Sentences with phrase «of baddies»

These are the parts where the goal is to speed to the end of the level, acquire the emerald / free the animals, and there's a horde of baddies in your way ready to stop you.
Up to four players join forces to keep wave after wave of baddies at bay.
Most of the combat involves button mashing with no emphasis on perfecting combos, but it's undeniably fun to wipe out a horde of baddies with a levelled - up Skylander.
You will find yourself spamming a particular attack that involves making fire rain down from above on your enemies in order to push through groups of baddies who are blocking you from entering the next area a lot.
Okoye is totally a traditionalist, so she really is about form and specificity and she's going to keep that even when she's dealing with a bunch of baddies in Korea.»
The basic idea is that you accept a bounty, enter a multi-level, rouge - lite dungeon and progress through each area by battling rooms full of baddies with special abilities, area effect attacks, shields, and other modifiers that you have to strategize to defeat.
A Co-op mode reduces the challenge of the main mode somewhat — you'd hope for double the number of baddies on the screen to compensate for the extra set of fists for punching, but I found it much more difficult to see the game over screen when I had a friend in tow.
If you don't mind laughing at severed limbs, people taking a brutal beating and fathers firing bullets from close range at their daughters, and if you have no problem with an 11 - year - old girl coming out with profane language referring to a room full of baddies as c *** s before kicking the living bejaysus out of them (go girl); then Kick - Ass is for you.
Clive Owen is the most normal of the baddies on display as Dwight, an all around badass who gets caught in an apocalyptic battle between the cops and the mob as the result of a mistaken cop murder performed by the gun - and - sword wielding prostitutes of Old Town.
The story starts out with an army of baddies taking over Shell City, and so the armed forces of that city call on Tembo to come and save them in their moment of crisis.
Rather than simply offer a few sporadic enemies here and there, Hard Reset throws waves of baddies at you around seemingly every corner.
Lo and behold, a trio of baddies come in to steal millions of dollars said to be kept in such a room, when the Foster holes herself up in the room.
At its heart Edge of Time is a button masher, demanding that you hammer the attack buttons to fend off ludicrous amounts of baddies who are determined to dent your face.
For example in order to do a super attack you just shake the «Wii - mote», not to mention that when you are in combat, the game tells you which buttons to push in order to pull off your «break move» which will clear the screen of baddies for you.
I was expecting a few ShyGuys, but there are loads of baddies from the main series including those Goombas, as well as Bullet Bills, Beetles, and those nasty mole - guys who chuck stuff at you (I have no idea what their name is).
Just make sure you indulge your ship - fetish with your own ships, as — other than the occasional fly - by — you'll tend to destroy most of the baddies at stand - off range.
Along his mission, he encounters a motley crew of villains, one which would go on to become one of — if not the — most memorable roster of baddies in video game history.
Max Payne was the game that made the mechanic really work, letting you slow down time to take out a whole room of baddies without it turning into an auto - aim cheat fest.
From there, it's a comprehensive clearing out of the baddies below decks, who are easy to take out due to their surprise and the Delta Force team's prowess.
We've already stabbed, shot, dismembered, impaled, poisoned, and bludgeoned hundreds of baddies in Assassin's Creed and Assassin's Creed 2.
Season one, which we recently finished, finds Spidey battling a familiar cast of baddies in each episode.
Problem is the action is rather dull, repetitive and dated even back then with a boring gang of baddies lead by the too old Gary Busey and a whole host of similar aerial set pieces that are clearly not the stars haha.
Graphics aside, Muramasa: Rebirth is equipped with an action - packed adventure, tons of areas to explore, and thousands of baddies to kill.
The first video focuses on the action the game provides with different character types, weapons, spells and more taking on lots of baddies.
There is a lot of depth to this three lane system where you'll have to take risks on how to attack and when, always trying to avoid being overwhelmed by the mobs of baddies coming from the right side of the screen.
Slice through legions of baddies in Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition, or lead your travelling caravan to safety in The Banner Saga.
The Bowser's Minions mode of the game retells the original version from a different perspective: Bowser's team of baddies.
Ruber and his crew of baddies search for it, as does the courageous daughter of deceased knight Lionel (Gabriel Byrne), Kayley (Jessalyn Gilsig), who is joined in her quest by the blind loner Garrett (Cary Elwes) and the two - headed (conjoined?)
Each weapon has advantages and weaknesses depending on which enemy you're dealing with, which forces you to strategize a bit during the levels, all while you're constantly running away from the barrage of baddies chasing after you.
Over the course of their journey, players will clash swords with an entire bestiary of baddies ripped straight from the Dungeon Master's guide, such as fearsome ogres, vicious manticores, and massive dragons that span the entire screen.
Some send loads of baddies after you, some have floors that crumble as you walk, some are set up as challenges made for specific weapons, and some we'll leave for you to find out for yourself.
Only instead of just dropping a bomb or clearing the screen of baddies, Michael Jackson dances everyone into synchronized exhaustion.
All Terrorist Hunt sessions are randomly generated, so you'll never take on the same exact set of baddies twice.
While this is an interesting idea, the execution leads to a lot of down time as you wander around a mostly empty environment looking for the next mob of baddies to kill.
A conspiracy of baddies (Putin, Trump, Farage, hedge funds), dangerous sounding technology (that approximately nobody in politics / media actually understands), awesome superpowers wielded by secret forces (often a powerful meme historically) and so on — the perfect conditions for «unreason'to flourish.
You might load your last checkpoint to find a swarm of baddies zeroing in on your position... or you might see them simply frozen in place.
Eat too many of these baddies and brown spots and uneven patches of skin pigmentation may even begin to appear.
It's rather hard to discuss Kit Harington without devolving into Game of Thrones fan talk, deconstructing plot lines, questioning characters» true motives and guessing the grisly fates of baddies we love to hate; so full of twists, turns and betrayal as the story is.
Many a broken controllers have been made at the hands of that one part of the level that required a precision jump, perfect reaction time, or just a relentless amount of endurance and patience to truck through a seemingly endless wave of baddies before the next checkpoint (if the game in mind were so inclined to include such a privilege).
I du n no... you could also ask, would licking coke off a piece of paper have enabled him to shoot up a compound of baddies?
She isn't the most complex of baddies, but she looks fabulous in her range of black catsuits and her chandelier - shaped headgear, and Blanchett relishes playing her as a bored, drawling, English aristocrat.
The 45 - year - old actor took on the role of baddies in «The...
The main villain is so unforgettable that he stays hidden behind a cell phone for most of the movie, while the rest of the baddies never amount to more than thinly - written caricatures with names like «Dead Man» and «Butcher Whore.»
Sailor (Nicolas Cage) and Lula (Laura Dern) are lovers on the lam from a crazy mom and a bevy of baddies.
As the leader of the baddies, Ejiofor is strong.
Deadpool 2 once again stars Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson, the 4th wall - breaking, merc with the mouth who spends his days tracking and brutally slaying an international array of baddies and cracking jokes on Hugh Jackman, Ryan Reynolds» filmography, and really all superhero movie conventions.
Veteran television director Salkow isn't very good, it's true, but DP Franco Delli Colli (Strip Nude For Your Killer), on one of his first films, provides beautiful, empty tableaux littered with car husks and burning pits fed with the corpses of the baddies Morgan stakes in the daytime.
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