Sentences with phrase «of being in the world»

Instead, our coaches lead clients to uncover a new way of being in the world.
It comes down to the age - old challenge of being in the world but not of it.
Stress in pregnancy, a difficult birth, or just the everyday experiences of being in this world.
Assuming your partner's journey toward health will resemble yours fails to take into account their personal history and unique way of being in the world.
But the work in this exhibition contained such a radical approach to performance and more than anything, an everyday experience of being in the world.
Pentecostal spirituality is a distinct way of being in the world with God, a distinct understanding of the kingdom of God.
The Church is not responsible for the judgment or destruction of any beings in the world of God, but for the conservation, reformation, redemption and transfiguration of whatever creatures its action touches.
Only within that interdependency of difference strengths, acknowledged and equal, can the power to seek new ways of being in the world generate, as well as the courage and sustenance to act where there are no charters.
What is enclosed in these faceless houses may simply be the opacity and uncanniness of being in the world.
Rather, the point is the sculpture's sheer materiality, its heft and presence and fact of being in the world as it confronts the viewer.
I love that the direct lighting creates a feeling of being in a world with many suns, especially when viewed at night.
In a statement, the jury said that Marten's work has «poetic and enigmatic qualities which reflect the complexities and challenges of being in the world today.»
Investigation of the experience of being in the world of paint was essential for the artist.
The natural religion Cleanthes pleads for is, as Reno interprets it, a way of being in the world that is genuinely both natural and religious (here Reno's Cleanthes is surely not «the historical Cleanthes,» but never mind).
In his later interview on the occasion of the Jefferson Lecture, he speaks of modern man as deranged, the literal sense of that term most appropriate to the Cartesian dislocation of intellect that has effected our displacement from the proper range of our being in the world.
The way of touching is the way back to reality, back to the interpersonal as the characteristic human way of becoming a self and of being in the world.
As Keen says, «A philosophical definition of health, creative life, or authentic selfhood must incorporate the dominant emphases of these two modes of being in the world and their respective models of man....
There is a child (or he used to be a child) who remembered detailed experiences of being in World War II, in in the Pacific, and he could not have ever known some of those details.
A rich ecclesial culture, a distinctively Christian way of being in the world, sometimes finds itself positioned against the world as the world is defined by those who are hostile to the influence of the Church.
He listens to what is emerging from himself, to the course of being in the world; not in order to be supported by it, but in order to bring it to reality as it desires, in its need of him, to be brought....
As he wrote in the opening of Emile, his novel about education and the moral formation of young people for a new way of being in the world, «God makes all things good; man meddles with them and they become evil.»
The Joy of Being Wrong: Original Sin Through Easter Eyes by James Alison Crossroad, 323 pages, $ 24.95 The «joy of being wrong» is the Christian experience of being freed from the bondage to sin and enabled to recognize and confess that one's way of being in the world is wrong.
It is a way of being in the world.
The idea that a religion requires a discrete set of practices that forges a distinct way of being in the world — that religious practices, like an athlete's training, are more geared to developing abilities than a set of thoughts — is something many have never considered.
However fleetingly, he seems to be restored to «a sense of being in the world, being real.»
It was about a way of being in the world.
8 He does not deny that there is a human universality of condition, that is, «all the limitations which a priori define man's fundamental situation in the universe,» namely, «the necessities of being in the world, of having to labor and to die there.»
Of course, there are many men and women who once identified themselves as gay and were part of the gay subculture and who then made a successful transition to another way of being in the world, including marriage and children.
The Gospel of Jesus is much more than a few Scripture verses or a few ideas about God; it is a way of being in the world and living our everyday lives.
It is knowledge that, as we come to know it more and more deeply over many years, will give form and substance to our entire imagination, to our whole way of being in the world, to our very existence.
Each particular configuration of appetite has a temporal impetus: It is an element in a habitus, a mode of being in the world, that disposes people to move along its track.
The revolution might be nothing more than a determined witness in which people choose lifestyles of mindfulness and communal consideration, an art of being in the world.
All are, or can be, ways of being in the world.
His insightful emphasis on the personal and tacit matrix of all judgments, be they «objective» or «subjective,» provides both the cornerstone and much of the framework for a postcritical, non-dichotomized theory of knowledge and an integrated way of being in the world.
Neither constituted an inclusive way of being in the world.
Being Chinese opens one to learning whatever can be incorporated into that culture and way of being in the world.
When «religion» is taken to mean the most foundational way of being in the world, then being Chinese is the religion of most of the Chinese people.
While she celebrates and emphasizes black women's culture and way of being in the world, Walker simultaneously affirms black women's historic connection with men through love and through a shared struggle for survival and for a productive quality of life (e.g., «wholeness»).

Phrases with «of being in the world»

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