is why God gave us Christ to bring us out of our depraved state and back to the proper relationship with HIM.
First, given that it is true that some Christians focus more on these two issue, but the fact still remains «abortion» is murder of an innocent baby, and sodomy is explicitly condemned in the bible.
The centers, they claim, engage in deceptive advertising by saying that they help women with problem pregnancies when, in fact, they do not offer the ACLU's favored form of help, namely, getting rid of the baby.
In fact, the demography of oldline Protestantism now creates two distinct populations: an aging constituency and the baby - boomers.
And Trig will be the cuddly, innocent, mischievous, dependent little brother that his siblings have been waiting for... in fact Trig will — in some diagnostic ways — always be a mischievous, dependent little brother, because I created him a bit different than a lot of babies born into this world today.
The inequality of laws concerning punishment of suspicion of adultery, the pervasiveness of polygamy, the fact that women were viewed as property, the lesser value ascribed to baby girls, and the suggestion that women are more easily deceived than men are all striking problems for modern readers... and as Christians we should not underestimate the impact they may have on unbelieving seekers.
And more: this sign of hiddenness points to the fact that the reality of truth and love, the reality of God himself, is not found in the world of things but beyond it, in the sphere of a new order that this tiny baby was ushering in.
In fact, one could make the case that anyone attending the dinner, even the two candidates, would, by the vibrant solidarity of the evening, be reminded that America is at her finest when people, free to exercise their religion, assemble on behalf of poor women and their babies, born and unborn, in a spirit of civility and respect.
Every Baby is born without much of an immune system... Many get the first start of a real immune system from their mother's breast milk... That is the best way... In fact in some villages around the world..
i see no proof of your statements, at least science has the integrity to admitt to whatever being only a theory and not fact — your BELIEF is nothing but a thought you hold on to like a baby and there special blanky... sceince attempts to prove or even to disprove itself, you just go on believing what some silk covered so called humble man with gold in his pockets tells you.
The survival of the marriage probably owed a lot to the fact that a few years later my mother was able to dust off her own teaching certificate and get back to the classroom to help teach hordes of post — World War II baby - boom children.
Neither prospect, he says, can undo the fact of an information society in which work is more mental than physical and women often make more money than men, and neither can undo the reality of contraception and abortion which has broken the links between sex, babies, and the necessary male.
Musta been the fact that I quit reading back in the mid 70's of last century Bradbury and Issac A. and J R Tolkien along with a few SF writings regarding Vernnie baby!
I realize that many of these fears are either selfish or unfounded, but that doesn't change the fact that they are there, creeping into my mind at every baby shower and in every babysitting session.
From being a helpless baby he progressed to adulthood, where he was capable of holding down a job, getting married and having children (should he so choose), making and keeping friends, earning and spending and saving money, respecting confidences, theorizing about the origins of things, separating fancy from fact, getting angry without having to hurt others, caring for others without needing to possess them.
How else could you explain the fact that they go out of their way to make sure a poor woman is forced to have a baby that she knows she can not afford to feed or raise, but once the baby is born, they don't want anybody to help them.
People both for and against abortion have abused and manipulated language to gain support for their views; but certainly, pro-abortionists have been especially guilty of brutalizing language to cover up the fact that abortion is the killing of innocent unborn babies.
There is, in fact, a huge, wonderful, flavorful world of fresh baby spring greens at farmers» markets right now — you just have to think outside the box (and the bag) to find them.
I always go with mild — I'd like to blame this on the fact that I serve this to my children, but I'm just as big of a baby when it comes to heat as they are.
So good, in fact, that my little family of three (well, four, but Baby Smiles is still working his way through pureed fruits and veggies) devoured the entire casserole in two nights.
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