Sentences with phrase «of birth order»

Information about the effect of birth order on personality and compatibility.
In addition, the enormous influence of birth order and sibling configuration is just now making its way into popular literature and social psychology textbooks.
The relation of birth order and socioeconomic status to children's language experience and language development.
She could frequently be a bit overbearing in a very oldest sibling way, and as an oldest sibling, I resent the stereotype (I, myself, have always been plagued by self - doubt and a lack of ambition and am therefore deeply distrustful of birth order personality test hacks.)
She is the author of Birth Order Blues, (Henry Holt & Co., 1999) and Keys to Parenting Your Four Year Old, (Barron's Publications, 1997).
«Why first borns rule» outlines the impact of birth order on children's behaviour and personality development.
Maternal age is not a consequence of birth order (having a 2nd child does not change the mother's age)
Middle children often feel that life is unfair and are the most discouraged of the birth orders.
Many previous studies of birth order suffered from small sample sizes, Damian said.
Your recent article about the importance of birth order credited Francis Galton with the idea of prising apart the influences...
Adler believed that feelings of inferiority and inadequacy may be a result of birth order, especially if the person experienced personal devaluation at an early age, or they may be due to the presence of a physical limitation or lack of social empathy for other people.
As Derek Thompson points out at The Atlantic, international surveys of birth orders and behavior suggest that first borns tend to have higher IQs and perform better in school across the globe.
Outcome effects were independent of birth order, maternal education, family income, marital status and social support.
In Understanding Sibling Rivalry, these doctors take on topics such as squabbling and tattling, the effects of birth order...
I would guess a lot of the «leader / follower» types come more out of birth order than this.
In Understanding Sibling Rivalry, these doctors take on topics such as squabbling and tattling, the effects of birth order and even how to introduce your new child into the family after birth.
Yet another friend reported chafing at a relative's email when sisters were listed out of birth order.
We adopted out of birth order, with the now baby of the family coming home first and then about a year and a half later we had the opportunity to adopt her older half - brother and sister as well.
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