Sentences with phrase «of beaked»

«Military exercises using mid-frequency sonar have been linked quite clearly to the disorientation and death of beaked whales,» says The Guardian.
Harbor porpoise, sperm whales, fin whales, sei whales, Bryde's whales, minke whales, different species of beaked whales, short - finned pilot whales, jellies, Steller sea lions, Northern fur seals, Guadalupe fur seals, elephant seals, several species of sharks, and local and migratory birds.
While teaching a group of volunteers about marine stewardship one morning, researcher Ken Balcomb was confronted with a crisis the likes of which he'd never seen: an inexplicable mass stranding of beaked whales.
Now, after running DNA tests on a gift of dried whale meat given to a scientist visiting islands in the Pacific, researchers have confirmed that there's a whole new species of beaked whale living in our oceans — and there may be others out there.
Overall, the saga of M. hotaula shows «that there are probably even more species of beaked whales that we don't know about,» says Phil Clapham, a marine mammalogist at the National Marine Mammal Laboratory in Seattle, Washington.
Finally, in 2009, the body of a beaked whale was found in the Seychelles, in the western part of the Indian Ocean; its DNA also matched that of the dried meat sample, even though this whale lived tens of thousands of kilometers away from the Gilbert Islands.
«Some groups of beaked birds may have been able to survive the extinction event because they were able to eat seeds.»
Biologists worked on the assumption the creatures were immune, but recent reports of beaked whales suffering acute bendslike symptoms after military sonar exposure raised the question anew.
While the team failed to find the target species, with a remarkable stroke of luck, they discovered an entirely new species of beaked toad.
Ted Cranford examines the skull and lower jaw of a beaked whale.
The new find helps shed light on the evolution of beaked whales as well as their competition: Soon after M. gregarius swam the region's seas, dolphins appeared on the scene, and their success in shallow coastal waters (where they now dominate), may have driven ziphiids to abandon foraging in surface waters.
Click here to see footage of beak and toe cutting in Australia.
Note their particular features — the shape of their beaks, the differences in the shape of their feet, the coloration of their feathers.
In this case, the fascination derives from the importance of the beak to avian anatomy.
Both are highly lateralised, revealed in the observation that most crows are right - beaked — cutting pandanus leaves using the right side of their beaks.
In the new study, Bhullar and his colleagues detail a novel approach to finding the molecular mechanism involved in creating the skeleton of the beak.
These include depth of the jaw, angle of the beak, size of muscle insertions, and length of the tooth row.
A network of blood vessels along the surface of the beak helps dissipate extra heat, and the vessels constrict when temperatures drop.
Like Charles Darwin's famous finches, which evolved a wide range of beak shapes and sizes to exploit the different foods available in the Galápagos Islands, these cichlids represent a textbook example of what biologists term an adaptive radiation — the phenomenon whereby one lineage spawns numerous species that evolve specializations to an array of ecological roles.
Subtle changes in the size and structure of beaks among the six species of ground finches have been called «evolution caught in the act.»
The shape and size of the beak are crucial for finch survival on the islands, which periodically experience extreme droughts, El Niño - driven rains and volcanic activity.
The bullet destroyed most of the top half of her beak, leaving her unable to eat or groom herself.
The fused pair of beak - forming bones in a chick embryo (left) remain rounded and paired in treated chicks (middle), resembling those in alligators (left).
And their chicks hatch with these very sharp hooks at the tips of their beak, which they use to stab the host young to death as soon as they hatch.»
This scissoring motion both pulls and squeezes droplets, about two millimeters in size, and moves them from the tip of their beaks into their mouths.
Do birds with different types of beaks eat different things?
Indeed, a key study of the beaks of these birds, which Charles Darwin so famously described in The Voyage of the Beagle, was carried out in 1938 by careful examination of the New York bird collection.
Hauling up the prize is a problem requiring a lot of beak, foot, and eye coordination.
«It is the first extinct passerine bird described in the archipelago, and it won't be the last,» states Alcover, co-author of the study published in Zootaxa which focused on the analysis of beak morphology in order to determine the new species.
«Its short and wide beak was not just considerably bigger, but also relatively higher than that of the common bullfinch or that from São Miguel, with a very robust configuration reminiscent to an extent of the beak of a small parrot,» asserts the researcher.
The beak's dual nature helps explain how the boneless squid can tear its prey limb from limb without cutting itself with the base of its beak.
The Grants have shown «evolution in action» as generations of finches living on the various islands respond to dry or wet conditions bye changing the shape and function of their beaks as respond to drought or normal conditions.
Changes in the size and form of the beak have enabled different species to utilize different food resources such us insects, seeds, nectar from cactus flowers as well as blood from seabirds, all driven by Darwinian selection.
However, we are convinced that we now have identified the two loci with the largest individual effects that have shaped the evolution of beak morphology among the Darwin's finches», says Sangeet Lamichhaney, PhD student at Uppsala University and first author of the study.
The shape of the beak is linked to the shape of the skull, and these birds can't change one without changing the other.
Tattoos were applied with needles, sometimes made of beaks and claws of birds, but more often made of the 19 too young online dating My own dating site.
If only national standardizers — many of whom truly want high standards and tough accountability — would look a little further than the ends of their beaks.
Instead of a beak and plumage, we got a 12,000 - rpm electric motor.
The floating roof, the edgy sheetmetal, the square - ish wheel wells, the front end — love it or hate it, you got ta admit that is one hell of a beak.
The A-Spec package adds the cool wheels and some interior stuff, Acura got rid of that beak on the front, and I think the silhouette looks pretty slick, if a little boring.
There's no hint of a beak anywhere in the nose — there's a much friendlier pentagon in its place.
She lit, a black ball of rattling feathers, scanned all around her, then lowered the quick clippers of her beak, smeared with blood and slime and victuals.
Indie Book Publishing — No Longer about Vanity, one of the beak - out sessions given by the VP of Marketing from the largest vanity press in the country, says it all.
How 3 - D Printing Will Change Our Lives — We've talked about printing makeup from a 3 - d printer, but this article takes things much further, starting with the work Omni3D, a Polish 3 - D printer firm, did at the Warsaw Zoo for a penguin who had lost part of his beak.
«We are excited for the new projects that are planned for the consumer marketing campaign and the organization in 2018 and beyond,» said Brent Weinmann, Vitakraft Sun Seed, Inc., chairperson of BEAK.
Supporters of BEAK include the American Pet Products Association (APPA), F.M. Brown's Sons Inc., Higgins Premium Pet Foods, Kaytee, Lafeber, Pet Industry Distributors Association (PIDA), Prevue Pet Products, Inc., Vitakraft Sun Seed, Inc., World Pet Association (WPA) and Wyld's Wingdom.
«With the organization only being a few years old, it is an honor to be recognized by the industry for our hard work and efforts to grow responsible bird ownership,» said Todd Regan, Kaytee, president of BEAK.
So occasionally you will see this flaking and scaling of the beak as this renewal process continues.
It is mostly white with touches of light salmon or pink on either side of their beaks.
If you think your bird's beak is growing abnormally, if there are abnormal grooves or if pieces of the beak actually flake off, the best thing to do is contact an avian vet immediately.
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