Sentences with phrase «of bedtime slowly»

Choose your favorite, and watch the struggles of bedtime slowly melt away!

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Make sure each step of the bedtime routine slowly moves closer and closer to the bed (e.g. bath, brush teeth, then into the bedroom for PJs, book and finally sleep).
We slowly reduced the amount we fed them over a series of nights and also moved the feed earlier and earlier until it was so close to their last feed before bedtime time it became inconsequential to their bodies» blood sugar level.
What to do about it: You can work on gradually reducing the number of late - night feedings your baby gets by increasing the size of bedtime feedings, making sure baby's getting enough to eat all day long, and slowly stretching the time between night - time feedings.
At bedtime or naptime, slowly move a flashlight beam across the wall or ceiling of your grandbaby's room.
I knew helping children sleep in their own beds could be challenging, and I wanted the transition to be as easy as possible for her, so I thought naptime, instead of bedtime, would be the best way to slowly introduce this idea.
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