Sentences with phrase «of being able»

But look at the bright side, seems like you will have a lifetime of being able to log on to message boards and mock other people.
Having had a tremendous commercial success with the London production of Starlight Express (a musical intended for kids which is great fun, but not exactly a piece that I thought would change the course of Western art music), I thought there was now the possibility of being able to develop an area of my writing that I had been quietly working away on ever since I began composing.
You're no worthy of further conversation, s anything more out of your uneducated mouth (I suspect you never finished high school given your lack of being able to live in the 21st century and being a christard) Your children would be lucky with a parent like me..
For those who find themselves in unfamiliar territory ploughing through the Code of Canon Law, the idea of being able to access the relevant canons with ease is no doubt an attractive one.
Even more than their «unbelieving» contemporaries, the fundamentalists, living in a world of terrifying change, have lost hope of being able to deal rationally and effectively with their problems by their own intelligence and activity.
i do not see the world events in light of prophecy; i see the events in light of being able to read a week.
It is for this reason that I consider it the first and primal act of ethical and theological consideration what the well - known theologian of the «phenomenon of man», Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, refers to as the responsibility of «seeing», of being able to «understand» the «phenomenon» and the «facts» of history and human development that are taking place within the wider spectrum of the movement of the human spirit to move beyond where it currently stands into a different and perhaps higher level of its manifestation.
Kushner maintains that if belief in God is to be acceptable at all, God can not be understood as all - powerful in the sense of being able but not willing to eliminate suffering.
One of the most powerful things for me has been to see people who are weakest, who are most marginalized, who well know that they are «nonpersons» in our society, and to see what happens when one centers a community on them — honoring them, seeing them as gifts of God, of having vocations, of having gifts, of being able to love and be loved.
«At the same time, I have seen the sheer resilience of people and their resourcefulness in terms of being able to cope even when the systems have let them down and life has dealt them really tough hands.
God is radically free in the sense of being able to adopt alternative projects.
Where I live we're never sure of being able to pay the bills — a month to month faith walk.
Well, saying «God» caused the Big Bang is not necessarily in the realm of being able to prove one way or the other... at this point.
BTW @Humanist11... It seems that your «faith» is in Brian Greene and Carl Sagan... how come you haven't evolved to the point of being able to write your own book?
Look at AIDS there is a very good chance they have found a cure based on the results of being able to cure it now in monkeys.
Not everyone who is an unbeliever is in the position of being able to come out to one's family.
Theology had cast its lot with the counterculture; yet its denial of the final importance of all fixed forms of communication, of semantic norms, of operable criteria of sense and nonsense, ruled out even the theoretical possibility of its being able to speak from within a distinct culture, «counter» or otherwise.
The only reason you read anything scientific is in the hopes of being able to find any flaw and trying to smugly insert your deity into that flaw.
I can see where it would be appealing for a man who has spent a lifetime oppressed to respond to the promise of being able to oppress others to his own greater glory, but do think about where all this is going....
My own time as a scientist impressed upon me the privilege of being able to investigate a universe that is both rationally transparent and rationally beautiful, capable of being represented in elegant mathematical forms.
Do a quick web search on transhumanism and the things scientist are standing on the threshhd of being able to do with the mixture of the DNA of different species.
Similarly poor farmers are more effective stewards of land that they are assured of being able to use in the future.
It has an almost supernatural virtue of being able to sustain endurance by eating a small piece.
The knight of faith, on the other hand, is kept sleepless, for he is constantly tried, and every instant there is the possibility of being able to return repentantly to the universal, and this possibility can just as well be a temptation as the truth.
PC is certainly right that Santorum had the advantages of being able to take a position above the real combat in the recent debate.
If in any way it might occur to any man to want to love God in any other sense than that here indicated, he is romantic, he loves a phantom which, if it had merely the power of being able to speak, would say to him, «I do not require your love.
His turn to prescription or establishmentarianism too easy morphs into presentism or deprives us of being able to appeal from the present power configuration to a higher standard.
And at least he had the privilege of being able to say at the end of his life that he made his Own mistakes... He chose a certain path in life, it proved to be a misguided one, but there, he chose it, he can say that at least.
Whoever has this one governing theme in mind is in the enviable position of being able to reject a good story because it will not serve the purpose.
Seeing you in both good times and bad is an important part of them being able to provide useful feedback.
I maintained that, contrary to the commonly expressed or tacitly accepted view, the era of active evolution did not end with the appearance of the human zoological type: for by virtue of his acquirement of the gift of individual reflection Man displays the extraordinary quality of being able to totalize himself collectively upon himself, thus extending on a planetary scale the fundamental vital process which causes matter, under Certain conditions, to organize itself in elements which are ever more complex physically, and psychologically ever more centrated.
It will at once be seen that there is no question of our being able to present a series of assured results.
Unless they have been sexually abused, they haven» yet learned to be afraid about anything sexual and their cognitive development hasn't got to the point of being able to participate in mind games yet.
The character of being able to be invalidated is not secondary; it is the touchstone of legal reasoning and judgment itself.
But what the administration now thinks is that there was no fix for the economy, in the sense of being able to achieve a recovery at the rate that Americans came to expect.
When it was believed that we were on the point of being able to change human nature or the makeup of the human race in the laboratory, speculators began talk about the shape that new race should take.
«First of all, the likelihood of them being able to stay there is almost zero,» he continues.
This was the first, the possibility of being able to will one thing.
«The water is the symbol of being able to use what we have for other people and to remind people that everyone is so valuable,» she said.
After this, he is going to go and be tempted in the wilderness by Satan, but part of him being able to resist temptation was because the Holy Spirit was upon Him.
Maybe more than ever, the students displayed the «competency» about being able to argue intelligently based on their own reading of Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau, and of being able to integrate particular arguments from the text in their own «comparative narratives.»
One future possibility of AI is the concept of being able to upload the memory content of our brains 21 onto a computer before we die, and thereby «live forever» in what amounts to a digital version of heaven.
Look at how «advanced» (lol) our science is... we can create so much... re-engineer life... on the verge of being able to create life... yet look at our world... how un-civilized we are!
I believe that I've come to a point, an emotionally and spiritually healthy point, of being able to say (and pardon my language here) «I don't believe that God is a cosmic asshole; however, I recognize that some people that represent him are.»
It is giving within the hope of continuing love, giving within the hope of being able to give again.
In 2012, Herman Cain jumped into the lead for the Republican nomination on the basis of being able to serenely intone 9 -9-9 (shorthand for a tax plan that even he did not always seem to understand).
Today's kids are addicts to doing their own thing; they can't seem to make that step to adulthood where they would find the ultimate legitimation of being able to do something for somebody else.»
However, I have, and I know other pastors who have, let their concerns about «teh bottom line» get completely in the way of being able to be truly present to people.
I know it's for posturing on the homefront but the government needs to recognize that in an open world its days of being able to rule the people absolutely are numbered and they are only furthering the divide.
We must begin, though, with a confession that the idea of a designing and controlling deity whose existence is rightly denied by many skeptics is also problematic from the point of view of a kenotic theology.If God is all - powerful in the sense of being able to manipulate things at will, then the facts of evolution do indeed cast doubt on the plausibility of theism.
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