Sentences with phrase «of becoming infected»

Outdoor cats who get into fights with other cats are most at risk of becoming infected.
Young children and owners of dogs or cats have a higher chance of becoming infected.
Your baby's risk of becoming infected rises as your pregnancy progresses.
The disease can result in death within hours of becoming infected.
The open quick also stands a chance of becoming infected, so I do recommend that you have a vet remove it.
This work defines an element, often missing from health policy discussions, in improving outcomes for this important population and underscores the importance of social factors in affecting health outcomes both for people at risk of becoming infected with HIV and for those living with HIV or AIDS, said the researchers.
By examining the collection of bacteria living under the foreskin of men who either went on to become infected by HIV or remained HIV - negative, the researchers showed a connection between the amount of anaerobes — bacteria that thrive in low - oxygen environments — and an increased risk of becoming infected by HIV.
In one study of heterosexual African couples in which one partner was HIV - positive, the HIV - negative partners who took Truvada had a 75 % lower risk of becoming infected compared with those taking placebo.
As a result of the weakened immune system, cats are more susceptible to illness and often die within a few years of becoming infected with FeLV.
when the bodily fluids of an infected person mix with that of an uninfected person the uninfected runs a RISK, not a sure fire guarentee of becoming infected.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton today declared that recent scientific advances in HIV / AIDS have created a «historic opportunity» to change the course of the pandemic and usher in a generation where no children are born with the virus, the risk of becoming infected plummets for teens and adults, and those who do become infected receive drugs that both ward off disease and make them less infectious.
Researchers observed an 87 to 90 percent reduction in the immunized monkeys» probability of becoming infected each time they were exposed to the virus.
Because hamsters are almost exclusively indoor pets, the likelihood of them becoming infected with LCM virus is very small.
Cats that roam freely outside have a higher risk of becoming infected through contact with a cat with FIV.
In a trial that involved nearly 900 South African women, those who received a vaginal gel that contains an anti-HIV drug had a 39 % lower chance of becoming infected by the virus than those who received a placebo.
Women who used gel had a 39 % lower chance of becoming infected by the virus than those who received a placebo
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for example, estimated that in the United States a 20 - year - old gay black man has a 50 percent chance of becoming infected with HIV in his lifetime.
In Baeten's study, which included 4,747 heterosexual African couples in which one partner was HIV - positive, the HIV - negative partners who took Truvada had a 75 % lower risk of becoming infected compared with those taking placebo.
Some cats clear the virus from their system and become FeLV «negative,» some cats live for many years with the virus in their body but are not symptomatic, and some cats become ill and die within a few years of becoming infected.
American Pit Bull Terriers have an increased risk of becoming infected by Babesia gibsoni.
While combining data from many studies improves statistical power, the researchers note that the associations between hormonal contraception and risk of becoming infected with HIV were attenuated for studies at lower risk of methodological bias compared to those at higher risk of bias, suggesting that some of the risk found to be associated with hormonal contraception may be due to bias in the original studies.
Women using depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA), commonly known as Depo - Provera or the birth control shot, have a moderately increased risk of becoming infected with HIV, a large meta - analysis of 12 studies involving more than 39 500 women published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases has found.
Analysis of 12 observational studies from sub-Saharan Africa involving 39 560 women suggest that DMPA use increases a woman's chance of becoming infected with HIV by 40 % compared with women using other contraceptive methods or no method.
On a related note, Schuchat addressed a report from Canada that showed the seasonal vaccine increased the risk of becoming infected with the swine flu virus and one from Mexico that showed precisely the opposite finding.
Every time a woman has sex with a man infected with syphilis, she faces a 30 per cent risk of becoming infected.
Not all nests are equally at risk of becoming infected, though.
Not only would this minimise the chance of becoming infected themselves, but choosing a healthy, disease - resistant partner would also be advantageous for their offspring,» first author Zala explains.
And male circumcision can reduce a man's risk of becoming infected by more than half.
People at substantial risk of becoming infected by HIV may not know about PrEP or may reject it, as several presentations highlighted.
The World Health Organization in 2015 recommended PrEP for everyone at «substantial risk» of becoming infected — a total of tens of millions of people, to judge from the nearly 2 million new HIV infections in 2016.
Having a pet bird at home increased household members» risk of becoming infected, perhaps because the birds replicated the virus, too.
A vaccine against HBV is safe and effective in 90 to 95 % of people; however, the individuals who are most at risk of becoming infected are often those with limited access to the vaccine, such as marginalized populations or people living in resource - limited countries.
Condoms so drastically reduce the risk of becoming infected with a sexually transmitted disease (STD) and avoiding pregnancy, however, that it's worth finding a way to change your partner's mind.
People are always complaining about condoms; but condoms so drastically reduce the risk of becoming infected with a sexually transmitted disease (STD) and avoiding pregnancy, however, that it's worth finding a way to change your partner's mind.
Strong evidence however shows that this doesn't mean that cells are actually «destroyed» or «lost», but instead they are moved to other parts of the body such as the lungs which have more of a chance of becoming infected.
Having an STD increases your risk of becoming infected with HIV.
See your veterinarian early in your pregnancy to discuss your potential risks of becoming infected with toxoplasmosis.
Dogs and cats invariably sniff new objects so the chances of them becoming infected are far greater.
Assume that the more exposure your dog has to other dogs, the greater the chance of becoming infected.
Itchy dogs can become miserable, and may scratch until their skin is raw, putting it at risk of becoming infected.
Although infected fleas may hitch a ride on feral cats, the chance of becoming infected with flea - borne typhus via a feral cat is extremely low.
Although this infection is seen mainly in dogs, outdoor cats are at a great risk of becoming infected, and a relatively high percentage of cats considered by their owners to be indoor pets also become infected (Mosquitoes get in our homes too).
Any horse that resides in or travels to New Hampshire during mosquito season is at risk of becoming infected with EEE or WNV.
Batavia, Ill. April 4, 2003 Most pet owners wouldn't knowingly put their pet at risk of becoming infected with...
If your dog doesn't mix with other dogs, and spends his days on the couch, except for a stroll around his neighborhood, there's very little risk of him becoming infected, and he may not need to be subjected to an injection.
Cats that are infected with the Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV), Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (or Feline Aids) or cats that are receiving chemotherapy for cancer all have suppressed immune systems and are at risk of becoming infected.
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