Sentences with phrase «of barriers to entry»

«Fundrise's philosophy is to get rid of barriers to entry for those who want to invest in real estate.»
As such, there is a strong chance that the inflow of speculative buy activity that comes about as a result of barriers to entry into the market being removed will outweigh the impact of bitcoin futures allowing certain parties to take up short side positions on the asset's future.
the market is currently looking for a new equilibrium, as a result of a shift in the effectiveness of the barriers to entry;
The strength of any barriers to entry (a moat) possessed by the business.
A whole variety of barriers to entry for new businesses revolve around employment.
Annette Thomas, Macmillan Science and Education, c.e.o., said: «Technology has meant the reduction of barriers to entry for new publishers and for individuals with the ability now to self - publish and to submit direct research with open access platforms.
Down the road, most of the barriers to entry will be lifted, and the benefits of participating in online book promotion campaigns will be evident to us all.
Despite all of these barriers to entry, these politicians blast charter schools and school choice and champion their almost - impossible - to - get - in - if - I'm - Black schools as the definition of public.
If not, you will no longer be able to rest on the laurels of barriers to entry, high distribution costs, incumbent advantages like shelf space, bigger advertising budgets, switching costs, or just about any other advantage that you used to enjoy in years past.
An increasing number of privately - held players are going from garage to grocery store in fewer than five years thanks to an erosion of barriers to entry within the food industry.
We can also give our support to those small companies that are trying to get a foothold in a very complex business that has a lot of barriers to entry and a slow adoption curve.
Our import and distribution business is trying to break down some of those barriers to entry.
Launching your very first novel at 99 cents so there's less of a barrier to entry for potential readers
The Atlantic calculates that Amazon controls less than 1 % of retail as a whole, while Yglesias protests that «[a] monopoly needs to involve a lack of choice and some kind of barrier to entry
One of the advantages that mobile esports has over Windows PC is that there isn't as large of an barrier to entry when it comes to the hardware being used.
These seem to be essential tools for effectively engaging with the judicial system, and something of a barrier to entry for anyone not practicing full - time for profit.
Obviously, needing to own a smartphone isn't much of a barrier to entry these days, but the new Flic Hub wants to free you from the app requirement all the same.
Be extraordinary in a sea of no barrier to entry greedy graduates of the latest get rich quick seminar that sums up your «industry».

