Sentences with phrase «of behavior issues»

Many animals that are returned or surrendered to the shelter because of behavior issues could have remained in their home if the owners had proper guidance from trainers, shelter personnel, or veterinarians.
We work with dogs suffering from a variety of behavior issues like fear aggression, separation anxiety, dog aggression, resource guarding, etc..
We work with dogs that suffer from the most severe kinds of behavior issues such as dog aggression, human aggression, separation anxiety, and more!
Many types of behavior issues require strict management and separation anxiety is no exception.
Since then, nearly all of the educators who have used our model have seen remarkable results when resolving a wide range of behavior issues.
The typical discipline strategies are only working with about half of the students because many of the behavior issues have very deep emotional roots.
Your cat may, however, be stressed, as this is a common cause of behavior issues such as a litter box problem.
Of course, sometimes it could be a combination of behavior issues and a medical condition, but many times the dog is in need of medical care.
Most of the behavior issues would have been prevented with thoughtful puppy raising.
We have a proven, verifiable, track record of success, working with dogs (and their owners) experiencing the most challenging of behavior issues.
Most dog owners will have to deal with some kind of behavior issue at some point.
In addition, some animals have a strict requirement that all family members must be present due to either medical of behavior issues.
Our veterinarians will work closely with you to understand the source of these behavior issues and develop a plan to help eliminate your pet's unwanted behavior.
If you are giving up your dog because of behavior issues, please seek the help of a professional trainer first.
We have a great record of success with a variety of behavior issues, and we're confident we can help you, too!
Single friends or even couples that go out together can face the same type of behavior issues.
We work with all ranges of behavior issues, including severe issues like aggression and anxiety.
Keeping a child who has ADHD or other kinds of behavior issues can go a long way toward addressing problems related to excess energy.
Thankfully, parental attention can help to head off many of these behavior issues.
I have more than 15 years of experience in addressing all sorts of behavior issues in dogs: barking, destructive chewing, over-arousal, anxiety and fear as well as reactive or aggressive behavior towards other dogs or humans.
But IIRC Sancho was good friends with Aubameyang so the «throw something at the wall and see if it sticks» approach probably says «Well, he's friends with Aubameyang who forced a move and had a lot of behavior issues, wasn't very professional, so, probably gonna do the same»
My personal feeling is that administrators might look at the meal times mainly from the aspect of behavior issues, «crowd control» and such, not thinking of the aspects of nutrition and nutrition education or things like mealtime manners and social skills education that we'd like to consider.
All of Tom's experiences ground his understanding of behavior issues within schools as well as the systems - level challenges of implementing a large initiative and framework.
With three cats, a long history of behavior issues, and a challenging small loft living space, I brought Ingrid quite the conundrum.
Labrador Training HQ — Labrador Training HQ is devoted to Labrador owners and focuses on the training and correction of behavior issues.
When you adopt a puppy with an unknown background, or with a background that was likely to be lacking in proper care (like from a backyard breeder), you run the risk of behavior issues emerging later on.
Space City Dog Training offers expert dog training for dogs suffering from all forms of behavior issues.
Some dogs with a history of messes don't have any bladder problems, but have a diverse list of behavior issues such as fear, separation anxiety, territorial aggression, etc..
Our interests are to educate the community and industry in the methods and language of animals, in an effort to improve the manner in which we house homeless animals and minimize the lives lost as a result of behavior issues, poor social skills, overcrowding, and other traditional criteria.
It is important, however, to ensure that you don't inadvertently exacerbate potentially hidden kernels of behavior issues, so be sure to follow the tips below and have fun!
She is the editor of The Behavior of Exotic Pets and co-editor of the Behavior issue of the Veterinary Clinics of North America - Small Animal Clinics released in May of 2014.
For many dogs, management of the behavior issue will be lifelong and always require some vigilance.
Without training to modify the undesired behavior, the dog might be returned to the shelter and possibly euthanized, depending on the severity of the behavior issue and availability of kennel space.
I came to Carol with my 9 month old foster dog, Billy who has had all sorts of behavior issues due to an abusive situation.
Prior to SFPP, Steph taught dog training classes at various locations throughout the Bay Area and has worked with hundreds of families and their dogs to prevent and resolve all manner of behavior issues.
Regardless of the behavior issue you are dealing with, if it is impairing your quality of life in any way, then it is something for which you should seek help.
During the two hour plus session, we discussed some root causes of his behavior issues (most of which stemmed from a traumatic choking incident at just a few weeks old) and began rehabilitative work based on that.
I get calls and emails everyday about owners who are struggling with various behavior issues with their dog, owners who want to surrender their dog to shelters because of those behavior issues, and owners who are planning on having their dog put down because they simply can't control their dog.
We frequently see clients who schedule their dogs to be spayed or neutered in an effort to resolve a wide variety of behavior issues — usually some type of aggression, but also anxiety issues, training problems, and general «stubbornness.»
Victoria works with dogs who suffer from a wide range of behavior issues — from lack of manners, to severe aggression — on a full - time basis through private in - home training.
If you have a dog that is suffering from any sort of behavior issue, whether it be major or minor than you should give out office a call at 800.649.7297 or you can contact us via email using our contact form.
Best of all, our classes are taught by our professional dog behavior trainer, Brittany Mielcarek, who works with dogs that suffer from all kinds of behavior issues — from lack of manners, to severe aggression — on a full - time basis.
We are adept in handling all types of behavior issues.
Many of the behavior issues I see are rooted in socialization issues, and many trainers will tell you that most of the dogs that people think were abused were most likely poorly socialized.
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