Sentences with phrase «of being prepared»

Although in general, schools were much better prepared for natural disasters than biological events, nurses agreed on the equal importance of being prepared for both.
Stress the importance of being prepared as well as being able to adapt a presentation to meet the needs of the prospect.
With the kids off school for the long summer break many of us are preparing to jet off on holiday somewhere warm and sunny.
The truth is, employment has evolved to a degree that none of us were prepared for.
Well, maybe you'll still be able to appreciate that value of being prepared for your medical exam — and it's a lot easier than hitting the books.
The value of the meal provided at the dinner is $ 10 as most of it was prepared by volunteers of the parents association.
Most job seekers prepare for meetings, but very few of them are prepared well enough to successfully pass a phone interview.
Today I want to take a deeper dive into one of my favourite ways of being prepared for the week ahead: batch cooking.
Part of being prepared in advance is having relationships already developed.
Your backpack is the foundation of being prepared, but it's only as good as the survival gear and survival tools you put into it.
For example, a corporate client of mine was preparing for maternity leave.
A professionally written resume has the advantage of being prepared by writers who are as familiar with the key industry terms as they are with grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
Remember, there are nearly 70,000 students currently stuck in our lowest performing schools that have little chance of being prepared for work or college.
You've got a big gap when 50 percent of your kids need to redo high school instead of being prepared for college.
In this question of being prepared, you do not want to forget to check your credit report.
But most of us can tighten our belts a little and afford ten to twenty dollars a month or so in the name of being prepared.
Just as sensible funeral planning asserts a feeling of being prepared for mortality, so sensible health care prepares one for the process of aging.
Not many of us are prepared to pay for this type of online dating service.
This experience taught me the value of being prepared and challenged me to rise to the occasion.
Very few of us were prepared to do something like this to teachers, state workers, and university employees unless we were prepared to do it to ourselves as well.
Today I want to take a deeper dive into one of my favourite ways of being prepared for the week ahead: batch cooking.
Among all survey respondents, 58 percent said millennials grade out as a «C» or below in terms of being prepared for their first job.
In Matthew 25:1 - 13, we come to the idea of being prepared for his return, even when it seems a long way off.
Someone made the ultimate Girl Scout list of being prepared.
Meanwhile, Margaret Beckett today accused Jeremy Corbyn's advisers of being prepared to split the Labour party rather than let their boss stand down as leader.
The human behaviour of being prepared to die for the benefit of non-relatives is an evolutionary puzzle.
I hadn't planned on sharing these remedies (and hope our family never needs them again), but with news of this potential upcoming outbreak, I wanted other moms to have the peace of mind of being prepared with remedies that actually work.
Close your notes, fluff up your pillow, close your eyes and feel the excitement of being prepared for the test.
This guide has the added benefit of being prepared by the NEA.
The latter two projects: teaching dogs to mimic or imitate other dogs; and to learn the concept of counting are in the process of being prepared for scientific publication.
London Borough to Reverses Free Parking for EVs No sooner do I report on the virus - like spread of electric vehicle charging points in London, that I hear from our friends at GoinGreen that at least one London borough is preparing to withdraw some of the
Some time ago, we noted that emergency kits are just one method of being a prepared traveler and recent disasters: earthquakes, floods, and more have prompted us to remind travelers of the necessity.
On the subject of being prepared, I recommend putting together a small care package with tissues, stain remover, pain relief medicine, mints, and a bottle of water.
Sort of on the flip side of being prepared, it's always important to ask your interviewer questions about the job.
In a free webinar from the NAR REALTOR ® Safety Program, Paula Monthofer, owner of Focus School of Real Estate and 2017 president of Arizona REALTORS ®, will discuss the dangers of being too nice for your own good, and the safety of being prepared and professional.
spearheaded an event, in conjunction with the Town of Coaldale, to inform the community about the importance of being prepared in case of a disaster.
«I really can't overemphasize the idea of being prepared, and that doesn't mean just having a first aid kit in the back of your car,» Smith says.
None of us were prepared for what came next though, his comic book caper THE AVENGERS ASSEMBLE saw the Marvel film franchise sky rocket through the stratosphere.
In a basement of the Conrad St James hotel, barely 50 metres from Labour headquarters, staff sloped to the bash for an all - you - can - eat buffet and shadow cabinet Santa, drinking to forget that this time last year most of them were preparing for government.
However, how many of us are prepared to take few more years of rebuilding and, why not, anarchy?
The Brant County SPCA experienced first - hand the importance of being prepared when they were notified they needed to evacuate their animal centre in February 2018 during extensive flooding in Brantford.
When he is separated from his family en route, becomes completely lost, finds he hasnt packed what he really needs, AND is threatened by an oddball southern vulture, Eddie sees the error of his ways and learns the value of being prepared.
Since few of us are prepared to evaluate the emotional impact of such an event, much less deal with its long - term financial consequences, you may want to consider disability insurance protection.
This handbook has more effective classroom and behavior management skills, more teaching strategies to use in all situations, and better ways of being prepared and professional.
However, children from welfare - dependent families who were enrolled in child - care centers stood a better chance of being prepared for school than youngsters who...
«Bangers» is the term often used for sausage in Ireland and «Mash» refers to the potatoes being mashed instead of being prepared another way.
It's just part of being prepared to give the very best in client service.
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