Sentences with phrase «of bible thumpers»

I have a question for all of you bible thumpers.
ok another one of those bible thumpers, huh?
I was sick and tired of the bible thumpers quoting biblical texts and telling me the bible fact.
I've known for years the owners were a bunch of bible thumpers, no prob.
It's that hard line rigidity of bible thumpers that Barry Goldwater warned the country about 50 years ago
Can one person sign in different ways to remove posts, or are we dealing with an organized group of bible thumpers with their own twisted agenda?
There food is delicious, but they are a bunch of bible thumpers.
I personally think a monument to Dr. Tiller would be a nice thing to set up somewhere on PRIVATE property, but I doubt many of you bible thumpers would agree.

Not exact matches

You talk about Christians being hateful and you throw out ancient events like the Spanish Inquisition and The Crusades as your proof that ALL of us are bigoted, hateful, bible thumpers with the sole intent of annihilating all who don't believe.
While I do practice the catholic faith, I am not one of the above bible thumpers that believes my religion is better then someone elses religion.
And as usual, it's followed by the stupidest comments from the bible thumpers of america.
Not as amazing as how bible - thumpers reject and ignore all facts and evidence put in front of their eyes
It's only going to bring out the close minded bible thumpers, but start any serious debate of any worth.
The point of the bible based discussion is because the bible thumpers have been able to successfully shape public policy based on their biblical interpretation.
And just because I know this is going to trigger an onslaught of bible - thumpers to smite my soul (phfffttt!)
Just don't let the rest of the bible passages provide cover for the various prejudices of today — including the idea that you are born broken and only get fixed by God if you stoke His ego enough (and do what the thumpers say).
The rationalization of southern baptists is truly mind boggling — the idea that each church is «autonomous» as justification for outright racism is pitiful in this day and age — if the Southern Baptist convention had come out strongly and adamantly against this kind of behavior, I'd have at least a measure of respect for them — but to shrug off a blatant act of discrimination as the «work of the devil» and ignore the deacon's cowardice in wanting to avoid «controversy» is laughable — if it weren't for people having the courage to fan the flames of controversy, women and african american would not have the right to vote today — more evidence of the ignorance of most bible thumpers, and Mississippi in particular
You're just the atheist equivalent of a street corner evangelical bible thumper.
The bible thumpers ideas of «creationalism,» is hocus pocus» and nothing more then a bunch of vivid amagination fairy tales.
religious people scare the crap out of me... christians are proving themselves to be whackos... bible thumpers should be in an insane asylum... billy graham is a loser.
But don't count on the pugnacious bible thumpers to let go of their divine fantasy.
But unfortunately new really is anything from that politician self - proclaimed «apostle» Paul and forward where we see division, judgment, disenfranchisement, and all the weird stuff that the Catholics, evangelicals, bible thumpers, etc. start to corrupt the simple lessons of Jesus, regardless of how important a person you see him as.
If there are 90 % insects, and we consider them to be all very small, (which we know they are not), we could say that each pair, in order to fit on the «ARK» would need 4 square inches for two of them, plus their food for more than 40 days (Actually I think it was about a year, but we will go with about 40 days just to give the bible thumpers a chance, it supposably rained for 40 days).
I think the day's of the «bible thumpers» are fading.
I think the world would be a better place if all the bible thumpers would actually read the books, instead of listening to preachers, ministers, priests, etc..
By the way, David, I have little respect for the scholarship of some bible - thumper who can't figure out how to type «believe» instead of «belive» and doesn't know the difference between «your» and «you're.»
The rest of the developed world is becoming less and less religious (the more educated they are) and yet in this country we still let Bubba the bible thumper run the show — makes me sick
You're arrogance is very typical of most bible thumpers Jaxin.
It's time for bible thumpers to grow up and stop holding humanity back with your fairy tales based on prehistoric men's minuscule viewpoint of the world.
A bible thumper president — we are all in big trouble — he will go to war because GOD told him to and rake up billions more of debt.
I would like to vote Republican but my fear of closed minded bible thumpers who want to set back our education system, social reforms, free thought and our culture as a whole, outweighs my fear of skyrocketing national debt, slow economic growth and higher taxes (incidentally higher taxes are coming no matter who is in power.
You don't have to be a bible thumper to know that religion espouses morality, humanity and social values, something not too evident in most of the posts here.
Well isn't that nice?You know the more I hear about this bible makes me wonder about the people who read it.In fact I have been betrayed by more than 90 percent of bible readers I've met.No wonder it's the bible thumpers who seem to begrudge healthcare for those who cant afford it.
Maybe gays and lesbians try to reinterpret the bible, because bible thumpers like you ignorantly refuse to acknowledge that, yes, texts that are thousands of years old and were written by HUMANS can indeed be interpreted differently, and you are the ones attacking gays and lesbians with it in the first place.
I am neither a bible thumper nor completely void of beliefs.
Of course the Mormons just made Happy Hour illegal in Utah this year so nothing unusual with bible thumpers.
Also in multiplexes: The bible - thumpers behind the surprise - hit Kirk Cameron - overcomes - pornography - addiction drama Fireproof return with Courageous, a similarly Jesus - loving epic about hero cops who discover the toughest job of all just might be raising children in a godly home.
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