Not exact matches

Citing the benefits of more competition for consumers and competitive pressure for firms, they recommended that foreign ownership restrictions and barriers to entry by foreign firms be relaxed.
Industrial gas is a realm with a high barrier to entry; just a handful of operators control almost all the market.
Given the «very low barriers to entry» resulting in intense competition in the funeral services industry, Earp stressed the need for InvoCare to stay ahead by providing the highest levels of customer service and upgrading its facilities and product offerings.
Frezza and Kleinbaum liken the arrangement to Amazon Web Services, which triggered an explosion in the number of new internet startups by removing the need to own one's own servers as a barrier to entry.
«Just think about the barriers to entry of entrepreneurship being lower, what happens then?»
It is enough of a competitive barrier to entry to scare away any ambitious startup.
Without net neutrality, the large cable companies and other ISPs would be free to provide multiple levels of service, and there is a concern that new ventures and up and coming entrepreneurs would be faced with a barrier to entry that they simply couldn't afford to clear.
One reason for the tactic is that the online lending space has low barriers to entry, so there's a lot of competition, and acquiring new customers is expensive.
What's more, the ubiquity of tech startups — and the decreased financial barrier to entry — has prompted Philadelphia and Detroit, among other cities, to begin offering venture capital in an effort to boost economic development, create jobs and attract young people, says Archna Sahay, Philadelphia's manager of entrepreneurial investment.
I've always said now a good time for women or anyone to open a business: the barriers of entry to do business have never been easier to overcome.
Still, he thinks the low barrier of entry combined with a nonpartisan effort to support troops helped boost his effort in an age where petty spats on social media often dominate one's news feed.
Barriers to entry: While an agent's license is required by a state's labor commissioner, the amount of capital needed to launch a startup in the space is low.
For a majority of hopeful inventors the pursuit of national platforms to showcase their products is often challenged by the high barrier to entry.
«Finally,» Johnson adds, «explanation of a company's differentiation usually focuses on the competition that will be encountered, the barriers to entry for potential competitors, and the sustainable long - term advantage of the business over other competitors.
I think we're on the cusp of a generation of government, political and social leadership that come from the «outside» as barriers of entry to these fields are lowered and we see more competitive elections, which will hopefully be more content - driven.
Meanwhile, digital offerings remain hard to monetize, have lower barriers to entry and don't currently support a critical mass of content.
One example of how there's still a barrier to entry is with the connected home.
So we need to come up with kinds of things that have a lower barrier to entry.
Many companies make the barrier to entry too high and the reward too low by requiring applicants to fill out page after page of information before they can even submit a resume.
In addition to modernizing processes, these advancements are bucking the traditional ways of doing business by solving real - world issues, driving down barriers to entry and empowering the little guy.
Personalized and immersive brand experiences are not only the new norm, they're a barrier to your entry into the ranks of elite retailers.
Elford points out that Secure Energy has a track record of «substantial» growth on an absolute and per - share basis; it has a relatively clean balance sheet and it's in an industry with high barriers to entry.
It has increased the reach of journalists while badly undermining the newspaper business model, which depended upon high barriers to entry in the form of printing presses and the packaging of classified advertising with news.
When you see an accountant, a doctor, an engineer or a lawyer, that person has a rigorous code of professional practice with which he or she must comply, ongoing professional development obligations, a common body of knowledge as a barrier to entry, a body of peers that oversees any complaints or misconduct, and must pay an annual fee in order to practice.
The industry in North America has high fragmentation and has low barriers to entry, but ACT enjoys one of the strongest positions, enhanced by the brand equity of its banners, the quality of its real estate, and efficiencies stemming from the breadth of its operations.
The goal, says Ng, is to exponentially expand the reach of higher education institutions and eliminate the biggest universal barrier of entry to gaining an education: the cost.
The cost and complexity of cross-border pricing and payment processing remain the most significant barriers to entry — and are currently preventing many merchants from entering global markets.
We discovered some barriers to entry around the use, social value and cultural meaning of the English language, internet usage and trust in digital platforms that were specific to Egypt.
Plenty of people want to reverse climate control and help future generations, but when the barrier to entry is turning your entire home's exterior into an eyesore, the odds of mass adoption are low.
As technology commoditizes the lower end of recruiting, more and more search firms are targeting C - suite engagements at global corporations — assignments for which the barriers to entry remain high and client sensitivity to fees relatively low.
The CRTC noted that «there is merit to the arguments raised by Sun News regarding the barriers to entry when launching a national news service and that these barriers constitute a significant obstacle to the exchange of ideas.»
NOVARTIS PARTNERS WITH SCIENCE 37 TO DEVELOP «VIRTUAL TRIALS»: Swiss drugmaker Novartis announced plans to work with virtual clinical trial company Science 37 to develop «remote trial» technology that uses video conferencing to lower the barrier of entry for recruiting study participants, according to ReuterTO DEVELOP «VIRTUAL TRIALS»: Swiss drugmaker Novartis announced plans to work with virtual clinical trial company Science 37 to develop «remote trial» technology that uses video conferencing to lower the barrier of entry for recruiting study participants, according to Reuterto work with virtual clinical trial company Science 37 to develop «remote trial» technology that uses video conferencing to lower the barrier of entry for recruiting study participants, according to Reuterto develop «remote trial» technology that uses video conferencing to lower the barrier of entry for recruiting study participants, according to Reuterto lower the barrier of entry for recruiting study participants, according to Reuterto Reuters.
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